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    Demi's POV

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! My album comes out today! September 20th!! I'm so excitedfor my fans to hear it because i've been working on it for so long, i feel like it's my baby. 

      I'm laying in bed with Mac sleeping beside me, scrolling through the hashtag #UNBROKEN and smiling at all of the reactions. Today I have a full day of press, staring with Ryan Seacrest and Z100, then ending with phone interviews all around the world. Marissa was coming with us today, so that Mac would have someone to entertain her. I accidentally cackled loudly at reaction picture featuring me with an excited/fangirl look on my face, with the caption, *INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY SCREAMING BC UNBROKEN* My fans are fucking hilarious. Unfortunately, I had woken Mac up, "Mama?" She said, rolling over and rubbing her eyes sleepily. "Hey babygirl." I smiled and grabbed her, pulling her tiny body over mine and showered her with kisses. She giggled, and squealed trying to get away, it was music to my ears. I laughed loudly, and stopped kissing her, but held her body on mine. Mac squinted at me, still sleepy. "What was that for?" I smiled, and leaned my forehead against hers, "Because I love you soooo much!" She giggled, "I love you too Mommy." I shook my head, I don't know what's wrong with me, but my album put me in such a good mood. "I love you moree!" I said happily. Mac pouted, "I love you the mostest!" It was my turn to giggle, "I love you more than the mostest." Mac's brow furrowed, as she tried to think of an answer. I scooped her up and literally jumped off the bed. It was like I had drank three hundred shots of espresso. "C'mon baby we have to get reaady." I sang, walking towards the bathroom I began to fill up the tub for her bath. Mac squirmed, she didn't like baths, or getting dressed around people, even me. I know she's really self-conscious about her scars from her father's abuse. "You know what baby? I don't think you need a bath. You smell okay." I could see the gratitude in her eyes. I pretended to sniff myself, "But I stink, I really need a shower." Mac giggled, and sniffed me. She pulled away sharply with her nose wrinkled, "Ewie Mama." My mouth dropped, I didn't know I actually smelled. Mac giggled, "Gotcha!" and ran out of the room, climbing on the bed and burrowing under the covers. I just laughed, and got in the shower. 

        When I got out and dressed, I walked into the bedroom, but Mac wasn't there. "Mac?" I called, nothing. I padded down the stairs into the kitchen, "Mac?" I yelled again, nothing. I walked through the living room, but as I passed the couch, something hit my legs with surprising force. "What the fuck?" I yelled, as I tumbled onto the couch, then onto the floor. An eruption of giggles made me look down at the floor, Mac was laying there, rolling around with laughter. She saw my face and yelled, "BOO!" Before taking off down the hallway, "Mackenzie Lovato! I'm so going to get you!" I yelled, and sprinted after her. 

     I rounded the corner into the long hallway, following the sound of her laughter, "Gotch-" I stopped short. The hallway was empty. "What the?" Slowly, I walked down the hallway. Where the hell is this kid? As soon as I got to the end of it I heard a door slam behind me, I turned and ran back down the hallway. When I got to the other end I heard a giggle behind me, I whipped around and make a frustrated sound in the back of my throat. What's going on? I walked back down the hallway, but broke into another run as I heard footsteps thumping up the stairs. I took them two at a time but as I was halfway up I heard a voice behind me. "Mama?" I froze and slowly turned, Mac was standing innocently at the bottom of the stairs. "But-" I looked at the top of the stairs then back to her, what the fuck?! She disappeared. I groaned and walked back downstairs. 

         I stood in the middle of the kitchen and waited, then I heard a noise in the closet. I silently stalked over to it, and threw open the door. "GOTCHA!" I yelled! She's not in there. I heard a giggle and I turned. Mac stood there in the doorway, smiling. Like I was going crazy. I didn't take my eyes off of her, not falling for that again. I surprised her by running towards her and picking her up. She squealed and tried to get away, but I held her tight. I walked into the living room and plopped her on the couch, squatting in front of her.  She smiled hugely, "I foooooled ya mama!" She said happily, I had to smile. "Where did you get so good at that?" Mac shrugged, "I had to hide from my daddy." I nodded and struggled to keep the smile on my face. "You hungry?" I asked, trying to change the subject, she nodded eagerly. "Okay well let's go get you dressed, we can stop at Starbucks on our way to the station." Mac nodded and held our her hands. I took her in my arms and walked upstairs, but I couldn't get what she said out of my head. No child should have to hide from their own father. Ever. 


   Okay! So that's it! Kinda longg? But guess what..


Honestly guys, holy shit I love ya'll so much!!! This book had totally taken off in the past few months! Seriously I remember getting excited over one thousand reads... and I still get excited when I see all you guys saying that you love this book it just makes me smile because I was never really confident about my writing, but I guess it's good? haha but don't worry! This book isn't going anywhere anytime soon! 


P.S: Follow the tweeetah! @Lovatic_Chica

EVERYONE GO REPORT @KelseyHilson on twitter please! She's sending hate to Demi. 

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