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 Demi's POV    

     Today wasn't my best day. I woke up feeling broken, but i had to put on a brave face for Mac. When i looked in the mirror all i saw were flaws. "Your beautiful." I told myself. But i didn't believe it. I wanted to go back to bed. 

     Later on, my family was over. Mac was doing great with them, but my mom could tell something is wrong. She kept giving me the look that all moms gave you when they knew something was up. the look that I would give Mac one day. We all ate dinner together and my demons were screaming at me the entire time, My mom made tacos, which I love, a lot. I tried to tell her they were good but my mouth was full and everyone laughed at me. I'm such a pig. Mac still hasn't spoken to me, "It's because she thinks you're a terrible mother." A sly voice whispered in my ear. No. That can't be it. She was about to talk to me before. "Only to tell you to get your fat ass away from her." "Stop it." I whispered out loud, Maddie shot me look. I just shook my head at her. 

     When my family was getting ready to leave, It was all I could to do to not breakdown in front of them. Mac didn't know about me. Mac doesn't know anything. Her world shouldn't be even more tainted with darkness. "I've already told you she doesn't love you." The voices repeated these things in my head over and over again. 

      Soon, it was just me and Mac alone on the couch. "I really wish you could talk to me." Mac looked down at her hands. "I mean. How hard is it to just say 'Hey Demi' or just 'Yes' or 'No' I don't get it." Her silence spurred my demons even more. I walked over to the bathroom and shut the door. Crap. What did I just do. I began to sob, they were right. I'm a terrible mother. My hands traced my tattoos and i sat in the bathtub. Stay strong. Keep the faith. Don't give in. A knock sounded on the door. "Mac please go away." I said. Of course, she ignored me and the door opened. I put my head in my hands. "Mackenzie I really need to be alone right now, Please just go." Tiny arms wrapped around my waist and hugged me tight. I went to hug her back but she pulled away and looked into my eyes. Brown meeting brown. Mac took a deep breath and opened her mouth. 

    "I love you too mommy..." 

      My mouth dropped and I gasped. "Mac, My baby Mac." I pulled her into a huge hug and sat there crying. When I pulled away Mac was crying too. "Baby I'm so sorry. I shouldn't of lashed out at you. I'm just having a really bad night I don't know what came over me really. I just-" Mac put her hand over my mouth. She nodded and then hugged me. "I love you so much babygirl." I whispered and pressed my lips against her forehead. She squeezed me. "I love you too." I knelt my forehead against hers. "Always."

Silence- Adopted by Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now