Guardian Angel

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Demi's POV    

"She won't wake up."   

            I almost stopped breathing. Two seconds passed, then I snapped into action, pulling on sweatpants and running out of the door with Natalie and Nick still in my room. I impatiently hit the elevator buttons and waited another ten seconds before running for the stairs and taking them two at a time. By now, I was in hysterics, my entire body shook with sobs as I pushed myself to get to the center of my universe. Finally, I got to the right floor and stopped short, there paramedics everywhere, swarming into my room where Mac and my mom were supposed to be staying. "Oh my God!" I ran over but was stopped by a policeman, "Ma'am I'm sorry but-" "THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!" I screamed in his face and shoved him away, running into the hotel suite. My knees buckled and I collapsed as I saw Mac on a stretcher and them doing CPR on her. My mom saw me and rushed over, "Shhh Demi, it's okay. You need to hold it together right now, Mac needs you. Be strong." I nodded, but the tears just kept coming as I watched them medics try and save my daughter. Soon, they wheeled the stretcher out into the elevator. Nick came in then, fully clothed and panicked. He took in my expression, then helped me up and walked me out the room. I saw the elevator doors closing and a sense of urgency shot through me. I ripped away from Nick and slid through the elevator doors just as they closed. "Hey!"A guy said, "You can't be here!" Anger and protectiveness went through me, "I'm her mother you fucking asshole." I snarled. He stepped back immediately, mumbling apologies. I looked down at Mac laying on the gurney, pale and lifeless with an oxygen mask. I lost i then, sliding down to the floor and beginning to cry. 

                the ride to the hospital in the ambulance was absolutely terrible. Traffic was bad and everyone in the truck was talking loudly while I sat in the corner and cried, just staring at Mac. Finally, we got the hospital and they wheeled Mac away from me. "No." I muttered, breaking into a run after them, "NO!" It was a scream of desperation as I pounded on the glass doors that closed in front of me, separating me from my babygirl. As I collapsed on the floor strong arms caught me and carried me to a chair. The scent of the man's Cologne hit me and I grabbed ahold of Nick's shirt, refusing to let go as I curled up onto his lap and cried. Nick bowed his head and I knew he was crying too. 

                After about two hours of waiting.. and me crying- a doctor came out, "Miss Lovato?" My head snapped up, "Yes?" He nodded, "Come with me please." I grabbed Nick's hand and pulled him with me as I followed the doctor into an office. "Please, sit down." I sat in the chair with Nick beside me. "What happened was Mac had a psuedohypoparathyroidactic episode. Basically because no one was there to catch the attack, she ended up falling unconscious, resulting in a much more serious situation. Right now, she's in a coma, although her brain activity is increasing rapidly, so she'll be fine." I put my head in my hands and moaned, Nick rubbed my back. "How long until we can see her?" I lifted my head to see the doctor shrug, "Right now." I got up instantly and followed the doctor out of the office, and into the pediatric unit. I his my face and Nick pulled his hood up so no one would recognize us until we got into a door. "Here we are." The doctor said, gesturing to the door, "Hit the red button if you need anything." I barely looked at him as I pushed through the door to see my daughter. I nearly broke down again at the sight of her laying, pale as the sheets, on the bed. Nick came through and stopped short, "Holy shit." I took a step forward and crumpled, Nick caught and steadied me, "It's okay Demi. You heard the doctor, she's gonna be okay, I promise." I nodded and walked over to Mac, sitting on the edge of her bed. It took one of her hands and sighed, this fucking sucks. 


             It's been two days. I haven't slept, or showered, or even moved an inch from Mac's side. The only way i'll eat is if Nick makes me. My concert was pushed back until Monday, after that i'll have to drop the show altogether. Right now, Nick had gone home to get me a change of clothes at my request, and I was alone with Mac. The doctors said she would be awake in the next few days, but now they keep saying a little bit longer, she'll be okay, and not to worry. All I want is to see my little girl smile and laugh again. I got into bed next to her and snuggled up into her tiny body. This is probably against the rules, but right now? I couldn't really give a fuck. Soon, I fell asleep. 

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