Chapter 41: I'll Make Her Realize It

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Third Person POV

-Holmes Chapel, the day Rayla left-

"I can't help but feel like I overreacted," Rayla's mother Karen sighed, rubbing her hands over her face. The small amount of foundation that was lingered on her cheeks rubbed off onto her palms, making her grimace.

She quickly got up and washed her hands at the kitchen sink, scrubbing vigorously. "She kept ignoring me every time I tried to talk to her or she would answer with one word. I've never seen her act like this before."

"She'll cool down, she justs needs some time away," her husband, Jacob, reassured her meekly. He rested a hand on her shoulder and pressed a soft kiss to her temple.

Despite his calming gestures Karen's mind still refused to rest. "She's changed, and not for the better. She rolls her eyes at us, talks back, challenges us. This isn't the girl I raised. I raised her to be perfectly behaved and exemplary in school. Have you seen her latest grades? She dropped two percent in a few of her clases."

"She's probably just under a lot of stress," Jacob reasoned, trying to soothe his wife.

"But you think she would have handled it better," Karen muttered irritably. "You know what I think it is? I think it's because she's been hanging around that Harry boy. I've talked to some other mothers an they've told me that he's nothing but trouble."

"So what do you suppose we do, forbid her from seeing him again?" Jacob's tone held a note of incredulousness, but Karen nodded solemly and folded her hands together on the table.

"If that's what it takes."

"You know she'll never listen to us," Jacob warned, but Karen simply smiled as if she had it all figured out.

"l'll make her. She'll realize just what a bad influence Harry is and she'll see how much he's dragging her down. She has such a bright future ahead of her and him...not so much. I heard that his family doesn't have much money."

"Does that really matter in the long run-"

"Yes, yes it does," Karen said sharply, her tone implying that the discussion was over. "Rayla can do so much better than him, and it's about time she realized that."


So shirtless Austin Carlile is now my background and I CAN'T HANDLE IT ASDFGHJKL


QUESTION OF THE DAY: If you had to be one fruit for the rest of your life, what would be? Random question I know. I'd want to be a watermelon, don't ask why haha

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-Bliss xx

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