Chapter 23: Excuse Me, Bitch?

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Rayla's POV

I clutched my books close to my chest, trying to listen to Claire chattering away about her latest boyfriend while looking for Harry. He had refused to tell me what he had gotten tattooed on his wrist, I had been pestering him all weekend about it.

My face lit up once I spotted his curls. He was coming through the front door of the school with Louis, dimples indented into his cheeks as he laughed at something Louis had said.

"Ray? Are you-oh, I see," Claire smiled knowingly as she followed my gaze. "So are you guys a thing yet?"

"No," I blushed, looking away quickly. "I'm not even sure if you can call us friends..."

"Ray!" Harry hollered, making his way over to me. My eyes widened as I realized that everyone in the hallway was looking back and forth between us, probably trying to figure out what kind of stunt we were playing. Surely Rayla Shroeder would never be friends with someone like Harry Styles? "Hey Claire, mind if I borrow Ray for a second?" Harry asked sweetly, making Claire exchange a sly smile with Louis.

"Not at all, you two should have some time together. In fact Louis and I have next class together. Would you like to walk with me?" Her brown eyes darted to Louis and he smiled.

"Of course. I agree, we should leave the two lovebirds alone," he chuckled and left with Claire before either of us could say anything. My face was probably nine shades of red and even the tips of Harry's ears were glowing red.

Once I got over my embarrassment I remembered what I had been hounding Harry about for the past few days. "Can I see your tattoo?" I demanded, making him laugh.

"Why are you so insistent?"

"I'm curious."

"Clearly," he snorted, rolling up his sleeve slightly to show me the tattoo. The words were written in all capitals and spelled out I CAN'T CHANGE.

"What's that mean?" I asked quietly, tearing my eyes away from his wrist to look into his eyes.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly before he answered "It means I'm never going to change myself for anyone. This is me, faults and all, take it or leave it."

"Oh," I said quietly, releasing his wrist.

He let it drop to his side, but he never took his eyes off of me. "How's yours healing up?"

"Well. It's itchy as hell, though."

"That's completely normal. It'll go away after a while."

I nodded and scratched the back of my neck uncomfortably and avoided Harry's eyes, not really sure what else to say. It wasn't  until I heard a deep chuckle that I looked up, immediately feeling my knees go weak when I caught sight of Harry with a boyish grin on his face and his pair of dimples on his cheeks.

"You're so funny when you're uncomfortable. It's so awkward it's actually cute," he mused, his green eyes twinkling.

"I-it is?" I chewed on my lower lip, not agreeing with him at all. I found my awkward self...well, awkward.

"Yeah," he said sincerely, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I felt my cheeks grow hot yet again, and I quickly looked down.


Both of us looked down the hall and immediately my lips pursed in distaste. A cloud of perfume descended on us as Lindsey Harrison, the real life Barbie Doll, made her way towards us.

She was a solid five feet and six inches of pure slut and bitch, and I'm putting it lightly. Her skin was dark, probably since she had just gotten back from a luxurious vacation to the Bahamas with her plastic surgeon parents (whom I'm pretty sure gave her a boob job because there's no way that those mammaries are real).

Her lip curled slightly as she glanced at me but she plastered a smile on her face as she rested her hand on Harry's chest. "I missed you, babe," she smiled charmingly, giving Harry a look that would have made any guy drop to his knees and kiss her feet.

But Harry simply removed her hand and smiled tightly. "Hi, Lindsey. Back already?"

"Yes, my vacation was divine. I should ask my parents if you can come with us next time, we can share a hotel room," she bit her lip and pushed out her chest a bit more, making me gag a bit.

I was pretty sure Harry had banged her a while ago, but she clearly didn't get the memo that once Harry broke it off with a girl he rarely went back to them after.

"Thanks, but I'm not much of a traveller," Harry said flatly, making Lindsey deflate a little bit.

Her eyes darted over to me and she raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you Rayla Shroeder?"

"Yes," I replied, crossing my arms over my chest.

"The girl who's probably the only virgin in the school?" Lindsey snickered, but I set my jaw and responded calmly "Better to be a prude than a whore."

Her eyes widened a bit at my statement before she frowned, understanding that I was referring to her. "I'd say someone's just bitter. Anyways, time for class. Walk me to math, Harry?" Lindsey's smiled was sickly sweet and she batted her eyelashes.

I rolled my eyes and made gagging motions behind her back, making Harry snort.

"No thanks, I'm heading to Science with Ray."

Lindsey dropped her smile like it was a dead fish. "Fine." She spat, storming off in the opposite direction.

Harry shook his head and rolled his eyes. "It smells like Candyland now," I scrunched up my nose as the strong scent of vanilla and marshmallows lingered in the air.

"I know, it's disgusting," Harry pursed his lips, coughing slightly. "I like the way you smell much better."

"I have a smell?" I laughed awkwardly, a smile overtaking my face.

"Yeah...not to be creepy of anything but it's really nice whenever I catch a whiff. It smells like fresh strawberries."

"Impressive." I laughed and tilted my head. "And right."

"See, I know my girly scents," he smiled cheekily, leaning against the locker. "Seriously though, I'm so glad you don't smell like her. Sometimes I think that that perfume cloud that follows her around will one day grow arms and hands and start choking me or something."

I giggled and shook my head. "Be honest with me; did you have sex with her?"

"What makes you automatically think I had sex with her? I mean I did, but why would you assume?"

I raised my eyebrow, almost like I was challenging him. "Well, you're you and her vagina's been used more than Google so..."

Harry burst out laughing and nearly collapsed, earning strange looks from pretty much everyone in our section of the hallway. "You-you-oh my God," Harry wheezed, clutching his stomach. He wiped tears from his eyes as he caught his breath. "You learn well, young grasshopper. You learn well." 


I hate this bitch already lol

QUESTION OF THE DAY: What actress/singer/model etc do you imagine playing Rayla?

Vote and comment like each one counts as an upper cut to Lindsey's face :P

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now