Chapter 27: Movie Night

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Rayla's POV

Claire had left a few hours ago, leaving me to sit idly on my bed as I scrolled through my Tumblr feed. All Time Low played softly from my radio as I reblogged a few photos and munched on some crisps.

My phone buzzed from the other side of the room where it was charging, making me groan. I slowly slid off my bed and trudged over, sighing as I bent down to the level of the wall socket it was attached to. I unlocked it, seeing that I had a new text message. 

From: Harry

Hey, want to come over tonight?

I raised my eyebrow and quickly tapped away at the keyboard.

To: Harry

Aren't we supposed to wait until next week to do task ten?

My phone buzzed within a minute.

From: Harry

It's not to do the bet. I just want to hang out.

I felt even more confused at his offer. The only times we had ever "hung out" was to complete the tasks for the bet. 

To: Harry


From: Harry

Cool. I'll pick you up at 6?

To: Harry


I tossed my phone back, frowning. This was going to be an interesting evening.

I slipped on a pair of leggings and a tank top so that I would be comfortable. I covered up with a dark green cardigan. Now for the hard part: shoes.

All of our shoes sat on a rack right by the door, and unfortunately so did my parents. Usually I was smart and took a pair of shoes into my room so that I could sneak out of the window. But I didn't have any time and my mom was in the kitchen all afternoon where she could have easily seen me grabbing my shoes.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of room and into the hallway. My socks didn't make a single sound against the soft carpet as I padded towards the living room. There was a clear view of the door and the shoe rack from where my parents were, so there was no way to get out of this unless they didn't see me.

Both my parents were sitting on the couch, my dad's nose buried in the newspaper and my mom's eyes fixated on the news on the T.V. I stepped as quietly and stealthily as I could, but as I reached the shoe rack my father's voice suddenly spoke up. "Where are you going?"

I winced and slowly turned around to face my parents. Both of their attention was solely on me now, their previous activities forgotten. "Um, I'm going out," I replied, holding up my pair of black Vans in my hands.

"How come you didn't tell us earlier?" My mom said irritably, making me bite my lip.

"I-I just got invited now."

"Who invites you at the last minute without any warning at all?" My mom shook her head disapprovingly. "Teenagers these days. No common courtesy."

"Um...yeah. So, bye," I said awkwardly as I slipped on my black Vans.

"You never told us where you were going," my dad piped up, making me wince.

"Uh, to...Claire's house."

"Didn't you just see her a few hours ago?" my mom asked, her prefectly plucked eyebrows raised high up on her forehead.

"Yeah, but she wants to have a movie night."

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now