"You're mine."

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Demi's POV

              Nick walked out carrying Mac, who was snuggled into his chest. I grinned at the sight, then stood, grabbing Nick's hand and kissing him quickly, "Let's go get dinner." Max came, and we stood in the lobby, the other guards were trying to make a path through the mix or paparazzi and fans blocking the doors. I sighed impatiently and pulled Nick towards the back entrance, Max followed us. 

                Although a lot less than before, there was still a ton of paparazzi. Nick held Mac on his back, but as we stepped outside he switched her so that she was clinging to him from the front. With one arm wrapped around her he pulled my waist to his protectively. "DEMI! IS IT TRUE YOU CHEATED ON NICK WITH NIALL?" I felt Nick's body tense and I squeezed his side, "DEMI IS IT TRUE YOU'RE PREGNANT? LOOK AT THAT STOMACH! YOU'RE ABOUT TO POP." My stride faltered and I tripped slightly. Nick steadied me then trust Mac into my arms. He lunged after the pap before I could do anything, throwing him to the ground then bringing him back up roughly, shoving him over to me, "Apologize." He snarled. The pap looked up, obviously terrified, "S-Sorry Demi." I nodded, and Nick threw him away. The other photographers were obviously scared shitless now, and they parted for Nick and I as we made our way to the waiting car. He slid in first, then I got in. I felt wetness on my neck and realized Mac was crying. "What's wrong baby?" I murmured softly, She just sniffled and looked over at Nick with wide eyes, "Scary." I shook my head, "He's just trying to protect you." Mac smiled and snuggled deeper into me. "Can you go give Dada a hug?" She nodded, and shuffled across the smooth leather seats to Nick, who was sitting tensely by the other window. She touched his shoulder and he glanced down at her, "Hey Mac." She moved his arms for him, climbed on his lap, then wrapped his arms back around her and tucked her head into his chest. Nick smiled and stroked her hair, kissing her forehead. I moved closer and leaned my head on his shoulder, looking up at him lovingly, "Did you think six months ago you would be in this position?" He looked down at Mac, "Maybe..." then he captured my lips in a kiss, "Never in a million years." He murmured, resting his forehead against mine. I smiled, this moment was perfect. Mac, Nick, and I were happy, healthy, and safe. Life hadn't been this good in a while.

         The car began to slow down, and then rolled to a stop. Immediately, Max got out, "C'mon le'ts get inside guys before the paps get here." I unwillingly pulled away from Nick ad stepped out of the car. Someone must have leaked our reservation because there were about five paparazzi standing with their cameras. I grabbed Nick's hand and felt his tension as they started yelling for his attention. We made it inside, and were seated right away. Mac still clutched Nick when we sat down, she hates the paparazzi, they scare the crap out of her with all of the yelling. "It's okay Mac." Nick whispered, and she slowly got off of him and onto a chair. A waitress came up to us, she was cute, thin, and blonde. He makeup was overly thick, and she fluttered her eyelashes at Nick. "Hi! My names Nicole, can I start you off with a drink?" I cleared my throat as her eyes trailed down Nick's body. "Two waters and an apple juice." I glared, she snapped her gum as she wrote it down and walked away. I heard Nick laughing, but I ignored him as I helped Mac with the menu. Soon, the clicking of heels came and I knew the girl had returned. Seh stood very close to Nick, leaning over so he had a clear view of her cleavage. "And what can I get you big boy?" I threw my napkin on the table and walked away in disgust. Nick got up, "Watch Mac please." He said to Max, then walked after me.

            I hurried to the restroom and shut the door, but before I could lock it, Nick was there again, he slipped in, then shut the door behind him, walking foward and backing me against the wall. He pressed his body against mine, "Tell me you're not jealous over her." I shook my head and tried to think clearly as he kissed my neck and jawline. "I'm not jealous of anything she has." Nick's hand lifted my shirt up a little and glided over my bareskin, leaving goosebumps in it's path. "You seemed pretty jealous." He murmurted as his hands slid up my back, "N'Not Jealous...Oh God.... Remember how you got annoyed at Niall because I'm yours?" Nick's lips brsuhed at my collar bones, "Mmmhmm." I tried to keep my breathing even, "Same basic concept." Nick pulled away and I internally groaned at the lack of contact, "Well you have no need to be angry at her, because I'm all yous. I only have eyes for you." I kissed his lips then smiled, "We should get back to Mac." Nick nodded, and took my hand. 

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