Chapter 21: What is Love Anyways?

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Harry's POV

"So are you going to admit it yet?"

I glanced up at Louis, my mouth full of a bite I just took from a burrito. I'm pretty sure I had hot sauce dripping unattractively from the side of my mouth. I swallowed the food in my mouth and raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"You and Rayla. Are you going to admit that you like her and that you two have a thing?"

"A, I like her as a friend and an occasional eye candy. And B, we don't have a thing," I said defensively, wiping my mouth with a napkin. "Why do you ask? That was kind of random and out of the blue."

"It wasn't that random," Louis shrugged, smiling slyly. "It's just that you guys have been spending a lot of time together and you left my party together after spending the night in the same room..."

"I told you, nothing happened!" I threw my hands up, rolling my eyes.

"Sure, sure," Louis laughed, making me scowl. "And you're so protective of her. Just ask Zayn."

"Don't even get me started on that girl-stealing fucker," I growled and Louis raised his eyebrows.

"See what I mean? Protective."

I paused, realizing what I just said. "I didn't mean it that way," I said quietly, fiddling with my hands. "I was just worried about Ray. I mean, you know what Zayn's like. He'd fuck her as many times as he wanted and then when he got bored of her he would ditch her. I've seen it happen before with other girls," I tried to reason, but Louis just kept on smiling knowingly.

"I think somebody's got a little crush," he giggled, making kissy lips at me.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you were six years old or something," I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

"And when did you start calling her Ray? You guys got cute little nicknames for each other now?"

"Good grief," I groaned as Louis began singing.

"Hazza's got a cru-ush, Hazza's got a cru-ush!"

"I'm in hell right now," I muttered, standing up off the couch and placing my plate in the kitchen sink.

"Just admit it, you like her! You have for years, Haz, face it," Louis pestered, placing his plate right next to mine before leaning on the counter. "I don't blame you thought, she's fit."

I looked at him irritably. "Do you mind?"

"Do I mind what?" Louis smirked and crossed his arms.

My eyes widened once I realized what he was doing. "Do you mind not talking about Ray like that? You sound like Zayn."

"Oh sure, because it doesn't bother you that I said that your girlfriend is fit," Louis laughed, heaidng back into the living room.

"She's not my girlfriend!" I yelled, following him at his heels.

"Though I'm sure you'd like her to be," Louis kept taunting, smiling giddily the whole time. "I don't know why you can't just say it, Haz. You know it's okay to actually like a girl. And can you really accuse Zayn of being a player? Let's be honest, you've slept with at least as many girls as he has."

I scowled at Louis, pursing my lips. "I haven't slept with nearly as many girls as him, I'm sure of it. And I'm nothing like Zayn, he only goes after girls because he wants to get into their pants. I actually date the girls for a while."

"But you still fuck them after only dating for a week," Louis pointed out.

"It's actually them who want to fuck me."

"So you date sluts."

"They're nice and really likable for the first few days then they're just plain annoying," I admitted, feeling really unimpressed with my love life. 

"So you make the most of what you have then you dump it," Louis summarized, shaking his head. "Do you actually even know what it's like to be in love?"

The corner of my lip twitched slightly but I stayed emotionless. "Honestly, no. I'm not even sure if I know what it's like to feel loved."

It was sad, but it was the truth. I had become so used to it that I had come to accept it. Love just seemed like something so out of reach that it wasn't even worth trying to attain. So I never tried.


awe poor Harry :((

Vote and comment to show Harry you love him lol

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now