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   Demi's POV   

   Mac and I had been home for about five minutes before there was frantic knocking on the door, I ran over and swung it open. Selena stood there, panting. "Did I miss the food?" I busted out laughing and Selena joined me, we stood there laughing like idiots for a couple minutes before Mac eventually walked out, "Mama?" I stopped laughing and turned, "Yeah baby?" She looked up and saw Selena, "Hi." She said shyly and waved. Selena smiled widely and squatted down, "What, I don't get a hug?" Me giggled, ran towards Selena, and embraced her. Selena stood up, with Mac still wrapped around her, "Cookies?" I laughed, "You're just in time to save me from poisoning them." She rolled her eyes, "Thank God." 

       The cookies came out great. I mostly stayed away. Everything I try and cook turns out to be unedible. But Mac had an amazing time with Selena, they had a flour fight, which was weird.. Because i'm pretty sure there was no flour needed to make the cookies. Selena said MAc started it and Mac whined that Selena started it. Sel is such a kid sometimes. I can't wait until Mandy has a baby. Selena's going to be alllll over her. Mac was sleeping on the couch, she can't go without a nap every couple of hours. Which is good, because it gave me and Selena time to talk.

      "So how's things going with Justin?" I said, after sitting at the table in silence for a couple minutes, watching Mac sleep peacefully. At the mention of his name Selena's face broke out into a huge smile. "He's completely amazing Demi, you have no idea. He calls or texts me every morning when one of us is away and reminds me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me. It just feels good to be loved you know?" I smiled, "Yeah, I get it. It's weird watching you two. It's like you complete each other, you move, and he moves. You two are always touching, it's just so perfect." Selena laughed, then got serious. "Are you ever going to tell me about what happened with you are Wilmer?" I sighed, Shit. I knew at some point she was going to ask about that. Marissa was already out for blood. "We uhm, broke up." Selena nodded. "No shit. I wanna know why and what he did." She crossed her arms, and I knew I wasn't getting out of this one. "We went on a date, and then he convinced me to go dancing. I got hammered, and then we went to his house for sex. When we woke up the next morning he acted like he did nothing wrong. He said that I needed to lighten up, and get rid of Mac, Well make a choice, him or Mac. So I chose Mac, slapped him and left." I shrugged, "It was nothing." Selena stared at me angrily. "Nothing Demi?" She hissed. "How the hell is that nothing? I'm really gonna kill him." I smiled weakly, "Apparently there's a line." Selena just shook her head. "I'm so sorry Dems, he really had all of us fooled. I thought he was an amazing guy." I nodded, "I thought so too... Honestly I was so in love with him that I couldn't see how bad it was. He was cheating on me. He was drifting me away from Mac- Well shoving is more like it. And all I could focus on was how loved her made me feel. He kept me whole." I bowed my head. I hadn't really had time to think about how bad it really was. "Demi, I'm so sorry." Selena's hand rubbed my back. "No it's okay, really i'm fine." I straightened up in my seat. Selena looked at me with pity, "You don't always have to be the strong one." I nodded, "Yes... I do." She sighed, then her phone dinged, "That's the studio, I have to back soon, are you okay?" I smiled at her, yeah I'm just gonna eat more cookies and cuddle with Mac the rest of the day." She nodded. "I love you Demi." "Love you too Sel." I hugged her, then she kissed Mac's forehead, and left. 

           I sighed, and walked over to the couch where Mac was sleeping. All I want is to curl up with her and cry. I looked over at the disaster in the kitchen, then at Mac. Eh, kitchen can wait. I climbed onto the couch and pulled Mac close to me. I pulled out my phone and went to my photos. Hundred to different pictures with Wilmer flooded my camera roll. A fresh batch of tears came to my eyes. It was hard, but it was something I have to do. Relive the memories and not push everything away like i'm used to doing. I snuggled into my daughter's shoulder and let the sobs come rolling out of me. 

   Sorry it's late guys :\  I've just  had a bit of writer's block.. But.... 


Thank you guys so muhc for reading this story and commenting and just being amazing I love you all !!! 


p.s follow me on my personal twitter? @Rachelxolawlor Thankss!! 


1. cute moments? 

2. Should wilmer get a phone call from Marissa and Selena? 

3. Should Demi be sad about Wilmer more? Or move on? 

4. TCA'S! yes? No? Who should be there? Should I bring Niall into it at the TCA's? 

5. Should I do interviews with talk shows? i.e Ellen, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, etc.

6. just wanted you to know, Mac is going to be home schooled/ tutored. 

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