Chapter 45: Blank

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Harry's POV

The morning came way too fast for my liking. My eyes slowly opened and I let out a frustrated groan. I blindly searched for my phone which was sitting on my bedside table, right where I had left it the night before.

I had sent Ray dozens of texts, asking her where she was and if she was okay, but I had gotten no responses.

I rubbed my hands over my face before dragging myself out of bed and heading into the washroom to take a shower. School was going to be more than awkward today, but I had to find Ray and explain everything to her. Tell her what I had been holding back all this time. I took a deep breath to try to settle my nerves. 

If she even listens to you. 

Worries kept swirling around in my head, ripping to shreds every bit of optimsm I had. I dragged my feet across the pavement as if it would delay my arrival to school. But no such luck, I arrived at the same time I usually did.

Louis greeted me at my locker and began asking me questions about the trip, but I was barely listening. I was instead focused on the head of dark curls and deep blue eyes down the hallway. Her lips moved constantly, like she was talking hurriedly.

I watched her as she bit her lip and gazed at Claire worriedly. Her curls shifte back and forth like a curtain in the wind as she looked around. Her eyes finally met mine and they widened. She averted her gaze, making my heart plummet down into my stomach.

"Harry? Mate? You okay?" Louis was shaking my shoulder lightly, trying to bring me back to reality.

"I'm fine," I mumbled, wincing. Louis raised an eyebrow but didn't press me any further. The sound of the bell rang through the halls and Louis shot me one more reassuring look.

"I'll see you in second period," he said before sauntering down the hallway and disappearing into one of the classrooms. I sighed and ran my fingers through my curly locks. Ray was nowhere to be seen; the spot where she had been standing was now empty. But I knew it was only a matter of a few minutes that I would have to see her again.

I strolled into science class, trying not to stare at the girl with her head down on her desk. I took my seat in the back, watching her as Claire mumbled quietly. Her responses were small, like a little head nod or a quiet murmur. She was trying to draw the least amount of attention to herself, obviously, but I couldn't help but focus everybit of attention I had on her.

Analyzing every single feature of her profile as she turned to look at Claire, every copper strand of hair that reflected in the sun in her dark curls, every time her dainty fingers tapped on the desk nervously.

"Mr. Styles!" I snapped out of my trance and looked up at the teacher with a startled expression.

"Yes, Ms. Wilkes?"

"Instead of daydreaming, you should be paying attention. Now, would you mind answering my question?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I saw Ray look over her shoulder at me. It became hard to breathe as I looked at her face. It was completely expressionless. No love, no anger. Just...blank. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Can you explain to me what a covalent bond is?" Ms. Wilkes raised an eyebrow, looking at me expectantly.

"It's uh, when two atoms share electrons?"

"Good," Ms. Wilkes continued, picking out different kids in the class to answer questions. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ray turn around again to look at me, but I refused to meet her eyes. It was just too painful to have her look at me like that.

After a grueling hour the class finally ended and the students began to pack up their supplies. I shoved everything into my bag and headed over to Ray's desk. "Ray-" I started, but she shot me an annoyed look.

"It's Rayla."

"What?" I breathed, not believing my ears.

"Only my friends call me Ray," she looked at me pointedly, but I saw a flicker of sadness in her eyes.

I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. She pressed her lips together and quickly walked out of the classroom, leaving me standing there feling empty and lost.




More updates to follow as a celebration!!!!!!!!


QUESTION OF THE DAY: What was your favourite show to watch when you were a kid? I loved anything on Family Channel (when all the shows weren't total crap) like Dave the Barbarrian, Emperor's New School and The Replacements.

Vote, comment and vote!<3

Lots of love and a Horan hug,

-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now