Pancakes! (re-upload)

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Demi's POV 

            I woke up in the morning still on the couch, but without Nick. At the thought of his name a smile creeped onto my face as I remembered last night's events. I touched my lips, I could practically feel Nick's on mine. A loud clang from the kitchen alone with a giggle and "Shhhh don't wake mommy up!" Curious, I got up from the couch and walked silently towards the kitchen. Peeking around the doorway I saw Nick standing there, carrying Mac. They were facing the stove, and my kitchen was a wreck. I quickly pulled out my phone and snapped the photo of them in front of me. I didn't realize my sound was on, and it made a noise as it took the picture, making Nick turn around with Mac. 

           When Mac saw me her face lit up, and she hit Nick's shoulder, "Down!" Nick set her carefully on her feet and she ran over to me. I picked her up and swung her around, "Hey babygirl! Watcha doin' up so early?" Mac smiled and pointed towards Nick and the mess of the kitchen. "Pancakes!" Nick walked over, his white t-shirt full of stains. He pecked my lips once, making me blush. "We wanted to surprise you."  I smiled, "Well maybe if you two hadn't been tearing apart my kitchen I wouldn't have woken up! Look at this place! It's a wreck!" I scolded, but couldn't keep the grin off of my face. Nick shrugged, "I'll clean it up." I snorted, "Sure you will." Mac squirmed in my arms and I put her down. Almost immediately she shoved my legs so I turned around and hit both hands on my ass hard, pushing and making me yelp. "Out momma!" I feigned to be hurt. "Hey!" Mac whined, "Mommmaaa! We're supposed to be surprising you!" I laughed and started to walk towards the living room, putting my hands up in surrender. "Okay! Okay! I'm going jeez." I shot Nick a dirty look over my shoulder, and heard his booming laugh echo throughout the kitchen. 


           "This is so good babygirl!" I gushed, as I took another bite of the pancakes. I wasn't lying either. They actually tasted good! Apparently I hadn't just underestimated Nick's kissing skills, but his cooking skills too. I looked at Nick and smiled, "It really does taste good babe." I said quietly. He pecked my cheek, "Thanks Dems." 

              We finished eating and I helped Nick clean up the kitchen, Mac was watching cartoons in the living room and I was standing at the kitchen sink doing the dishes. I took a plate from the counter and was just about to start washing it when I felt strong around wrap around my waist. Nick rested his chin on my shoulder, kissing my cheek when I smiled. He took the dish from me and put it back on the counter, then slowly spun me around, grabbing my waist and pressing his body against mine. I wrapped my arms lazily around his neck and played with the hair at the nape of his neck. We stared into each other's eyes and Nick leaned his forehead against mine, "I can't believe this is real. " He whispered, and pressed his lips to the tip of my nose. I giggled, and reached behind him, sneakily grabbing a pinch of powder in my hand. "Well believe it buddy. Because now?" I brought my hand up. "You're stuck with me."

          I opened my hand and blew the white powder into his unsuspecting face. He froze, and let his mouth drop open in shock. My giggled turned into a hysterical cackle as I slipped out of his arms as I tried to make a break for it before he could recover. I got about three steps before I was grabbed around the waist and lifted into the air. I squealed and let out a loud laugh. Nick grabbed a huge handful of white powder and rubbed it all into my hair. I screamed and wiggled out of his grasp. I ran a hand through my hair and when I pulled it back it was covered in white powder. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST DID THAT!" I yelled. Nick started to laugh but stopped short as I dumped a bowl of sprinkles over his head. They embedded into his hair and he blinked, totally shocked. I shook with laughter so hard tears came to my eyes. I saw the glint in Nick's eyes and bolted, running around the counter trying to get to the living room, but before I could get there, I was lifted into the air once again, and hoisted over Nick's shoulder. I screamed, and slapped his ass hard. "Nick Jonas! Put me DOWN!" He laughed, and spun me once, making me grip him tighter, upside-down. Then, set me on the counter, moving between my legs and pressing his lips to mine. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and knotted my hands in his hair as his hands moved down to my thighs. The kiss was just starting to get heated when I heard a tiny giggle come from behind Nick.  I pulled away just in time to see Mac run from the doorway into the other room. I turned back to Nick just as he turned back to me and.... BOOM. I lurched away from him, holding my forehead, cracking up. Nick smiled and joined in on my laughing. He lifted me off the counter and pecked my lips once, taking my hand. 

"Let's go talk to her." 


I hope you liked it! #TeamNemiBITCH 

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