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    Mac's POV   

 'Mac took a deep breath in a opened her mouth to speak, just then, a knock on the door sounded.' 

      I jumped at the sound of the knock on the door, Demi didn't flinch. She was just staring at me, her mouth hanging open. "Mac, you can say it. You can do this." Demi said. I shook my head. Not when people are here. I don't know what came over me. "Demi? You home?" A woman's voice called through the door. Still, Demi didn't look away from me. She just hugged me, "It's okay baby." 


     Demi's phone blared and she snapped into action. Scooping me up and ignoring the call at the same time she walked over to the door. "Ready?" Nope. I nodded instead. Demi pulled open the door and I was immediately greeted by high pitched choruses of "OHMYGOD SHES SO CUTE" "DEMI" "LOOK AT HER SHES SO TINY." Demi started laughing, "Hey guys come on in and introduce yourselves." They all shoved through the doorway. "Hi Mac, I'm Dianna, Demi's momma." An older woman who looked like Demi said, kneeling down. I hid behind Demi. They were all so loud. Then a younger girl came over. She too, looked like Demi. "Hi precious! I'm Maddie, Demi's sister. It's so nice to meet you!" I just stared at her. Another girl came over, she looked older than Demi. "Hi, I'm Dallas. You are just too cute." They all talked really funny. Then a pair of huge boots stepped in front of me. I looked up. A huge man with a kind face was looking at me. He knelt and even then he was taller than two of me. "I'm Eddie. Demi's father." His voice was deep and warm. I stepped out from Demi's legs and nodded. I was determined not to be a freak. 

       I have to admit... This isn't that bad. Demi's family is really nice. And Demi was right, Dallas and Maddie must have taken a thousand pictures each. They took al ot of me with Demi too. Dianna and Eddie were in the living room cooking. They were somewhat horrified when they realized Demi and I had gone out to dinner or gotten takeout every night since I arrived here. Dianna kept mumbling things about 'A good home cooked meal' And Eddie just shook his head alot. They reminded me of the parents of kids that I would see in the park. My friends would complain about how their parents were so strict. But they didn't know that I would die for parents that would just care about me. My dad hated me and as far as I knew, My mom hated me too. 

       "Mac?" Demi snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at her. "You okay? You seemed a little distant." I just nodded. Demi leaned down and whispered. "I'm sorry about earlier. I know you were about to open up, my family has terrible timing." I smiled and nodded. "Dinners ready!" Dianna called from the kitchen. "Coming!" Demi, Dallas and Maddie yelled back. they were all so in synch with each other. Maddie picked me up as we walked through the big house. On the table was tacos for Demi and the other adults and for me was chicken and vegetables. It smelled amazing. "Shall we say grace?" Eddie said. Everyone joined hands, I looked at Demi confused she just smiled and just nodded towards Maddie's hand. I grabbed it and Demi grabbed mine. Eddie started speaking in his booming voice. "Dear God, We thank you that my family and I had safe travels here. We know you will watch over us as we travel back tomorrow morning. We welcome a new member into our family today. Mac. She is a blessing to us all and we accept her as our own. We hope you watch over her as her life is turned upside down and we trust you to put the pieces together. In Jesus name, Amen." "Amen" Everyone except me repeated. I was so confused. To use an expression that Demi uses alot, even though I'm 'not allowed to ever say it outloud.' What the fuck? 

         Demi just gave me a look that said, 'I'll tell you later.' I nodded and dug in. The food was amazing. I can't believe it was made in this kitchen. I wish Demi could cook. She tried a couple of days ago... But the pan went on fire and then she dropped it. Let's just say Demi isn't trying that again any time soon. And yes, there were alot of F words thrown around. "How is it?" Dianna asked. "Amazing" Demi tried to say, but her mouth was so full it sounded like "Mzghing" We all laughed at her. Dinner went on without anything interesting happening. They talked about Demi's album and how that was going on. Then Dallas asked if Demi was touring, she said yes. I wonder what that meant, but Dianna and Eddie gave her a weird look. 

      Too soon, they all said goodbye to Demi and I. Demi was crying a little. She hugged them all tightly and they all hugged me too. Then, they were gone. Demi and I sat on the couch, I could tell she was upset. Demi looked at me, "I really wish you would  talk to me." Demi said, through her tears. I bowed my head in shame. "I mean, how hard is it just to say 'Hi Demi' or just 'Yes or 'No' I don't get it." Demi got up and walked into the bathroom, leaving me alone. Tears brimmed my eyes and they ran down my cheeks. I didn't like when Demi was mad at me. I know theres no reason to not open up to her. She's more of a mother to me than my mom ever was...

     Then it hit me. Demi is my mother. She does love me. I am worthy of love. The only problem is that the person who loves me the most is currently sobbing in the bathroom. 

       I crawled over to the door and knocked, "Mackenzie please go away." Demi said her voice cracking. I ignored her and opened the door. Demi was sitting in the bathtub with tears running down her face. I walked in. "Mackenzie I really want to be alone right now. Please just go." I ignored that too. I climbed in the tub with her. I crawled over and put my arms around her and hugged her in the biggest way that I knew how too. I pulled away and looked at her. I took a deep breath and spoke my first words in two years... "I love you too mommy..." 

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