Chapter 40: Sightseeing

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Rayla's POV

I rubbed my eyes, trying to tell the time that was displayed on the digital clock, but my tired eyes made my vision all blurry. I pressed hard and rubbed them again, finally clearing my vision.

It was already past eight o'clock, which was weird for me. I was used to waking up at seven every morning whether it was a school day or not.

The spot beside me on the bed was empty, but I could hear the shower running in the bathroom. A yawn escaped my mouth as I threw the covers back and gathered my outfit for the day.

"Morning, Ray." I turned and immediately felt like my cheeks were going to catch fire. Harry entered the room with just a towel wrapped around his waist. His curls were still wet, letting water droplets drip onto his bare, muscular chest.

"Um, I'm going to go take a shower," I said awkwardly, grabbing a pair of underwear and darting into the washroom.

I entered the posh bathroom and pressed my lips together. I didn't have to look in the mirror to know that my cheeks were a fiery red.

Living with Harry for the weekend was going to be really awkward.

"A little bit more to the left," Harry instructed me, waving his hand.

I huffed and moved a bit more, my arms still up in the air. "Hurry! I'm getting tired!" I whined.

Harry held his camera up and said "Say cheese!" I smiled widely and Harry took the picture. "Nice," Harry murmured as he peered at the screen. "It looks like you're holding it up."

I ran over and took a look at the camera screen. I had my arms up so it looked like I was holding up the Paris hot air balloon. "That's awesome," I laughed, adjusting my sunglasses. We walked into the Paris and went straight to Mon Ami Gabi.

We were seated at a table outside with a cute little red umbrella to shelter us from the sun that was beating down on us. A waiter brought us coffee and took our orders before leaving us to talk.

"This is crazy," I laughed, taking a sip of my coffee as I watched people pass by our table. Despite the fact that it was already nine, there were still some people stumbling around in their clothes from the night before. "Did these people just never leave the casinos the whole night?" I mused, watching as a girl whose heels were way to tall wobbled by with her friends.

"Pretty much," Harry giggled and shook his head. "I like to party, but not that hard."

Our omelettes arrived at our table and the amazing smell made my mouth water. I was so hungry, unfortunately those little packages of Bits & Bites they gave out on the airline were not good enough to satisfy me. I dug in, enjoying the amazing taste of the mushrooms and french cheese. I was halfway through my omelette before I remembered to breathe. Harry was just as quick to eat his breakfast, him finishing only a couple minutes after me.

"That was so good," I gushed, finishing my coffee.

"This is one of the best restaurants on the Las Vegas strip," Harry said, checking his watch. "Do you want to walk around a bit? There's a ton of stuff to see."

"Sure!" I said excitedly. Harry flagged down the waiter and got our bill.

"No arguments," I said sternly as I pulled some money I had exchanged to American.


"No arguments!" I dropped two twenty dollar bills onto the table and crossed my arms. Harry glared at me but put his wallet back into his pocket. "Yeah, that's right." I smirked.

The waiter picked up our money and left us a bit of change. "C'mon." I picked up my purse and got up from my seat. "Let's go see the city."

Harry and I travelled up along the strip, walking past Treasure Island, The Mirage and the Wynn. "This is amazing!" I laughed as Harry pulled me in for a selfie.

"Isn't this fun?" Harry grinned like a little kid. We began to walk back to our hotel, feeling the heat of the sun on our backs.

"I can't believe this place. It's freaking huge!" I gushed as we passed by a massive Walgreen's store.

"Much more exciting than Holmes Chapel," Harry agreed. We reached Caesar's again, the massive Bellagio Hotel looming above us to the left. A little cart sat on the edge of the sidewalk, a few people crowding around it. "You want some?" Harry pointed to the cart and I squinted my eyes try to get a better look at what was written on the side.

"What is it?"

"Mini Melts. They're like hardened ice cream or something, but I heard they're really good."

"Um...okay?" I wasn't so sure about the idea of hardened ice cream, but I followed Harry to the cart.

"What flavour do you want?" Harry asked, letting me take a look at the selections.

"Uh, I guess cookie dough," I decided, watching as the guy manning the cart took out a small cup and started filling it up with what looks like little rocks that were brown and white. The guy handed me the cup and Harry gave him three American dollars.

I took a spoonful and looked at Harry doubtfully, not sure of what exactly I was about to eat. "Go ahead," Harry encouraged me. I slowly brought the spoon to my mouth and crunched down onto the small rocks.

"Wow," I said, munching on the treat. "This is actually really good."

"I told you so!" Harry smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. I offered him a spoonful and instead of taking the spoon, he just let me spoon feed him.

"You're such a little kid," I laughed as Harry happily munched on the Mini Melts.

"But that's what you love about me." I rolled my eyes playfully and we kept walking. It was already around one o'clock by the time we reached our room.

"What now?" I asked, flopping down onto the bed that had new sheets and was just as it had been when we had arrived. I suppose the maids passed by while we were out. 

Harry grinned and opened a water bottle he had bought from a nearby store on our walk. "We hang around and wait for night. Then, it's time to hit the casinos."





QUESTION OF THE DAY #3: Do you have any pets? I have none right now, but I used to have a hamster named Coffee :)

Vote, comment and follow! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

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