Mac's Story.

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  Demi's POV

     I walked into a tiny cluttered office. There were pictures of all the girls, smiling with Mrs. White. I noticed in the picture with the little girl who

"So, I'll get Deena's file and you can sign the forms." Mrs. White said, already in motion. 

"Wait. I don't think Deena is the right one for me." I said. 

She stopped. "Oh, so Kiara? Ashley? Monica?" 

I shook my head to all of them. "Who was the little girl was you carried down the stairs?" 

She froze. "That's Mackenzie."  

I smiled, such a cute name. "I think she's the one." 

Mrs.White sat down in her chair and sighed. 

I sat down too. "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing it's just that Mac is a special case. She came from a damaged family. That's why she's been for so long. So many people come and look and her and when she doesn't speak to them and I tell them what her story is they go running for the hills." The older woman's face became weary. 

"Well, I'm not exactly perfect either. What happened to her?" I asked.

      "That's just the thing, Mac won't talk about it. Hasn't said a single word. Not even at the trial. Her father is a main murder suspect in a case. Her mother was murdered and the prosecutors think that Mac was there to witness it. But she won't speak. Ever. That kid went through hell and back. Spoke to dozens of lawyers and psychologists. But nothing worked. Her father instilled such fear into her that's she went completely mute." 

I took a deep breath. "This is alot to take in." I said carefully. 

"I figured it best to tell you all of it. So you won't be completely surprised if more people come looking for her." Mrs. White explained. 

I felt suddenly protective of Mac, like she needed me. "I'll take her." I said confidently. 

"Demi, there is one more thing... the police found evidence of sexual assault and physical abuse on Mac when they took her away form her father. I don't know if that sways your decision or not." She said warily. 

"Absolutely not. I want her." Nothing could keep me from this little girl.

      "Well that's that. Just sign on the line." She gave me a stack of papers. 

"Wait, so this is it? Mac doesn't even get a say?" I questioned, confused. 

"No, Mac is a ward of the state." 

I stood up. "I'd like to talk to her before I do anything." I  said. 

"Of course, follow me!" 

We walked out of her office and into the sitting room, my eyes searching for Mac, but I didn't see her. 

"Shelby, have you seen Mac?" Mrs. White said to an older girl. The younger ones snickered, and I saw Deena was smiling at my innocently. 

"Yeah I think she's in her room." Shelby replied. 

The older woman looked at me. "Straight up the stairs, first door on the right. I think it's best if you talk to her alone."

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