Chapter 38: I Need Some Time Away...To Go To Vegas

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Rayla's POV

There was a quiet knock on my door, making me look up form the copy of Wuthering Heights I held in my hands.

"Come in," I called out, marking the place I had stopped at with a bookmark. My door slowly opened and my father stepped in, a small smile finding its way onto his lips.

"Hi, sweetheart."

"Dad," I said flatly, placing my book on the table beside me as he took a seat at the edge of my bed.

He looked up at the sheer fabric that I had hung above my bed along with the lanterns and fairy lights. It was the one part of my room that mom hated.

She said it made it look "cluttered and messy", but I thought it looked great. Her dislike for the lights only encouraged me to keep them up, just to spite her. It was small, but it was my little and only act of defiance against her authority.

"Still haven't taken those things down yet, huh?" My dad mused, reaching up to touch one of the strings of fairy light that hung a bit lower than the rest.

"As long as mom doesn't like them, they're staying," I sighed, running my fingers through my long hair, wincing as I got caught in a few knots.

My dad glanced at me wistfully and sighed. "You know your mother really means well."

"Does she?" I challenged him, making my dad raise his eyebrows.

"When did you develop such an attitude?"

"When I stopped looking at my life through rose coloured glasses."

"And when was that?"

"Recently," I murmured.

"Was it being around that boy Harry that made you like this?" My dad pressed on.

"No, it was actually just me getting tired of everything around me" I lied, making my voice as bitter as I could as I fiddled with my fingers. In truth, Harry was part of the reason, but I didn't want to make my parents even more angry towards him. "Dad?"

"Yes, honey?"

I noted how his language and the was he addressed me was so much softer, like it used to be when he took my to the ice cream shop and held my hand everywhere we went. Normally he just addressed me as Rayla or when he was pissed, young lady.

"I-I need some time away. From mom, from this house. I just need to get away for a bit."

"You can't just leave the house, your mother would never allow it."

"I wouldn't be leaving permanently, just for a few days. I could stay at Claire's."

My dad pressed his lips together and stared out the window beside him. "For a few days?"


He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Alright."

"Thanks, dad," I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around his thin waist. I had noticed how much more frail he had gotten since his company became bigger. The stress and pressure must have been taking a huge toll on him.

"Claire's away right now so I'd have to, a week or two down the line." I lied, knowing full well that Harry and I couldn't possibly plan a trip to Vegas in that short amount of time.

"Okay," my dad nodded slowly, smiling kindly.

I felt a pang of guilt having to lie to him when he was allowing me to leave the house for a few days, but I needed this for the bet and I needed it for myself. If I didn't get out of this house for a while my mom and I were going to end up biting each other's heads off.

My dad stood up and walked to the door, turning around once he got to the door frame and smiling at me. "I love you, Rayla. So does your mother. We just want the best for you."

I nodded quickly, not meeting his eyes. I heard the door slowly shut and I whipped out my phone from beneath the covers, finding Harry's name in my contacts and shooting him a text. 

To: Harry

Vegas either next weekend or the one after that?

I got a reply within minutes, my phone lighting up my dimly lit room.

From: Harry

Next weekend. I can hook us up with plane tickets

To: Harry


From: Harry

You'll see ;)

To: Harry

Don't do anything illegal

From: Harry

Calm yourself

To: Harry

I will if you don't do anything illegal. I'll see you at school

From: Harry

I'll try. No promises :P See you at school

I tossed my hone onto my dresser and sighed as I picked up Wuthering Heights and resumed my reading. 

But not even the romance of Heathcliff and Catherine and Cathy's distraught of Linton's death could distract me from the fight I had with my parents and the impending trip to the city of bright lights and a hell of a lot of gambling with a boy I was forbidden to ever see again.

And I only had half of an idea of what I was getting myself into.


YO CHECK OUT MY NEW STORY :) It's called Mean, click the external link below the tags!

[picture to the right is ray's bed]

QUESTION OF THE DAY #1: What was your favourite movie to watch as a kid? I loved watching Disney's Sleeping Beauty <3

Vote, comment and follow! <3

Lots of love and a Horan Hug,

-Bliss xx

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