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   Mac's POV

    I saw the car pull up through my bedroom window. It was really shiny. It looked like the ones my Daddy used to look at in magazines. A girl got out. She looked really pretty. They're all really pretty and they all go for the pretty outgoing ones. She'll probably pick Deena. She came here last month and all of the people here love her. But Deena's a mean person. She yells at me everyday to try to get me to talk. But I just sit and stare at her. 

I heard Mrs. White call for us to come downstairs. All the other girls ran out of their rooms to the stairs. I stayed on my bed. I could just make out Mrs. White introducing her. Miss Lovato was her name I think. Then I heard someone coming up the stairs. My door opened. 

"Mac, can you please come down and meet Miss Lovato?" Mrs. White said quietly. 

I sighed and looked out the window. Mrs. White walked over and picked me up. "C'mon, she's really really nice, and I think she will really like you!"

 I nodded and she walked with me in her arms down the stairs. I hid my face in her hair once I saw the people downstairs. I could hear Deena already sucking up to the lady. 

      Mrs. White put me down and I just stood there looking at the floor. My shoes had a new hole in them. I heard the clicking of heels on the wood floor. Someone knelt down in front of me. Someone touched my chin, and lifted my head up. I took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. I tried to talk, I really did. I looked up into the most pretty face I had ever seen in my whole entire life. She had pretty brown eyes and pretty cheeks and pretty lips and a pretty nose. I had never seen anyone like her. I stared up at her, and I wanted her to pick me. She smiled and she got even prettier.

 "And what's your name?" The lady said. 

Shoot. I looked back down. Deena pushed her way towards the lady and whispered in her ear, but I could hear her. "She doesn't talk, She's a freak." I bit my lip and the lady nodded. I felt stupid for even thinking the lady would ever pick me. 

She stood up and looked at Mrs. White. "I think we have a lot of discussing to do." Mrs white smiled and led the way to her office.

     As soon as they were gone all of the girls started buzzing. I sat in the corner and listened. Deena was the one every one thought she was picking. Next was Kiara, then Britney. A  girl named Ashley said my name. 

"She seemed to really like Mac."

The group got silent. Deena rolled her eyes. "As if." She said, laughing. "Miss Lovato would never pick such a freak like her. No one ever does." 

I ran up to my room and brokedown. I burrowed into my covers and cried. 


Silence- Adopted by Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now