Chapter 29: Rooftop Lullaby **PLUS: Answers to Questions**

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I got your questions, now I'm going to answer them lol

1. How old are you?

I'm seventeen, nearly eighteen years old :)

2. What do you look like?

Hmm let's see I'm five foot seven, thin build, I have dark brown hair cut short with the left side shaved off, hazel-brown eyes, pale-ish skin, and legs that belong on a gazelle or something. It's a curse and a blessing because I can  run fast but I also kind of look disproportionate in my opinion idk

3. How did you discover Wattpad?

Well a year ago I began to read imagines then I discovered fan fiction which then led me to do many Google searches and I found Wattpad.

4. Who's your favourite other than Harry?

Nialler. I used to be a Niall girl before I started liking Harry (thanks to Dark)

5. What genre of books do you like?

I usually like typical teen fiction, comedy and I really enjoy historical fiction.

6. Why did you start writing and why did you decide to write a book like this?

Well when I saw all these stories on Wattpad it made me want to write one of my own :) As for what made me write a story like this, it's actually really weird. I was watching Swamp People one day and I looked beside me. There was an apple sitting there in the fruit bowl and it made me think of the time that I bet my cousin that I could eat an apple in under a minute (which I totally did) which made the gears start turning and I based a story around a bet :)

7. Are you a unicorn?

I FUCKING WISH. But unfortunately I am nothing but a Canadian girl who is surgically attached to her keyboard.

8. The title says "read the A/N/...OR ELSE!" OR ELSE WHAT?

First of all, shut up Rachael. Jk love you <3 It was really an empty threat, really haha I just wanted to get as many questions as I could because people don't always read the A/Ns >:(

9. What are some of your favourite books?

Uh actual books or on Wattpad? Actual books, Percy Jackson is life and John Green's books are the definition of perfection. Wattpad, I would have to say Psychotic by weyhey_harry or The Black Swan by writetospeak.

10. What is your favourite song from the boys?

I don't listen to 1D anymore (whoops) but when I was a fan I had three favourites haha Little Things, Through the Dark and Right Now.

11. What's your favorite One Direction moment?

That would either have to be the time when Liam pantsed Harry on stage or every single scene from the Talk Dirty to Me video they showed on 1D Day.

Thanks for your questions! Love you <3


Rayla's POV

My knees were knocking as Harry opened the door to his bedroom. The entire house was silent; Gemma and Anne had probably already fallen asleep.

Harry turned on the lights and I reluctantly followed him into his room, my eyes immediately darting around to take in my new surroundings. His room was surprisingly clean for a guy, with only a few stray shirts thrown here and there. The walls were a light blue and his crisp bed sheets were a spotless white.

Harry peeled off his T-shirt, revealing his toned back. I gulped at the sight and looked somewhere else, hearing him unbuckle his jeans.

"You can look now," he chuckled, sounding amused. My eyes slowly trailed over to him. He had thrown on a pair or of sweat pants to replace his jeans. They were slung low on his hips, revealing his V-line. In his hand he was holding a dark blue T-shirt. "Here," he murmured, offering me the T-shirt. "You can sleep in this."

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now