Battle scars.

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    Mac's POV  

    Me and Demi sat in the tub with our foreheads bowed together just enjoying this moment. Demi was smiling hugely, which made me smile. Soon though, my body started to get tired and my eyes closed. "Hey baby how about we sleep in my room tonight?" I nodded and Demi picked me up, I wrapped around my arms around her neck and breathed in her scent. Demi buried her Head in my hair and did the same. "Mommy?" I said. She looked at me, "Do you think.... you could call the nice people?" I said tentatively. "What do you mean the nice people?" Demi said confused, "Well there are people who are helping me with my... daddy. We go into a really big building and we sit on different sides of the room, I don't remember what it's called." "You mean court?" she asked? I nodded, Demi thought for a minute. "You mean your lawyers?" I nodded, "That's it!" Demi smiled, "Sure I'll call them tomorrow morning, but are you sure you're ready for this? You just started speaking today, and at court your father will be in the room. You have to be completely ready for it." She explained. I nodded. "I'm ready. I promise." Demi nodded, and began to walked towards the bathroom so we could wash up. "Hey Demi?" I asked, "Yeah?" I was wondering if we could practice what I have to say.." I asked. "What do you mean?" "Well you told me all about you, So I was wondering if I could tell you about me.?" Demi looked at me and a huge smile broke out across her face. "That would be absolutely perfect." 

      After me and Demi washed our faces and brushed out teeth she brought me out to her bed, we laid above the covers. I looked at the birds on her arms and the cross. They were black, I traced one, then looked at my finger, expecting it to be black, It wasn't. "Demi" I said. "Mmm?" "What are these black things?" Demi giggled, "They're called tattoos, you get them when something is very special to you and you want to remember it forever." Demi explained. "Why did you choose these?" Now I am very curious, Demi had a lot of these tattoo things. "These on my wrists help me to Stay Strong and not do bad things when I am really really upset. Then the little heart is for my fans, who I love a lot and will always remember, the lips are from one of my bestest friends. Ivy. I have a  little feather, which was just for fun. And then this." Demi lifted up her shirt on her side and showed me the tattoo. It was really pretty. "What does it say?" I whispered. "You make me beautiful, it's from a song that I really love." I looked at her wrist tattoos and noticed tiny white lines up and down both wrists. "Can you get white tattoos?" I asked Demi, "You can, but I don't have any." Demi said. "Then what are these?" I pointed to the white lines. Demi took a sharp intake of beath and was quiet for a long time. Then, she spoke. 

      "You see this?" She pointed to a line on the back of my hand from my dad. I nodded. "That's called a scar. Scars show up when you get hurt and it's a reminder of when you were hurt." I nodded. "Well these are very special scars. They're battle scars. If they're red they show that someone is fighting a battle, If they're white, that shows that person has won the battle, but is still fighting the war." I nodded again. Then thought of something, "Like the waitress." I said. "Huh? What waitress?" Demi said. "At the diner. Our waitress had lines like this, only more. And they were red. Does that mean she was losing?" Demi's eyebrows pulled up together. "No babygirl. Those scars mean that they are fighting really hard, and sometimes they get hurt in the battle. Kind of like soldiers. Do you get it?" I thought about it. "what do I do if I see someone with battle scars?" Demi looked at me. "You take there wrist and kiss it, then say that they're better than this. And that they can do it." I nodded. Then hesitated, "Will-" I stopped. "Go on." She said. "Will I ever get battle scars?" Demi looked me right in the eye. "I pray to God every night you won't." 

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