Chapter 50: Prom

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Rayla's POV

I tugged at the top of my dress, huffing at the excessive amount of tulle in the skirt. I knew that my mother had a thing for ballgowns and that she had always wanted me to wear one for prom, but this was just ridiculous.

My mother circled around me, fluffing up the tulle and smoothing out wrinkles. "You look so beautiful," she complimented, her voice wavering like she was close to tears.

I plastered a false smile on my face as I looked in the mirror. I looked like a fairytale princess, but it wasn't what I wanted. My mother helped me out of my room and held my skirt as I carefully made my way down the stairs.

My dad stood there waiting with a camera in his hands, a proud smile on his lips. "You look absolutely stunning, sweetie," he gushed, kissing my cheek.

Still, his smile was wistful. He was fully aware that this was more my mother's night than mine, but he didn't dare say anything about it.

"Take a picture of us," my mother ordered, standing beside me and posing. I bit back the urge to make a sarcastic comment and smiled, wrapping my arm around my mother's waist.

The flash from the camera momentarily blinded me and I quickly stepped away from my mother. "Claire will be here any second, I'd better get my shoes on."

My mother dashed down the hall and grabbed my silver strappy heels. I sat down on a stool and struggled to put them on, the layers of tulle and fabric getting in my face and making it hard to bend over.

Once I finally managed to get my shoes on a stood up, watching my mother as she yet again began to fluff up my dress.

She's just living the dream right now, isn't she?

A honk outside signalled that Claire was waiting in her car. I grabbed my purse and checked my reflection one more time in the full length mirror that was hanging by the door.

"Have fun, sweetie!" My mother exclaimed, waving as I made my way down the driveway.

"Enjoy yourself, honey; take lots of pictures!" My dad called out quickly. I climbed into Claire's car, scowling as she laughed.

"That...that's a lot of dress."

"You're telling me," I groaned, bunching up the skirt onto my lap so that I could close the door. "C'mon, the sooner I get out of this dress, the better."

"I can't believe you're actually doing this." Claire put the car into drive and sped off down the road.

"Believe it," I said firmly, staring out the side window since I couldn't see out the windshield, thanks to the tower of tulle on my lap.

Instead of heading straight to the hotel where the prom was being held, she turned down one of the side streets and stopped right in front of her house.

"Okay, we have half and hour. Let's go." She climbed out of the car and walked as fast as she could in her stilettos.

She unlocked the front door , turning on the lights. "Where are your parents?" I asked, cautiously stepping into the hallway.

"They're gone on a business trip," Claire replied, slipping off her heels and sighing in relief. "Okay, c'mon. It's up in my room."

I followed her lead and slipped off my pinching heels and climbed the stairs, trying not to step on my skirt. She turned on the lights of her room and my eyes lit up, immediately spotting the white bag that hung on a close hanger laying on her bed.

"I'll help you out of that thing." Claire giggled, motioning to my ball gown. She unzipped it and pulled it down. The dress pooled at my ankles and reached all the way up to my knees. "Oh my God," Claire breathed, staring at the dress. "That's not a lot of dress, that's a crap load of dress."

I stepped out of the dress and skipped over to her bed, happy with my newfound freedom. I unzipped the white bag, revealing a light blue and silver mermaid dress.

"I just have to make sure that no one takes pictures of me and posts them on Facebook or anything," I murmured, pulling the dress out and placing it on the floor. "If my mum sees that I didn't wear the ballgown...well let's just say I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than have to deal with her."

I stepped into it, pulling it up by the top and shimmyimg my hips. Claire zipped up the back and stepped away. "Much better," she laughed, admiring the new dress.

It had actually been her sister's, when she had graduated three years ago. Claire had not been able to fit it with her petite frame, but it fit me like a glove.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." She smiled, making me twirl around. "You ready to go now?"

"Yup," I said, popping the 'p'. We slipped our heels back on and made our way out to her car. The radio played softly as we drove to the hotel. "You think Harry will like my dress?" I asked, smoothing the skirt a bit.

"Of course he will!" Claire exclaimed, snaking my arm lightly. "He'd think you'd look beautiful even if you were wearing a brown paper bag!"

Despite Claire's reassurances I still worried about how I looked. Was the dress to tight on me? Did it make my figure look unflattering? Was there too much boob exposure? I found myself freaking out a little as we pulled up to the curb of the hotel.

I could already see other people getting out of their cars wearing suits and dresses. Everyone was dressed to the nines; it was something you'd probably only get to experience once or twice in your life.

Claire excitedly grabbed my hand and dragged me inside the lobby. We followed the pack of students into a ballroom about twice the size of the school gym, already hearing the music playing from the open doors.

Our jaws dropped slightly as we took in the sight. Dozens of tables were scattered around the ballroom with silver place settings and beautiful centrepieces of white roses. The dance floor was lit up by multicoloured spotlights that hung from the ceiling above. Students milled about, chatting and gushing over each other's outfits.

My eyes searched the crowd for that familiar head of curly brown hair, and I noticed that Claire was doing the same. "You know," I began, wiggling my eyebrows. "You still haven't told me who asked you to be their date."

Claire bit her lip and her eyes flitted over to her right. I followed her gaze to see Louis walking over to us with a grin on his face. "Claire! You look amazing," he complimented, softly kissing her cheek. I raised my eyebrows and tried to hold in a giggle. Claire's face was as red as a tomato and she was grinning madly.

I quietly stepped back, giving them some privacy as Louis placed a corsage on her wrist. I wandered around, still looking for my own date. My heels gave me four inches of added height, but it didn't help me took look over other people's heads as I wasn't too tall to begin with. I jumped a bit when I felt a pair of arms gently wrap around my waist.

"Looking for someone?" A deep voice murmured in my ear, making me smile. I turned around as best I could with his arms still around my waist. The crinkles at the corners of Harry's eyes appeared as he smiled widely. "You look stunning."

"So do you." I blushed, admiring his black suit. "But you're missing something." I pulled a small box from my clutch purse and pulled out a red rose boutonniere. I pinned it to his lapel and watched as a smile grew on his lips.

"I'm not the only one missing something." He revealed a corsage that he had been holding his hand and slipped it onto my wrist. "Shall we?" He held out his arm, letting my small hand wrap around his bicep and leading me towards our table.


I just posted a new story called This Life, part of a series that I'm starting. Atheos is the first book (making it a series was really just an afterthought) but yeah check it out  :)

QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is your current addiction? Mine is cocaine :)

Just kidding. 

It's actually that fucking Kim Kardashian Hollywood game and I can't stop playing like seriously someone needs to take my iPod away from me.

I put together a complete outfit for Ray's prom [picture to the right >>>]

Vote, comment and follow! <3

-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now