Chapter 43: Follow Your Heart, They Said

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Rayla's POV

My breaths became pants as Harry kept unzipping my dress and kissing my lips softly. He started tugging at the hem of my dress,  slowly beginning to pull it down.

My mind screamed at me to do something and for the first time in months, I listened. I swatted Harry's hands away and immediately broke the kiss, leaving him startled and confused. "Ray?"

I zipped my dress back up and headed towards my bags, stuffing in whatever had fallen out and zipping them up.

"Ray, what the hell are you doing?" Harry asked, bewilderment written all over his face.

"I'm leaving," I stated, my voice cracking slightly.

"What? But you-"

"Harry," I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose before continuing to pack. "This was a big mistake."

"O-okay, but we can just forget that that ever happened-"

"No! Not just that," I yelled, running my fingers through my tangled hair. "Everything. This whole bet, flying out here, listening and falling for every single word you was all a big mistake."

Harry's expression was a mixture of hurt, anger and confusion. "You regret it?"

"Every single thing," I said through clenched teeth as I felt tears prick the back of my eyes. I stalked into the bathroom and grabbed the rest of my toiletries. I went back into the room to see Harry standing in front of my bags with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You can't leave, Ray," he said firmly, giving me a challenging look.

"Watch me," I said sharply, to my surprise sounding a lot like my mother.

"I don't know what made you think that this was a big mistake but-"

"You don't know?!" I shrieked, throwing my arms up in the air. "I've done things that I never thought I would do and never wanted to do in the first place. Had I known that this was going to happen to me I would have slit my wrists a long time ago!" I blurted out the words like I couldn't control them. 

Harry's eyes widened and he stared at me. "Are you kidding me? Ray, I'd move mountains for you! I did this for you! I brought you out of your shell. If I hadn't you'd be sitting at home doing nothing with your social life and worrying about whether you'll get into fucking Ivy League!" His voice became shrill with every word he spoke.

Most of that was true, but his words cut like knives. His insulting my near-obsession with Ivy League only rubbed salt into the wound. I clenched my fists and set my jaw.

"Why me, Harry? Why would you pay attention to me now? Is this some fucked up joke to you? 'Hey, let's make Ray think that she actually means something to the guy who's picked on her since the sixth grade, make her do a bunch of crazy shit then take her virginity in fucking Las Vegas!' You are a sick human being, Harry Styles," I screamed every single word, clenching my fists so hard I thought my fingernails with going to pierce the skin of my palms.

My own words and harshness surprised me. I was never that loud or brash, and I certainly never swore that much.

Harry's eyes flooded with shock and hurt. His mouth opened and closed like a fish before he finally found words to say. "Is that really what you think of me?" He asked quietly, his voice holding a note of dejection. My silence seemed to be enough for him as he hung his head slightly. "I never meant for you to feel that way," he murmured, his eyes fixed on the floor.

It was quiet for a minute, neither of us making a single noise. I walked around Harry's tall figure and retrieved my bags, placing the rest of my belongings inside and zipping it up. I headed towards the door, tears already running down my face. I turned around to see that Harry hadn't moved from his spot.

"I should have known," I spoke, my voice hollow and bitter. Harry looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. "You almost got what you've been chasing this whole time. Zayn was right. You only wanted me as your little plaything, for sex."

I didn't wait for him to answer before I pulled my bags out into the hall and closed the door behind me. I quickly walked down the hall in case he tried to follow me and waited impatiently for the elevator.

I could hear the sound of a door opening and footsteps coming down the hall just as the elevator doors opened. I darted inside and pressed the ground floor before jabbing at the 'close doors' button repeatedly.

The last thing I heard before the doors closed was Harry's strangled voice calling out "Ray!"

I closed my eyes and pressed my lips together, silently willing myself not to let any more tears escape. The doors finally opened, revealing the posh lobby. I didn't waste any time weaving my way through people and leaving the hotel.

There were plenty of taxis lining the edge of the road, waiting for people to leave. I approached the taxi at the end where the driver was standing outside, a cigarette dangling between his fingers.

"Excuse me," I murmured quietly, catching his attention. "Can you take me to the airport?"

The old taxi driver sized me up before dropping the rest of his cigarette on the ground and stepping on it. "Sure thing, sweetie. I'll put your bags in the trunk."

"Thank you," I sighed, handing him the two suitcases and climbing into the backseat. I could see my face in the rear view mirror; I looked like a wreck. My makeup was streaming down my face in big black line and my eyes were rimmed with red. My lower lip was red and raw from me biting it so hard to keep from crying.

The taxi driver climbed into the front seat and started the car, peeling out of the front parkade and driving onto the main road. "You alright there, hon?" He asked, looking at me with a concerned expression in the rear view mirror.

"I'm fine," I said hoarsely, staring wistfully out the window at the gleaming lights of the casinos and hotels.

 I'm worried that he's only putting up a nice guy act so he can try to get into your pants. 

My mind had been telling me the same thing Zayn had, telling me that Harry was nothing but trouble. Follow your heart, they say. As far as I could tell, listening to my heart and trusting Harry had gotten me nowhere except for this Vegas cab and nothing except for a tear-stained face.


I feel so sad omfg

QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is a funny story from your childhood? My dad told me that when I was two years old and he used to play his heavy metal music in the kitchen, I'd walk in and start headbanging XD

Vote, comment and follow! <3

-Bliss xx

Bring It, Bitch ➳ Harry Styles {completed and editing}Where stories live. Discover now