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Demi's POV 

       When I woke up, I was snuggled into Nick, with his arm around me, Mac's head was on his lap.  I sat up  sleepily and his arm fell off of me. I blinked wearily then tried to remember why he was still here. We were watching Lion King, then... What happened after Lion King?" I racked my brain but couldn't think of anything. I stared at his sleeping face and smiled, him and Mac looked cute, I wanted to take a picture and tweet it, but realized that would spark MAJOR rumors. So, I laid back down and fell asleep to Nick's heartbeat. 


        Nick's movement under me shook me from my sleep and I sat up. He looked at me sheepishly and smiled, "Sorry, I tried not to wake you up." I shook my head and smiled, "It's fine, what happened last night?" Nick shrugged, "I don't really know. We watched Lion King, then I guess fell asleep." I nodded and we both looked around. "Why'd you get a salad?" Nick said. "What?" He looked at me, "Why'd you get a salad? Last night at dinner." I shrugged, "Pasta is a trigger food, so I don't eat it." Nick nodded, "Anything else?" I thought about it, "Basically something really heavy, like sometimes bagels, or pizza." but then sometimes i'm fine. It basically fluctuates." Nick nodded, "So.. do you ever still want to..." "Cut?" He nodded, "Sometimes I have bad days, and I have to physically sit on my hands or call someone to make sure I don't do anything. Usually it's Marissa. But lately i've been good, Mac really keeps me grounded." Nick smiled at my daughter sleeping on the couch. "She certainly is a special little girl." I smiled too, "Yeah, she's amazing. I look forward to waking up next to her everyday." Nick cocked his head. "She sleeps in your bed?" I nodded, "She gets terrible nightmares, about her past, or me leaving her. But, she's still my little girl." Nick's brow furrowed. "Her past?" I sighed, "Yeah, her biological father abused her.. physically, mentally...... and sexually." Nick frowned and tensed up. "Does that ever... bring back bad memories?" This was a touchy subject, and Nick knew that. "Sometimes, but then I realize that part of my life is over. And he can never hurt me again." Nick nodded, but he was still tense. I touched his back and he looked at me. "What's wrong?" Nick let out a breath I hadn't realized he was holding, "The thought of someone hurting you... or Mac. Kills me. Everytime I think about it, I just want to hit him." I pulled him into a hug and snuggled into his neck. "I know, but we need to move on." Nick pulled me closer and sighed, "How do you know he's not going to come again? Like New York? I might not be there again Demi." I winced at the memory of Patrick, my birth father, showing up at my hotel and demanding that we 'talk'. "I'm not totally in the dark with him. I know his moves, and if something is off I find out what it is." Nick smiled, "You have people watching him?" I shrugged, "Better than him watching me." Nick's face darkened at the thought and I laughed, hitting his shoulder. "C'mon, I'm kidding." Nick just shook his head and was about to say something before Mac stirred next to us and opened her eyes.

               She blinked in confusion. "Why's Nick here?" She said in her adorable sleepy voice. I smiled, "We had a sleepover babygirl. Isn't that fun?" She smiled and nodded, then pouted. "I'm hungry." I nodded and stood up, "Diner?" Mac nodded eagerly and ran upstairs to get dressed, I turned to Nick. there should be clothes for you in the guest room, Sometimes Eddie leaves things behind. Nick looked at me in confusion. "Well you're coming aren't you?" He just laughed, shaking his head and walked down the other hallway to the guest room. 


Sooo that's the pother update! Sorry it's short. But i'll probably update again tomorrow I'll be away for Friday Saturday and Sunday so that's why i'm updating sooooo much lately. 

Vote and Comment! 

Love ya'll!


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