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Demi's POV  

              When I opened my eyes, it was dark in the bus. Only the red dull light from the other room lit the cabin enough for me to see that Mac wasn't in her bed. I got up and check my phone, 3 am. I sighed, and walked into the kitchen/living  area. Mac was sitting on the couch was 'The Incredibles.' I sat down next to her, but she didn't look up. "You should be in bed." Mac just shrugged and looked at her hands. I stood up and went to the fridge, filling a cup up with milk and some sugar, then sticking it int he microwave fore a minute. When I was done I brought the cup back to Mac and handed it to her, "Drink this, it'll make you sleepy." Mac nodded, and took the cup, sipping it daintily. We sat there in silence, watching the movie. After a few minutes I glanced at Mac and saw her curled into a ball sleeping soundly. Tentatively, I stretched my hand out and brushed a few stray locks of hair from her cheek. I hesitated, then turned the T.V off and stood up. Carefully, as to not wake her up, I lifted Mac into my arms, settling her hand on my shoulder. She stirred, and I froze. She yawned, then nuzzled her head further into my neck. I fought back tears, I had missed this closeness with her so much, I could stand here like this for the rest of the night. I walked back to the bunk beds, and laid her down, tucking the covers in and kissing her forehead. "I love you babygirl, always."


           I woke to the sound of yelling and a bright flash. Instinctively, I pulled the blanket tightly over my head and rolled towards the wall. Hands tugged on my body and the high-pitched screams were muffled. "Ohmigod Demi! Can I get your autograph? Please Demi I love you!" I blindly patted for my phone then frantically dialed Max's number. "Hello?" Came his deep Australian voice. "Max! There are fans in my bus!" I hissed, then line went dead. Shit, Mac. I peered above the covers and sat Natalie, Jill and Marissa standing there, laughing their ass off and rolling on the floor. I groaned, and shoved my head back into my pillow, "Get out. I fucking hate you guys." that made them laugh even harder. Max came running onto the bus. "Demi?!" I opened one eye. "False alarm." He looked angry, "You can't just say that and not mean it!" I gaped, "But I thought-" He shook his head, "No excuses. I', supposed to protect you, you could give me a heart attack one day." "But-" "No buts. No let's go we have things to do." I turned to the three girls and glared. That started up the laughing again, "You guys are dead.


              I stood onstage as the crowd screamed. "So I haven't done this at any other show, but today I'd like to welcome my daughter Mackenzie to the stage." I motioned to the side of the stage and the screams got impossibly louder as Mac toddled out, smiling shyly. I bent down and picked her up. She was tense, and I could tell she still hadn't completely forgiven me, hopefully this could change that. "Remember how a few days ago I promised you that I would sing to your onstage?" Mac nodded, and smiled but I could still see the pain in her eyes. I smiled back, "Well this is gonna be a cover that Me and my guitarist Mike have been working on. It's a slower one, but I think you guys will like it. I nodded to Mike, who held an acoustic guitar, and he began to play the opening chords. I raised the mic, "This is for you babygirl." 

Made a wrong turn, once or twice. Dug my way out, blood and fire. 

Bad decisions, that's alright. Welcome to my silly life. 

Mistreated misplaced misunderstood mis-know that it's all good 

It didn't slow me down. 

Mistaken, always second guessed and underestimated  look i'm still around.

Pretty Pretty please don't you ever ever feel, like you're less than, less than perfect.

Silence- Adopted by Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now