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    Demi's POV  

    I woke up to my alarm blaring. Mac groaned beside me, "Turn it off mama." She said, rolling over. I fumbled around the bed for a few minutes, before finding it under the sheets. I quickly swiped it and punched in the passcode, I fell back into the bed, curling into Mac. Then I realized why my alarm was turned on so early. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Mac got up sleepily, "Mama? Why are you getting up?" She called. "You gotta get up too babygirl, we have the VMA's today. Remember that thing I told you about?" I answered back. Mac groaned again, "Do I have toooo?" She whined, I stepped out of the door way and looked at her, she was curled up in a ball on the bed underneath a mountain of blankets, "Well no, I could leave you with Jason so you could sleep." That got her out of bed fast, she hated staying home alone with Jason. It was necessary sometimes, but to be honest, I hated it too. 


      I gently shook Mac awake, we had just pulled up to the venue in our black escalade. My hair and makeup team had done an amazing job on both of us. Mac wanted to walk the carpet with me, so she had gotten all dolled-up too. She sat up and began to bounce around excitedly, "Remember, this might be a little scary, but the people with the cameras have to stay behind the people in the suits. Okay?" Mac nodded, I had gone over this with her a hundred times, making sure she was okay with everything that was going to happen. Max and Jason got out of the car first, along with Natalie, my assistant. I turned to Mac, "Showtime." 

         As soon as we got out of the car I wanted to crawl back in. I could feel my anxiety levels rising, but i suppressed them for Mac's sake. I held her on my hip as we walked down to the start of the carpet. I signed autographs for fans and did interviews while Natalie held Mac. Soon, the carpet was done, and Mac and I had taken at least 50,000 photos. My hands were covered in sharpie and my ears were ringing. Mac looked like she was having the time of her life. Then, I heard my name being called, I turned and saw Justin Bieber walking up to me, "Oh hey Justin!" I said and hugged him, then I felt something wiggle on my back, I yelped and jumped back, then I saw a small yellow snake in his hand. "What the hell is that Bieber?" I yelled. He started to laugh, "Chill Dems, It's just a snake!" I rolled my eyes, "Just a snake. Really? I'm a girl!" He just laughed and flipped his hair, "Hey Selena's looking for you, she wants to meet Mac, Who i'm assuming is this little cutie. Just knelt down in front of Mac and smiled his moviestar smile. Mac stood there with her mouth open, "Hey, i'm Justin." He put his hand out and Mac shook it slowly. Justin smiled, "You know, I have a little sister who I think you'd be great friends with, maybe you guys could have a playdate sometime?" Justin looked up at me with his eyebrows raised, I shrugged, "I don't seem why not? Whattaya think Mac?" I asked her, she smiled and nodded eagerly. "Awesome. I'll text you." He said to me, and walked away. Then I heard my name yelled yet again, Except extremely loud. 

        I turned, and there Selena stood. I squealed and ran up to her. We both hugged for a long time. "Oh my God. Your boyfriend just attacked me with a snake." I said, as we pulled away, Selena started laughing and Mac crept out from behind me at the sound. Soon as Selena saw her she yelped and knelt down, "Oh my God, Demi she's SO cute!" Selena said. I laughed, "Yeah I know, I think she's having more fun here then I am." Selena smiled at Mac, "Hi sweetie, My name is selena, and you're mommy is one of my best friends." Mac looked up at me, I smiled and nodded, Mac smiled sweetly at Selena, "I'm Mac." Selena smiled and opened her arms, Mac hugged her tightly. It was really amazing to see how far she's come with people and new places and things. "Hey Demi." A low voice said to me, I turned and Joe Jonas was standing there, smiling at me. I smiled back, things were a little awkward still, since he was the one who broke up with me. I'm not gonna lie, he looked good. Selena knew I still thought of Joe, so she just stood there awkwardly smirking at the two of us. I leaned in and hugged him, but pulled away quickly as he squeezed me lightly. I couldn't let anything happen between us. It wasn't healthy. Then, Joe bent down, "And who's this little cutie." Mac hid behind my leg, "Mac." Came a small sound. Joe held out his hand and Mac shook it. Joe smiled, and said his goodbyes, then walked away. Selena smiled knowingly at me. "Whaat?" I complained reaching down and fixing Mac's dress. "Nothing, Nothing." Selena said and smiled evilly again. I straightened up, "It's in the past. Nothing. Nada. I don't like him like that anymore. I swear." I explained. She just nodded, "Okay." I rolled me eyes, "I'm seriously Sel, that's like saying you still like Nick." Selena shook her head, "God that was embarrassing. Why did you let me date him? You know I never even had feelings for him at all." I just smirked, "Who knows?" She hit my arm, "You're SO funny Dems. Not. Haha, but listen I'm hosting so I gotta go, Love you!" She kissed both of my cheeks, then hugged Mac, and walked away. I decided to find my seat in the audience, Mac and I were front row, right in front of the huge stage. I was presenting, so while I was on stage Natalie would be sitting in my seat. Soon, the lights dimmed and the show began. 


          I took a deep breath, no matter how many times I went onstage, I still got nervous. "Hey, Demi you okay?" My friend, and co-presenter Chord Overstreet said. I smiled up at him, "Yeah just alittle nervous." Chord shook his head. "You look amazing. Nothing to worry about." He reassured me, I hugged him, "Thanks." Suddenly the music started and a producer waved to us, Chord offered his arm, "Ready?" I took it. and we walked out. 

       "Please welcome, Demi Lovato and Chord Overstreet." The announcer's deep voice echoed throughout the room. We walked up to the front of the stage and I raised the microphone. "The nominee's for best collaboration prove that there is power in numbers." Then Chord, "If you're trying to get to number one sometime, not like numbers two and three.." He said, "All of these artists shine on their own, but when a few stars come together they can light up the sky." "Here are the nominees for best collaboration." Me and Chord waited until they showed all of the nominees and then shouted the winner together. We gave it to the pair of singers, and then walked off stage. Mac was backstage to greet me. She looked beat. I was too and so ready to just curl up with my favorite person in the world. "You ready kiddo?" I asked her, She sleepily nodded her head. On the way home Mac fell asleep, but as we got close to home she woke up, "Mama?" Her voice came out of the darkness of the car. "Yeah babygirl?" I said. "Can we snuggle?" She asked. I smiled, even though she couldn't see me. "Of course, i'd love that." 

        As soon as we got home I picked up Mac, changed her into pajamas and we both got ready for bed. Mac was nearly falling asleep as she brushed her teeth. When we got into bed Mac wrapped herself around me and nuzzled her head into my neck. I wound my arms around her tightly. She let out a yawn, and then "Mama?" I smiled, "Yeah baby?" "I wuv you." I  kissed her forehead and squeezed her. "I love you too babygirl."



Sooo that's it! Hope it was long enough and I hope you guys liked the VMA thing... Should I do one for the TCA's? (Teen Choice Awards) Idk it was fun to write! Well I hope you guys are having a good week(: 

  Vote and Comment what you want to be in the next few chapter or characters you want more of/want me to add to the story! I look at all of the comments! 


p.s 85k reads?! Ahhh! 

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