We have a plan.

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Demi's POV 

           "We have a plan." Max stated, the first words of an 'essential meeting' that I was pulled away form my daughter for. Mac was with Dallas and Marissa, but I hated being away from her for any length of time. Max looked at me as I huffed in my chair and began to shake my leg impatiently. I raised an eyebrow and motioned for him to go on. He sighed, "Before I go any further I would like to put it out there that this plan is 100 percent fool proof. Even if we don't manage to capture Michael Rivera there is no danger of anyone getting hurt." He looked right at me as he said those last words and I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. Max shifted uncomfortably under my glare. "As I was saying... We believe that Rivera will only come out of hiding if he sees what he wants... Mac. Alone. Of course, she won't really be alone, she'll be completely safe. No one will be able to hurt her-" "No." It has finally clicked, what he was getting at. All heads turned to me as I stood up from my seat. "Absolutely not." "Demi-" Max began, but I cut him off sharply. "I am NOT going to let you use my daughter as BAIT to catch a criminal who wants to kill her! That's absolutely INSANE! What the hell is wrong with you?" I said, my voice growing louder and louder until I was yelling. "Demi if you would just listen-" "No. I said no and that's final." I sat down in my chair and crossed my arms stubbornly. NOT happening. 


I can't believe this is happening. Why did I agree to this?! 

            I had gone back to the living room to rant to Marissa and Dallas about how idiotic and stupid Max was for even thinking that I would EVER use my daughter as bait to lure out her father. Doesn't he know anything about fishing? 

           After my raving, their reactions were far from what I expected. they'd be. At the very least I thought they'd agree with me. Marissa would go and yell and Max, for even suggesting something like that. Dallas would start practicing her dirty look collection to throw him for the next few weeks. But what I got instead? Silence. They jsut stared at me. Not moving, just staring. Just as I was about to burst again, Marissa spoke. "Demi, you should have let Max explain. It might not be as bad as you think. Max loves Mac too. He wouldn't ever let her get hurt. I looked at my daughter sleeping on the couch. My angered tone hadn't woken her up, and I was thankful for that. "I just... I can't lose her." Marissa got up and hugged me, "You won't, but it can;t hurt to let them explain. This is their job you know," She whispered. I nodded and groaned as I realized she was right. "Why do you always have to be right?" She smiled and shrugged, "It's in my job description. Now shoo!" I sighed, "Fineee." Walking slowly back into the room that the others hadn't left. "Okay, what's the plan." 

         It was simple. Mac and I would 'sneak' away from security and go to the movies. They knew he was watching the house somehow, he had to be. When we're watching the movie. Security guards and police members in disguise will be in the same theatre. About halfway through, I get up to go to the bathroom. Leaving Mac 'alone'. We wait until her dad moves in, and then we grab him. Simple, right? So why do I have such a bad feeling about this? 

          We did our best to explain to Mac what was happening, and she seemed to understand. Although once she heard the part about me leaving her, Mac's face turned white. I grabbed her hand, "It's gonna be okay babygirl." I whispered, she nodded, and looked down at her lap. It was times like this that I wished I could read her mind. Thoughts must be whizzing through her brain, even I can barely make sense of what's going on. 

          We sat in the conference room for a couple on minutes before a thought crossed my mind, Nick! Fuck, I never called him! He probably hates me. I sighed, and decided to call him once everything blows over. Max had given strict orders not to tell anyone that wasn't absolutely essential about the plan. It was going down tomorrow, so we didn't have alot of time. He said there might be phone taps, because Mac's dad was given an IQ test in prison, and he tested on the genius level. Which made him that much more dangerous.

           I decided to go to bed early with Mac, since we have big day tomorrow. I laid in bed and snuggled up to her as close as I possibly could. She buried her face in my neck and put her arms around me. We laid there in silence for a couple of minutes, feeling each other breathing. "Babygirl?" Mac lifted her head and looked at me, her brown eyes sparkled in the dim lights from the hallway. I leaned my forehead against hers, "I love you so much babygirl. You're my little fighter." Mac smiled and kissed my chin, "I love you too Momma." I pecked her lips,



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NEXT UPDATE: 520,000


P.S; For the person in the comments, Mac and Demi will NOT be murdered either(:       

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