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    Demi's POV

      I hate him. If it is the last thing I do I will put that bastard in jail. How dare he lay a fucking finger on Mac. My little girl. Who had brown eyes that could beg you into doing anything. Who's heart was bigger than this earth. He darkened her life and that was something unforgivable. Mac was one of the strongest people I know. It was terrible what she had to go through. The only peace that came to me was knowing that Mac was ready to share. I had the resources to hire the best lawyer in the country to make sure he never saw the light of day again. 

       We finished our breakfast and Mac went to hug the waitress goodbye. I tapped on my phone to Maddie and Dallas, they were at the house. I felt someone's presence and I looked up, it was Marco. I tensed up, "Hey I just wanted to apologize for my actions before, It was uncalled for and really unprofessional." I smiled at him, "It's fine." "So I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" I smiled again, "sorry but no. I don't really have time for dating, My daughter keeps me busy." He just nodded and walked away. Guess he isn't used to rejection. 

        Mac was bouncing in her car seat. She couldn't wait to get home to second I told her that Maddie and Dallas were there. "Hurry up Demiiiii" She whined. "Babygirl I'm already 20 over the speed limit." Yeah I know I'm a bad driver. But if I ever got pulled over all I had to do was name drop, sign an autograph and get a police sticker saying I could go as fast as I want. The one I have now is on my Mercedes which is in the shop so we're taking the BMW. I just liked fast driving. Mac sighed and sat back in her seat. Shaking her leg impatiently. As soon as we pulled into the driveway. She tried to get out of her booster seat but it was child locked. "Demiiiii" Mac whined. "Alright, Alright." I walked over and tried to get the lock off. I guess it was Demi proof too. "Demi stop playing around!!" Mac squealed. "Mac I really can't get this lock off." I pulled as hard as I could. Nothing. "Mother fucking lock, come off." I muttered under my breath. Mac giggled. Oops. I looked at her. "I know I know, I'm not allowed to repeat that EVER." Mac said laughing. "Damn right you aren't." I said. "YES." I yelled as the lock sprang free. 
"That took you ten minutes." Mac said. "Oh shut it you." I picked her up and we walked inside the house. 

     As sson as I opened the door I was greeted with screaming form both Mac and Maddie and Dallas. I put Mac down and covered my ears. "Jesus fucking christ could you be any louder?" I yelled. All of them started hysterically laughing. I laughed along with them and walked into the other room to put my phone on the charger. Dallas followed me, We talked about Rob, and how things were going. She seemed so in love. It was hard to listen to. "Demi, have you ever thought about, you know? Dating anyone?" Dallas said to me, her voice low so the girls in the other room wouldn't hear her. "Of course i've thought about it. But there isn't any way possible I can even think about even talking to anyone until Mac's trial and I still have to figure out how i'm going to tell the world about her." Dallas nodded. "Have you talked to Wilmer at all?" Of course she had to bring him up. "Yeah he calls me everyday and leaves hour long voicemails about how much he loves ,e and how he made a mistake. I don't think having your dick up another girl's vag is really a mistake." I rolled my eyes. What an asshole. Then, Mac came into the room. "Hey momma?" Dallas jumped at the sound of Mac talking and I realized I hadn't told her yet... oops. "Yeah baby?" "Can I show Mad Mad my room?" She looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. "Sure babygirl, just make sure you don't break anything." Mac nodded and ran out of the room. Well, wobbled out of the room, she still hadn't figured out the whole running thing yet. I still couldn't get over how cute she is. "She speaks?" Dallas snapped me out of my thoughts. "Uhm, yeah I guess I forgot to tell you guys.." Dallas slapped my arm. "Ouch Dall, What the fuck was that for?" I said rubbing my arm. "One, that is HUGE how could you not tell me? And two. you really need to keep that mouth in check!" Dallas scolded me. I laughed. "Relax Dallas, Mac won't repeat anything. She doesn't even know what it means, but speaking of Mac, Where are they?" Me and Dallas walked up stairs and peeked into Mac's room. 

      "Okay so you just say it quick, bitch. See? You use it when you're mad at a girl." Maddie, explained. Mac giggled. "Bitch." Maddie clapped. "Good girl!" I walked in. "What do you think you're doing Maddie?!?!?" I yelled. Maddie just laughed. "Hey, you're the one who taught me how to say it when I was four, I'm just passing down the tradition." Mac nodded. "Bitch!" She said happily. I groaned. "Maddie this is different how could you do this?" "Explain to me how this is different. It's just a little payback!" Maddie started laughing. "Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! Fuck!" I looked at Maddie with furious eyes. "Hey woah, woah, woah, that one is alllll you!" She defended herself. I rolled my eyes. Maybe I shouldn't be so mad... 


Hey guys! It's Rachel. I was wondering, since Niall is going to be coming into the story later, if you guys wanted a chapter of his POV from the outside world, seeing all these gossip sights about Demi and Mac, The boys making fun of him for loving Demi. I thought that would be funny! Let me know if you have any suggestions. tweet me, @lovatic_chica, or message me or just inbox me on here! I'll try to incorporate as much as I can! Thanks!


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