Chapter 57: A Vodka a Day Keeps the Pain Away

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Harry's POV

To say that I was depressed was an understatement. I was an absolute mess and I didn't know any other way to fix it other than with a bottle of vodka.

It had been a week since I had watched Ray walk out of my house and I still hadn't found any reason to call or text her.

What reason was there to draw out the pain of having to see her while knowing that she would be leaving in less than a month?

Not only that, but every time I picked up my phone and started a new message, I always abandoned it after typing and deleting a thousand times.

What was I supposed to say? Hey, sorry for getting mad at you? Please don't go to America? Please give up the chance to go to an Ivy League school? I didn't have the stomach to send each message I typed out.

The beat of the booming music attracted a ton of people to the crowd of grinding bodies, but I wasn't in the mood to have some random whore rubbing her ass on me.

Had this been the me of four months ago, I would have readily agreed to fuck away my sadness. Now, I wanted to throw up at the thought.

I winced as the image of her long, dark hair and her big brown eyes invaded my mind. I had put up walls, trying to forget about the girl who had waltzed her way right into my heart and then shattered it to pieces.

She might as well have smeared it into the ground with her foot and spat on it while she was at it. I knew it wasn't completely her fault, but I felt completely and utterly betrayed.

Someone gently placed their hand on my shoulder and I snapped out of my daze. Louis watched me carefully with a sympathetic look. "You okay, mate?"

"Does it look like I'm okay?" I muttered, scowling deeply. I tipped my head back and downed the rest of my drink. The vodka burned my throat, but I barely felt the pain. "I need another drink," I grunted, heading towards a table at the back of the room where a swamp of bottles of assorted alcohols sat.

I emptied out what was left in a bottle of vodka and hastily stirred in some punch from a bowl. It was probably already spiked, but at this point, the more booze, the better.

Louis glanced apprehensively at the red solo cup in my hand. "How many drinks have you had tonight?"

I snorted and took a sip from my drink, this time wincing at the sharp bite of the alcohol. "What are you, a fucking nark?"

"Harry," he said in a serious tone.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged. "I don't know. Five, six? We're at a party, aren't you supposed to get drunk at parties?"

"Well, yeah, but usually people get drunk to have a good time, though I still don't understand what's fun about spending the night hugging the porcelain wishing well. But what I understand even less is that you're getting drunk to forget about Ray."

"I'm not drinking to forget about her!" I bellowed, startling a few groups of people around us.

Louis raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Yeah, sure. Because it's not like the only thing you're finding comfort in right now is a bottle of vodka."

"Fuck off, Lou. So what if I am drinking to forget her. She's not worth my thoughts or my time," I said bitterly, chugging down my drink and tossing my empty cup to the side.

I could already feel myself getting really drunk. I was surprised that I was even able to keep a conversation with Lou when I was more so focusing on the fact that I was seeing double and I couldn't figure out which one was the real Louis.

"You and I both know that you don't really mean that," Louis chided, taking a sip from what I was sure was his only drink of the night.

"How the hell would you know?" I rounded on him, curling my lip as I spat out my words venomously. "It's not like your girlfriend suddenly dropped an I'm-leaving-to-go-to-school-in-America bomb on you! You don't know shit about how I feel right now! You can suck yourself a dick and stop pretending like you know everything!"

Louis was silent, just staring at me with his already thin lips pressed into a tense line. "You know what, Harry? I do know how you feel. Because I'm watching my best friend lose his goddamn sense of self and I feel powerless to do anything about it because he won't let me help. I will tell you this now and I will tell you only once, Harry, it's worse to lose someone to hatred rather than to distance."

With that he stormed away, disappearing into the crowd of people. I chewed on my lower lip, contemplating his words. I had noticed how snappy and aggressive I had been towards my friends lately, and I had noticed how much it was getting on their nerves.

I was becoming an intolerable person, and intolerable people were the ones who always ended up alone in life.

I pushed past people, ignoring the drunk sluts clinging onto my arms as I passed by.

I simply wasn't in the mood to party anymore.


had to re upload this frickling frackling chapter


To any of you who watch Teen Wolf: is it any good? I want some opinions because everyone's always talking about it and I want to know if it's any good so I don't end up wasting my time watching an episode then being disappointed

Thank youuuu

-Bliss xx

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