Chapter 47: The Truth and Nothing But the Truth

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Thank you again for all the competition submissions! 3rd place goes to Nutella_Stories! Her beautiful edit is shown to the right >>> :) second and first place will be announced in the next couple of chapters!

Harry's POV

I wiped my hands on the sides of my jeans, desperately trying to get rid of the sweat gathering on my palms. I stared blankly at the dark oak door in front of me, trying to find an ounce of bravery to bring my hand up and knock.

I had felt like a bit of a stalker as I sat in my car across the street, watching as Ray's parents got into the car. I wanted to talk to Ray privately without her parents in the way, which led me to sipping on coffee and munching on a sandwich while I waited for her parents to leave.

Fair enough, when I had asked Claire for help she had tipped me off and said that Ray's parents were going out tonight. This gave me a window of a couple hours to try to talk to Ray.

I took a deep breath and knocked, immediately regretting it the minute I did. I panicked and almost turned around to leave, but the door flew open to reveal a surprised Ray. She wore a gray t-shirt and a pair of black yoga pants, her hair braided messily.

I opened my mouth to speak, but no sound came out. She raised her eyebrow expectantly, but I could see her eyes glinting like she wanted to cry. "Can we talk?" I croaked out, biting my lower lip so hard I could taste blood.

She hesitated for a second before wordlessly stepping aside and letting me into the house. She closed the door quietly before turning around to face me. She bravely met my gaze, refusing to break eye contact.

I took this as my cue and found my voice. "Ray, I know you hate me right now and I don't blame you, but you need to let me explain."

Her expression remained blank as she continued to stare at me. "Explain," she said softly, nodding her head.

"You thought that I was only doing this with you just so you would have sex to me but I swear that's not what it is," I began, my voice already beginning to crack. Ray looked a little unconvinced, but she motioned for me to continue. "I know I have a reputation, but you looked past that. Not a lot of people do. I'm the player, the man whore, the womanizer. But're...flawless. I-I..." my voice died slowly.

I had thought about what I was going to say before, but all I had remembered flew out of my mind that I was standing directly in front of her. So I did the only thing I could do. Tell the truth.

"I like you...a lot. More than you know. When we started this bet I thought you were no more than a good girl who couldn't handle a little bit of crazy. But I guess what I didn't see was the feisty, smart, funny, beautiful girl that is Rayla Shroeder." I chuckled to myself, lowering my gaze to the floor. "And it's that same Rayla Shroeder that left me breathless and found her way into my heart, as cheesy as that sounds."

I glanced up at her, waiting for some sort of emotion to pass over her stoic face. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "I didn't know you were capable of pouring your heart out like that, Styles."

"Did I also mention sarcastic?"

She let out a cute laugh as a tear slipped from corner of her eye. I held my arms out for a hug, which she gladly accepted. Her head rested against my chest where she could probably feel my heart practically leaping out of my chest.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered, pulling away to look me in the eyes. Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were bloodshot, but in that moment she couldn't have been more beautiful.

I tilted her chin up with my index. "For what?"

"For not trusting you," she sniffled, wincing slightly. "And for making you wait so long for me to do this."

"Do...?" I asked, still a bit confused. She grinned before cupping my cheeks in her hands and pressing her full lips to mine. My eyes widened in shock. surprised at her actions. I recovered and kissed her back just as hard, wrapping my arms around her waist.

The feeling was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was like time stopped and we were the only people on the planet. Fireworks seemed to explode around us, lighting up the room with different colours. My heart was about to burst and millions of butterflies fluttered around in my stomach.

Ray's hands slung themselves around the back of my neck as I ran my tongue along her lower lip. She parted her lips and our tongues met, dancing around each other feverishly. When we finally pulled away my cheeks were flushed and I was panting heavily, trying to catch my breath. Ray was grinning like crazy, gazing up at me.

"Wow," was all I could mutter as I rested my forehead against hers.

"Yeah, wow," Ray agreed, giggling quietly.

"I don't know about you," I smiled shyly, tucking a stray stand of hair behind her ear. "But I'd like to do that more often." I pressed my lips to hers this time, feeling myself slipping away once more into euphoria.



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-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now