Chapter 30: Unexpected

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Rayla's POV

My eyes slowly opened, a small groan immediately leaving my mouth as a complaint as the sun's rays hit my face.

I tried to turn over, but the body next to me was preventing that. The body next to me? I panicked and sat up, whipping my head to the left to see Harry sleeping as soundly as a baby, not at all disturbed by my movements.

I let out a breath as last night's events came back to me. Sitting on the roof, singing, falling asleep. I vaguely remembered Harry whispering something to me but the memory was hazy. I don't however recall Harry draping his arms over me and cuddling me.

His arms were still wrapped around my body, at a strange angle now that I was sitting up. I layed back down, carefully tucking Harry's arms back to where they had been before.

He looked so calm and at peace, the corners of his lips slightly upturned like he was having a nice dream. I caught myself gazing at his face, a blush slowly creeping onto my cheeks.

There was no denying that Harry was attractive. He had a bit of a player, bad boy vibe to him that somehow made him irresistible and sexy. When he was asleep, he looked like a little angel who could do no wrong.

Player. Jackass. Dick. Chauvinist. Womanizer. Man whore. Scum.I recited every single name I had ever called him.

You hate this guy, my logic reminded me. So why do you feel like this?

I sighed and tore my eyes away from his serene face and looked out the window at the sunrise. The birds were singing in the trees, the sun was out, it was a beautiful morning, but I couldn't have felt any more uneasy.

I checked the clock to see that it was already past seven o'clock. My parents would probably be up soon and I needed to be back home.

I felt a movement beside me and a pair of green eyes sleepily opened. "Morning, babe," he mumbled, smiling lazily. I melted on the spot at his morning voice, but maintained my composure and murmured a quick "Good morning."

I slipped out of the bed and quickly found my coat which was rested on the back of his desk chair.

"Where are you going?" He asked groggily, rubbing his hands over his face.

"H-home," I stuttered as I slipped my arms through the sleeves. "I don't live here, remember?"

He chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Sorry, I forgot you need to be back before your parents wake up."

"Thanks for having me over. I'll see you Monday?" I smiled tightly as I slipped my shoes on.

"No problem. And yeah, see you late-" Before he could finish his sentence I had ran out the door and bolted down the stairs.

You hate this guy. So why do you feel like this?

I hadn't talked to Harry all weekend, since I slept over at his house a few nights ago then ran out the door first thing in the morning.

Walking into school Monday morning was like a rude wake up call. One night Harry and I were perched on the roof and he was singing me to sleep, morning only a couple days later I'm walking into the black hole that is high school. How dare Monday call itself a day.

My hands shook as I threw my binder into my locker, not even bothering to place it in its designated spot. I didn't know what it was going to be like seeing him today, but I was sweating more than a sinner in church.

"Hey." I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a male voice beside me. My eyes widened when I recognized his dark hair, hazel eyes and sharp features.




Only hardcore 5SOS fans would be able to see the reference I made in this chapter. Hint: It was one of the boys' tweets, more precisely the one with a lip piercing ;) first one to guess right will get not only a dedication but I'll follow you as well!

QUESTION OF THE DAY: What are some of your favourite foods? Mine are sushi, frog legs, alligator and wonton soup :)

ALSO: Check out my new story Plastic <3 It's Luke Hemmings yo click the external link below the tags

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Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now