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Demi's POV 

*Mild sexual warning in the middle*

           So far, things have been great. Nick and I told my family about our relationship, because they were a bit curious as to why he flew halfway across the country for me. My mom squealed with excitement, Maddie told me to be careful, since she's not ready to be an aunt again. Dallas chimed in saying she knew the entire time. Eddie acted protective at first, but then he laughed and shook Nick's hand. 

              Maddie's been going to therapy and I can see some improvement, although yesterday I saw two red lines on her wrists, I didn't say anything. Everyone slips up, and in my case, I slipped up a lot, but her therapist called me after each session and told me how Maddie was doing. There wasn't a clear cut diagnosis, but she was showing clear signs of Bipolar disorder. When my mom heard that, she had to leave the room. Now it was obvious that she had somehow passed on the gene, since Maddie and I had different fathers. After sitting in a very awkward silence for about ten minutes, she came back and told the therapist to go on. I know how hard this has been on my mom, she's putting on a brave face for Maddie, but Ic an see right through it. I can't even attempt to think of my mom's point of view, I don't knwo what i'd do if I ever found out Mac was hurting herself. 

            I laid there in my bed with Mac sleeping enxt to me as I thought of all of this. Nick had politely refused my mom's offer to sleep in the same room as me, and I knew Eddie was happy about that, i'm still his little girl. It's about one thirty, and I still can't sleep, my mind was racing, plotting out future situations in which Mac was self-harming, then it morphed to an eating disorder, and so on. I looked at her angelic face as she slept and couldn't imagine my daughter seeing herself as anything less than perfect. The door creaked open, and a weight on the bed shifted as someone climbed on top of it. The covers lifted, and Nick slid in next to me, wrapping his arms around me and Mac. He rested his chin on my shoulder and kissed my temple, "Can't sleep?" Her murmured. I sgihed and settled back into his warm chest, it felt safe there, it felt right. "What's on your mind?" I looked down at Mac, "What if she turns out like Maddie?" Nick sighed, "You'll notice the signs-" "But i didn't notice with Maddie! I thoguht everything was fine, what am I going to do Nick-" He cut me off by pressing his lips to mine, but I quickly pulled away, "And what if Maddie's therapy doesn't work?" Nick put his hand over my mouth, muffliong my protests. "There is nothing you can do about it right now, so you can't worry. Maddie is in good hands, and she'll be okay. She's a fighter, and she has you. And you have me, and Mac. Okay?" I sighedin defeat and pulled his hand away. "I know, I just can't help it." Nick kissed my forehead, "Get some sleep." I pulled his lips to mine and kissed him passionately, yet careful not to wake the sleeping girl next to me. We held the kiss for a couple of seconds, then pulled away when air became a problem.  I turned my body so My back was once again against his chest and snuggled into him, pulling Mac with me, and closed my eyes. I tried to clear my head, to get a moment of peace, and Nick started humming, a simple, soft, yet beautiful melody. It drowned out my thoughts and soon, I was lulled into a deep sleep. 


             "Shhhh You'll wake them up!" "But i'm hungry. Can't I eat this?" "NO! It's for them- Oh now you've done it. She's up." I opened one eye, squinting as the brightness. Maddie and Dallas were standing at the foot or my bed, "Wakey wakey!" Dallas squealed. I groaned and rolled over, cuddling into Nick's chest. "Awwww" Both of them cooed in usion. I flashed them the finger and gfelt Nick stir. He lifted his head, and squinted, "Oh, Erm, Good morning girls." He said, in his sexy sleeping voice. I peeked up from the blankets and kissed his chin, "Morning." On my other side, Mac sat up. Her hair was a complete rat's nest, and her pajamas were bunched up in random spots. "Food?" We all started cracking up, Dallas nearly dropped the tray she was holding. I ruffled Mac's bedhead, "Yeah babygirl, We have food." 

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