How long is Always?

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    Mac's POV  

   When I woke up Demi was gone again, but that's okay. We're going to hang out and play tonight! Just me and my mommy. I hope she doesn't bring Wilmer. I don't think he likes me very much, whenever he comes over Demi brings me to my room so that they can have 'alone time.' I just wish we had alone time too. 

     I walked downstairs and found Jason on the couch, like I do every morning. "Hey kiddo." He said,           "Hi." I replied, I walked into the kitchen and opened the pantry. Jason had put all of my snacks and breakfasts on the bottom shelves so that I could reach them. I took an apple pack and walked back into the living room, sitting on the couch next to him. "Where's Mommy?" I asked, Jason kept his eyes on the screen, "Studio. She said she'll be home early though." I nodded and sat there in silence for a couple on minutes. Then I got bored so I decided to play with my dolls, "Jason, come play with me!" I called. No answer. 

  Demi's POV  

      It's 5 o'clock... and i'm already dead tired. I got called in early to go to the studio and we've been at this for almost 7 hours. I'm recording 'Together' with Jason Derulo, one of Wilmer's favorite artists and good friends. Suddenly, my phone rang. "Hey baby." I said, checking the iD and seeing that it was Wilmer. "Hola Demi, I hear you're recording with Jason today?" I could hear the excitement in his voice, "Haha yeah! I am, You're welcome to come down and hang out for a while if you want." I said, knowing that's exactly what he wanted. "Gracias Hermosa, i'll be there in ten. Love you." Wilmer said, I could hear his car being started. "Love you too babe." I hung up and then turned to Phil. "Wilmer's going to be here in ten, let the front desk know so that they can give him the right room number." He nodded and took out his phone. "Did I hear Willie's name?" Jason said, stepping out of the booth. "Yeah he'll be here soon." Jason grinned, I swear sometimes they have a better relationship than Wilmer and I do. 

         We sat at the mixing table for another couple of minutes playing with the track when a knock sounded at the door. Jason jumped up and I started to laugh, as soon as Wilmer walked in Jason ran to him and hugged him, "My man how you been?" Jason yelled. Wilmer just chuckled, "I've been Well, really good. And you?" Jason just laughed, "It's been great recording with Demi, she has an amazing voice." I blushed. "Ahh Demi! I almost didn't see you there." Wilmer walked over to me and pulled me into a hug, when he pulled away Wilmer took my face in his hands and kissed me. "Keep it PG kids." Jason interrupted us, I smiled into the kiss but Wilmer turned it to an overexaggerated makeout session.  I started to laugh and pushed him away. Jason had his eyes covered with a track book. Wilmer just laughed, "So how's the track coming? Can I hear it?" He asked, "Well we've got a ton of stuff done. Me and Demi just finished the harmonies and we're gonna record the final song tomorrow early in the morning, then I have a flight to New York City to meet Jordan at GMA." Jason explained. "How's THAT whole thing goin'? " Wilmer asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Jason laughed, "It's going great, she's the best thing that ever happened to me." I smiled, I loved Jason and Jordan together, sometimes I look at their relationship and I wish me and Wilmer could be like them. "So how about we go to dinner after this?" Wilmer said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "I can't I told Mac we'd have a movie night." I said. "C'mon Dems, how often do we all get to hang out, ask Dallas and Maddie to go over there, Mac won't know the difference." Wilmer pleaded. "I don't know..." I hesitated. Wilmer walked over, "C'mon don't worry about Mac. She'll understand!" I nodded, "I'll call Dallas." Wilmer smiled and kissed my forehead, "That's my girl." 


     Mac's POV  

      It's 6 o'clock. And Demi still isn't here yet. I've been playing dolls and watching t.v all day with Jason. He's not very into it today. Then the door opened. I jumped and ran to the hallway, Dallas and Mad-Mad and Marissa were standing in the opening. I squealed and ran over to hug them all, once they had finished squeezing me to death I asked, "Why are you guys heree?" They all laughed and Marissa said, "We're here to hangout! We figured you're tired of Jason always being here alone with you and we all missed you!" Mad-Mad picked me up and We all walked into the living room and sat on the couch, talking about our day. "Wait, where's momma?" I asked, confused. They all fell silent and looked around awkwardly. Tears came to my eyes, "Sh-She's not coming, is she." I whispered. Dallas opened her mouth and spoke but I wasn't listening. I just stared at the floor, saying nothing. I couldn't hear anything Dallas was saying. Then, Marissa pulled me into a hug and I snapped out of it. I just shook my head and pointed to the T.V Mad-Mad put the movie in. I sat on the couch staring at my hands while the others watched the movie. I just sat there, thinking. 

     Has it all been a lie? I don't even know what to think anymore. What if Demi sends me back? In my head I realized how much I had grown attached to Demi and I cursed in my head. How could I be so stupid? First rule of being an orphan is to not get attached. Ever. Because they can always leave you. I put my head in my hands and stayed that way, going over mine and Demi's conversations in my head. My last thought before falling asleep being, "How long is always?" 


Hope you guys liked it! I tried to incorporate more drama, but there will definitely be more to come! And in the story it's around June of 2011! the TCA's and the VMA's are coming up! Comment what you thought of the story! Oh, and I was wondering if I should start doing a requirement for the update like a certain number of votes and comments? I see a lot of the bigger stories doing it, but I don't consider myself one of the big stories... Am i? Anyway, i'd ask you to comment a word that has to do with the next chapter? I don't know haha maybe i'll just keep updating like I am now.. 


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