Chapter 25: So How Do You Masturbate?

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Rayla's POV

I squirmed uncomfortably as I pulled down my jeans, feeling Harry's eyes on me. "Could you look away or something?" I blurted out, stopping with my waistband halfway down my thighs.

"Does it really make a difference? I'm going to see you with your pants off anyways."

I bit my lip and reluctantly pulled my pants the the way down, purposely taking my time to slip my feet out.

"Now that those ninety years are over," Harry said sarcastically, turning his attention back to the T.V.

"Oh shut up," I shot back, crossing my arms over my chest. I didn't really want to look back at the screen that showed the schoolgirl on her knees caressing a dick that was way to big to be Viagra-free.

Instead I focused my attention on Harry.

Big mistake.

My eyes bugged out of their sockets when I caught sight of his pants halfway down his legs and his hand stroking his length. "Harry!" I shrieked, covering my eyes.


"Put that-that thing back in your pants!"

"For your information, that thing has feelings and right now you're harping on it's horniness."

"For God's sake!"

"Ray, look at the screen. Otherwise, you lose the bet."

That shut me up. I pressed my lips together and looked towards the screen, mentally debating which was worse to look at: Harry's little friend or a school girl giving head. I settled on the schoolgirl and sighed uncomfortably.

Soft moans came from beside me and I closed my eyes, trying not to groan in frustration. This was so awkward! I focused back on the T.V. to see that the schoolgirl was now mounted on the teacher's desk with her bum high in the air, the teacher doing things that I would rather not describe.

I felt myself heat up down there, a feeling I would not like to feel right now. Not with Harry right beside me. I squirmed as I began to feel my arousal gather and become more prominent. My eyes widened when I realized: I wasn't wearing pants anymore. He would see it through my panties. I crossed my legs, but Harry just chuckled beside me.

"Too late, I already saw it."

I looked at him through my peripheral vision. He was smirking, his eyes fixated on my crotch.

"Uncross your legs." He egged me on, smirking all the while.


"Do it, Ray. How else are you going to relieve yourself?"

"I don't need to relieve myself."

"Please, you could see that wet patch from a mile away. It's part of the bet, c'mon."

I bit my lip and slowly uncrossed my legs, revealing the patch on my panties that had become even darker.

"Now," Harry's voice was low as he whispered. "Put your hand into your panties and rub yourself."

I raised an eyebrow but obeyed, slipping a hand down my panties and moving my hand around, not quite sure what I was doing.

"Here," Harry came closer and grabbed my hand. I started to protest that he was way to close for my comfort, but he guided my hand closer towards the end of my navel and I hit a spot that suddenly sent tingles flying through my body.

"Ohhh," I moaned, resting my fingers on that spot and rubbing fast circles.

"There you go." Harry withdrew his hand and smirked, returning to his own self pleasure. My eyes fixated on the screen and I kept rubbing as I watched the sex that was taking place on a classroom desk. It was trashy and a little kinky, but somehow arousing.

I moaned loudly as a knot began to form in the pit of my stomach and I felt a pressure begin to build.

"Slide your hand down," Harry groaned, pumping his length faster. "And stick a finger in."

I immediately followed his instructions, my fingers gliding down until I reached what felt like a shallow hole. I slipped a finger in. It felt foreign and strange, and it hurt a little bit. Once I got over the pain I began to moan, slowly pumping my finger in and out.

The room was filled with our moans and the moans of the pornstars on the T.V. A thin layer of sweat covered my forehead as I bit my lip.

"Oh my God, I-" I was cut off when I released and my mind exploded into euphoria. I threw my head back and moaned loudly, seeing white dots dance in my vision. I came down from the high I had just received, my breath uneven and shaky.

Harry moaned loudly beside me, spurts of white liquid shotting from the tip of his length. Ew.

I scrunched up my nose once I realized that my hands were slick with what I assumed was me. "I'm going to wash off my hands," I laughed awkwardly, getting up just as the video ended and the teacher was shooting his release into the schoolgirl's mouth.

I bumped into the walls on my way there, my legs not quite working properly after my release. I scurried into the bathroom, panting. That was the best and probably the most awkward moment of my life. I looked in the mirror to see that my cheeks were beet red and my eyes were dark, my pupils very dialated. I washed my hands and splashed cold water on my face. My whole body still tingled, slightly shaky and jittery.

I took a deep breath and wobbled back to Harry's bedroom. He was sitting on the bed, tossing a paper towel into the waistbin. His pants were back on, thank God. He turned to look at my with a cheeky smile when I entered the room. "Hey, princess. You enjoy yourself?"

I feel my cheeks grow hot again and I didn't bother to answer as I sat beside him on the bed. Harry chuckled lightly and ran his fingers through his curls. "I can't believe you actually managed to be a normal teenager and masturbate for the first time."

"Shut up," I grumbled, but I was secretly very glad that he had exposed me to all of this. I had to admit, it was pretty freaking great.

"I'm more excited for next week though," he laughed, getting up from the bed.

"What's the next task? I honestly stopped keeping track," I snorted, picking at my poor excuses for cuticles.

Harry grinned slyly and clapped his hands together. "I hope you're ready to look sexy. We're seducing cops next."


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-Bliss xx

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