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Demi's POV  

    Me and Mac sat in the car on our way to the courthouse, I had hired a private car to take us, so that I could sit in the backseat with her, and extra security. She laid on the seat with her head in my lap, I brushed my fingers through her perfect curls and tickling her back. 

    Max was in his element, I had made him in charge of putting all of the guards in place in the courthouse, and he was very proud of himself. My phone rang, it was Wilmer, rolling my eyes I slid it to open and snapped, "What do you want?" Mac looked up at me, alarmed. "Demi, Hermosa. Please don't hang up. Can we at least talk? Please? Can't we meet for coffee somewhere? I'm going crazy without you and i'm a fucking idiot for cheating on you." I sighed. "Fine. But it would have to be tomorrow, around 3? Starbucks near my place?" I could practically hear the joy and happiness in his voice. "Gracias Demi, Thank you so much-" I cut him off, "This doesn't mean anything except i'm agreeing to talk to you... Okay?" "Yes I know, I just miss you a lot." He said, "I.... I miss you too." I admitted. "I look forward to tomorrow!" Wilmer said. "Me too, but I gotta go, bye!" And hung up on him. "Who was that?" Mac said curiously. "No one special, You don't-" I was cut off as the car stopped. Looking out the window I saw that we were in front of the court house and there were a ton of fans outside screaming. "Nevermind.. Are you ready?" I looked at Mac, who looked far from ready. In fact.... She looked absolutely terrified. "Hey, Don't worry. Remember what I said last night. And no matter how scared you get, just look right at me and pretend you're talking to me!" I said, Mac smiled and nodded. 


          Mac's POV 

     I'm literally shaking. I'm sitting 10 feet away from my daddy. Demi's arms are wrapped around me protectively and Max is sitting next to us. I know I should feel safer than ever, but i'm absolutely terrified. I can feel him staring at me. Waiting for me to look over at him. But I refused to, instead, I glanced up at Demi. I was shocked to find her staring right at my daddy. I peeked at him, but saw that it wasn't me i felt his gaze on, but Demi. His lip was curled and his expression was one of pure hatred. The expression he looks at me with. I flinched away from it automatically into Demi. She squeezed me, and kissed the top of my head, without breaking eye contact with him. I had to admit it, if Demi was looking at me with such hatred and anger, i'd be running as fast as I could in the other direction. He broke the stare first, as a man dressed like a cop said in a loud voice: "Ladies and Gentleman, Please rise for the arrival of Judge Reegan." We all stood up, Me on a chair next to Demi. The judge walked out and dismissed us, Demi sat me in her lap, "Parties Mac Lovato vs. Michael Rivera? The topic of Murder and Domestic Child Abuse" She said, while ruffling through paper. "Yes." Both our lawyers answered at the same time. She looked up, "Mr. Greenich, You have the floor." My lawyer, Greg stood up. Here we go. 

     "I'd like to call my first witness, Mackenzie Lovato to the stand." We had prepared for this so many times. Yet I still felt like I was going to screw it up. I slid off Demi's lap and walked over to the stand. "So, Mac. Do you remember the first time your father hit you?" I looked up and made the mistake of glancing at my daddy. Who was staring me down. I started shaking again. Demi cleared her throat. I looked at her and she smiled. I took a deep breath. "Y-Yes." There was a scraping of a chair and I looked up to see my father and his lawyer standing up, shocked. The judge banged her hammer-thing. "Order! Mr. Rivera please take your seat." My daddy slowly sat down. His eyes never leaving my face. "Mac?" My attention turned to Greg. "Can you please tell me about that night?" I took a deep breath, "My daddy came home from work one day. He was carrying a bottle of alcohol, and he couldn't walk or talk right. I asked him if he felt sick. He start yelling and throwing things, then told me shut up. When I started to cry he threw me against the wall and kicked me in the stomach." Murmurs wove through the audience. "Order." The judge said again. "And what happened after that?" Greg questioned. "I started to cough up blood, and there was a really bad hurting in my side." He nodded. "Now Mac, where, during all of this, was your mother?" "My daddy never hit me when my mommy was home. I don't know why. But she came home that one day, she started crying and yelling at him. Then he slapped her and kicked her too. That's what always happened when she came home." My lawyer nodded, "So your father abused your mother too?" I nodded, "Yes." 

        "I object! We are discussing the abuse of Mackenzie, not the abuse of the mother." My daddy's lawyer cried out. "No, but it certainly adds evidence against you." The judge said, "Carry on, objection overruled." "Thank you, your honor." Greg said, "Now Mackenzie, Do you remember the first time your daddy abused you differently than the other times? Such as, sexually?" I nodded. "Tell me about that." My breathing hitched and I looked at Demi. She nodded, "That was the night before my mommy and daddy fought. I was trying to run away, but i couldn't reach the lock and he caught me. My daddy told me that if I was able to go out of the house like a big girl, than I was able to play big girl games. He kissed me, then undressed me and himself. It hurt a lot." Greg nodded. Even the judge looked shocked.  The lawyer for my daddy looked horrified and he was glaring at my daddy. "Now Mac, do you remember anyone joining your dad in doing this?" I nodded. "Do you know who it was?" I nodded again, "Brad." Greg turned to the judge, your honor, I have a full list of calls made from the prison housing Mr. Rivera to a cell phone, which we traced to a Mr. Bradley Preenunch-" The door to the court room flew open at that moment, and in walked Brad. I shrunk back in fear. "It's him!" I said to the judge, she smiled at me and nodded. "Officers, please take that man into custody." Brad immediately turned around to run but was stopped by two of Demi's guards. "Alright fine!" Brad shouted, "Mike killed the bitch, he called me after to help him move the body but I said no. He killed her." My daddy stood up. "BRAD. SHUT THE FUCK UP." The judge banged her gavel so hard the wood underneath it crack. "ORDER!" She yelled. "Mr.Michael Rivera, you are charged for the murder of Jessica Rivera and the Domestic abuse or both Mrs. Rivera and Mackenzie Lovato." She banged her gavel again. My daddy wheeled around. "YOU LITTLE BITCH. I'LL BE BACK FOR YOU, DO YOU THINK DEMI HERE LOVES YOU? THINK AGAIN, YOU'LL BE BACK IN THE ORPHANAGE BEFORE YOUR FUCKING BIRTHDAY." He screamed into my face. SLAP. The noise echoed around the room. Everyone stopped moving. Time stood still, I closed my eyes, and expected to fell the familiar burning of skin, but I felt nothing. Looking up, I saw Demi standing in front of me protectively, with her hand raised. My daddy cowered underneath her, with a bright red mark on his cheek. Demi spoke, her quiet and calm voice much more threatening than if she had been screaming. "Do not. Ever. Speak to my daughter like that again. If you so much as come within an hundred miles of her, I will kill you. understand?" My jaw dropped. I had never been stood up for by anyone. No one had ever dared talk back to my daddy. they were all so afraid of him. Demi turned around and picked me up, "C'mon babygirl, let's go home."

  Ahhhhhhhh! Pissed off Demi is so great! hahahah 


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