Keep fighting.

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    Demi's POV   

    I woke up with Mac curled up next to me, She had her thumb in her mouth. For once, she actually looked like a four year old, (I have changed her age to four, sorry if it confuses you but it doesn't really make a difference.) Last night, when I was explaining self-harm scars to her I had expected a lot more questions but she just sat there tracing my scars and tattoos. Understanding everything. That's one of the big things I loved about her. She heard, and she understood. It was amazing to me. 

      I was debating waking her up, it was nine thirty, but my family was coming over again. They are leaving late tonight and I want to see them one last time. Besides, my mom definitely wants to talk to me. Last night I said how I wanted to tour and both my mom and Eddie looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe I am. Who knows? Besides. Mac really loves Maddie and Dallas. All three of them spent the night taking hundreds of selfies and putting them on intsagram, twitter, and facebook. Speaking of the internet.. I carefully shifted Mac and sat up in bed putting my laptop in my lap. I opened to Perez Hilton. My name was plastered all over the website. "Demi adopts?" "Demi secret child?" "Joe Jonas the father?" "Demi in rehab?" I made a disgusted sound in my throat. Perez was such a douchebag. But i was addicted.

        "Mommy?" Mac had woken up. No surprise. She was such a light sleeper. "Yeah baby?" I said. "When's MadMad and Dallas coming?" I smiled at her nickname for Maddie. "Probably around one, why?" I said. "I wanted to you know, talk about me." I smiled and nodded. "How about me and you go to that diner down the road. No one will over hear and I can talk to that waitress." Mac nodded earnestly. "Well let's get our lazy asses down there!" I said laughing, Mac giggled. I stopped "Wait, No. Our butts down there, your not aloud to repeat anything I say okay?" Mac laughed harder. "Okay Demi." I left her on the bed while I changed, Platform bootie heels, a high to low skirt, and my 'The Only Coke I do is Diet" t-shirt. I added a bowler hat and raybans to it to complete the look. Turning around Mac sat there already changed, in shorts, a white t-shirt and a necklace with a wishbone that matched mine. I picked her up, walked downstairs and out the door. 

         "Hi I was wondering if we could have a table near the back?" I asked the hostess as we walked into the diner. "Uh, yeah, anything Miss Lovato." She said, slightly starstruck, Mac giggled beside me. "Anything else?" The hostess said. "Just one more thing, is Gina working today?" Demi asked. "You know what? I think she is.. but I'm afraid her tables are booked. I'm sorry about that." The hostess really did sound sorry. "Oh no, it's totally fine!" I said, She smiled in relief. "Your waiter Marco will be right with you."  Then she walked away as a bell tinkled in the distance. I looked at Mac. "So, would would you like?" Mac looked down. "Cereal?" She said. "Okay!" But sooner or later cereal is going to get old you know!" I said laughing. Mac laughed but I could tell she was nervous because of the conversation we are going to have. A guy came over to our table. I have to admit he was really attractive. "Hello ladies." He winked at me, then turned to Mac, "What can I get you?" Mac straightened up, "Rice Krispies." He nodded then looked at me, "and what about you sexy?" I just stared at him with a disgusted look on my face. If I hadn't been here with Mac I would have told him off, "I'll have the waffles with bacon. But you know what?" I motioned for him to lean in. He smirked and leaned close to my face. "You know what's really sexy?" I said, making my voice husky and low. He gulped. "Humility." I said loudly. Marco jerked back, blushing. "Your order will be right out." He fumbled with his writing pad and walked away. Mac started hysterically laughing, I joined her. Everyone in the diner turned to look at us.

     Then Mac stopped laughing. "I see the waitress." I craned my neck, "Does she have our food?" "No Demi. the waitress with the battle scars." Mac said impatiently. "Ohhh." I replied, "Where?" I looked over at Mac's seat. It was empty. I looked down the aisle, Mac was clumsily walking toward the girl. Mac tugged on her apron and she looked down. Mac took her wrist and kissed it, then tears came to the waitress' eyes. Mac said something and hugged her tightly around the waist. the girl hugged back and then looked up at me smiling. I'm so proud of Mac. My little girl, walking in Momma's footsteps.

      Mac sat back down at our table, "What did you say to her?" I asked Mac. "I just told her what you told me to do. I kissed her wrist and then told her to keep fighting, because the battle isn't over but she can get through it. Was that okay?" I smiled at her. "That's perfect." 

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