Happy birthday

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Demi's POV

Mac and I ran around the amusement park with all of our friends, going on rides and playing games for about two hours, before we decided to split up and cover more ground. We divided into three 'teams'. One, was Khloe, Kim, Selena, Justin, Niall, Pattie, Jazmyn, Jaxon, Mac and Me. The second, Taylor, Harry, Zayn, Louis, and Liam. And the third was my family. Our group decided to do the kiddy rides, because we had all of the little ones. The teacup ride was up first and we all got into the round seats. Mac and I were in one, Khloe and Kim in another. Khloe leaned over and said. "We're going to crush you. You can never match the speed of the Kardashian spin!" I laughed and yelled back, "Sounds like a challenge Khloe! You sure Kim's participating too?" Khloe scoffed, "I don't need Kim to whoop your sorry ass." I laughed and then the music started for the ride. I turned to Mac and said. "You want to go really really fast?" She giggled and nodded. "Okay, just help me turn the wheel as fast as you can." Mac nodded and put her hands on the wheel. I turned back to Khloe. "You better watch out, Mac had her game face on!" She just laughed and got ready. A voice came on the loudspeaker and explained the rules, then we started spinning as the machine took us high into the air. Mac's peals of laughter pierced the air and I joined her. We both pulled hard on the wheel and I saw Khloe yelling at kim to 'Get your ass moving!' Soon, the ride ended and Mac and I stumbled out, extremely dizzy. Mac fell into me and I picked her up, she had changed out of her princess outfit after breakfast because she didn't want to mess it up. "Mama that was fun! Let's do it again!" I laughed, "You're right! It was fun, but we need to go on other rides that way we can have even more fun!" She just nodded, still disoriented from the spinning.

Khloe came up to us with Kim, who was desperately trying to fix her hair. I smirked, "We won." Khloe rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah... If I wasn't with the princess over here Iso totally would have killed you guys." Mac giggled, She had never met Khloe before, but she seemed to like her. "Mac, this is your Aunt Khloe and Kim." I said, introducing them. Mac didn't know many people in CA yet, and she didn't have friends in her orphanage so I had invited a lot of mine. Mac smiled at Khloe and waved. Khloe smiled back, "Oh my God you are SO cute!" She said. Mac reached out from my arms to her and Khloe scooped her up. "Oh my God!" I laughed, "Let's go on another ride." We walked down to another fenced in area and I saw that it was a Roller Coaster, just a tiny one, but I knew Mac would have a lot of fun on it. We got into our seats, and the attendant strapped us in. "Ready?" I asked Mac, who was gripping the bar tightly. She nodded and flashed a smile. The ride jolted forward as we rode along the track. Suddenly, it went upwards sharply. We kept climbing and I realized that this actually was a really big roller coaster. It had looked small from the front but there was loops and drops. I turned to Mac who looked terrified. "It's okay, just try and have fu-" "AHHHHHHHHH" Mac's scream hit the air, cutting me off as we finally plunged downwards. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT." I yelled, I'm normally not afraid of any roller coaster, but the drop took me off guard and my stomach dropped. Mac didn't stop screaming until the ride was over. As we rolled to a stop at the exit I turned and looked at her. Her hair was all over the place, and her eyes were wide with shock. I thought she was going to start crying, but a second later, her face lit up and she yelled, 'Let's go again!" I laughed and picked her up out of the seat. "Maybe later, but let's go find another ride." I took her hand and walked down the stairs back to the road. Khloe was standing there laughing at Kim who again, was trying to fix her hair. I shot a scrunchy at her and she caught it gratefully. Khloe looked at Mac, "Did you like that one? I could hear you screaming from the backseat!" Mac nodded excitedly. Niall, Justin and Selena joined us. Jaxon and Jazmyn had the same look on their face as Mac did, Justin however, looked a little green. "You okay Justin?" I asked, trying to contain my laughter. He glowered at me and nodded. "Let's find another ride." Selena said, and pecked his cheek. Niall picked up Mac and she hugged him. "Unca Ni!" She siad, laughing. He smiled and then looked at me, "Hey Dems." He poked my side and I had to smile.

We walked around the the park for a long time, only stopping to get water and food. Mac, Jazmyn and Jaxon kept us moving the entire time. they wanted to hit every single ride. Soon though, it was dark and the park was closing. We all gathered back in the Cinderella's Castle dining room and the waitresses brought out a huge cake. It was in the shape of a castle, and chocolate flavored. Mac was smiling hugely in the light on the candles and we all began to sing.

Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday dear Mac, Happy birthday to youuuu.

Because there were so many singers here, it actually sounded pretty good and in tune... until the last note when the boys of One Direction all made obnoxious noises. "Make a wish!" I said to Mac. She giggled and blew out all of her candles. We all clapped and a waitress cut the cake. It tasted delicious. Niall had four pieces. We all stayed for another hour or so, socializing and talking about our day, but I could tell Mac was getting tired. So everyone said a final 'Happy Birthday' to Mac, hugged me, and went to their cars.

I walked with Mac in my arms to the car. "Did you have fun?" I asked her while putting her in the car seat. She nodded and sleepily said, "Best. Birthday. Ever." Before falling asleep. I kissed her forehead, then began to long drive home.


Okay! That's it! Not much drama because it's Mac's birthday and I wanted it all to be okay haha.

Comment what you want more of, Sweet moments? Mac and Demi to have another little fight? Drama?

Mac will NOT be kidnapped nor will she self-harm. At least not now.

Niall and Demi won't develop feelings for each other.. I have other plans for Demi's love life.

Wilmer might be making an appearance later in the story? Probably much later... idk?



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