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Demi's POV 

"I'm going to tell you one last fucking time. Stay. Away. From. My. Daughter." 

           I turned on my heel and ran back to Nick, who was now holding Mac. I took her from his arms and finally got a good look at her. I was startled to see that she seemed like she was sleeping. I shook her, but she didn't wake up. Before I could panic, I felt Nick's hand on my lower back and his voice in my ear. "Easy Dems, it's Chloroform. He drugged her so she wouldn't wake up. The effects will wear off soon. She'll be fine." I nodded, and turned my body into his, pressing my face into his chest. He wrapped his long arms around Mac and I, holding us both. Feeling wetness on my cheeks, I realized I was crying, ruining Nick's shirt. I don't know how he got here, but i'm so glad he did. In this moment, Nick and I together felt right. And this time, I didn't push away the butterflies. 

           We decided to take Nick's car jeep home, and Max drove my car. Nick didn't let go of my hand the entire time. But if i'm being honest? I didn't want him to let go... ever.

            Once we got home, I laid Mac on the couch while Nick and me sat on the sofa across from her. Waiting for her to wake up, I felt anxious, shouldn't she be awake by now? I felt Nick's big hand on my leg, which I hadn't realized I was shaking. "Sorry." I muttered, and stopped his movements. Nick just smiled, he looked deep into my eyes and I felt a flutter in my stomach. "She's going to be fine." I nodded, not breaking our gaze. Nick's eyes flickered to my lips and back, slowly leaning in, giving me plenty of time to stop him, but I didn't. Just as our lips were millimeters from touching, I heard it. "Mama?" 

            Nick and I both turned our heads to see Mac rubbing her eyes sleepily and staring at the both of us. I smiled, "Hey babygirl. How ya feelin'?" Mac's face showed confusion. "Did we.... Did we win?" My smile grew, "Yeah babygirl, we won." She nodded, then looked lost in thought. Realization flooded her face and tears filled her eyes. The lower lip started to quiver, and then the waterworks began. I opened my arms and Mac threw herself into me. Wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I pulled her close to me and stroked her back while she cried. "Shh, it's okay babygirl. It's over. He can't get you again." Mac just cried into my neck harder and said in a muffled tone, "That's what you said last time." My heart broke when I heard those words, she doesn't trust me. I looked at Nick with pleading eyes for help. He took Mac off of my lap and sat her on his. She peered up at him with red-rimmed chocolate brown eyes. "Mac. This is me promising this time, with mommy. I won't ever, EVER, let someone ever hurt you again. And if anyone does? Uncle Nick will go after them. Okay?" Mac nodded and gave him a small smile. "Can I have a hug?" Nick opened his arms hopefully and Mac leaned into him, her arms went around his waist but they couldn't even reach all the way around. I smiled at the picture in front of me. My two favorite people. My daughter, and the person I may or may not be in love with. 


          Nick went upstairs to put Mac to bed, while I stayed on the couch. Mac asked Nick to tuck her in instead of me, I'm not going to lie, it hurt. I'm supposed to be the one that she trusts, and loves unconditionally, and I've failed. I put my head in my hands as tears dripped down my face. The worst feeling in the world is when someone is disappointed in you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. 

           I heard Nick's slow heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and quickly wiped the tears that had sprung from my eyes and put on a happy face. "Demi?" Nick called, "Yeah?" I said back, wincing when my voice cracked. I heard his footsteps again, this time coming towards me. When I felt the couch shift next to me I knew he had sat down. "Dems, look at me." I shook my head, biting my lip to keep back the tears. I felt his warm hands pull my waist towards him as he sat back on the couch, holding me. I pulled my legs up and curled into his warm embrace. Nick kissed my forehead, letting his lips linger there. I put my hand on his chest, sinking my head into the crook of his neck and shoulder. We sat like that for a while The perfect fit. I almost scolded myself for thinking of Nick that way. He's Joe's brother for God's sake. He'd never love me as anything more than a friend. 

         Nick's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Tell me what you're thinking." He murmured. I sighed, "Mac hates me." Nick's body tensed. "She doesn't hate you Demi. She loves you to death." I rested my chin on his chest and looked up at him. "How do you know that?" Nick smiled, "Because after I tucked her in, before I left she told me to tell you that she loves you." I cocked an eyebrow. "Are you just saying that to make me feel better?" I felt Nick's chest move under me as he laughed, "No, i'd tell you if she hated you." I pouted, "I'd rather you just stick with the lie." Nick chuckled again, but this time it was a nervous laugh, and I knew he was going to bring up the part where we almost kissed. "So uhm, about before...." I smiled, "Yeah?" Nick began to turn red, "I-I don't want to do anything that would jeopardize our friendship with you, but I can't hold it in any longer. I like you Demi. A lot. I mean, I 'Like-Like' you. In fact, I might almost be in love with you. And I know you might not feel the same and that this could ruin our friendship completely but-" I cut him off by leaning up and pressing my lips against his. It sounds clichè and straight out of a Nicholas Sparks novel, but fucking fireworks erupted. I smiled into the kiss, then pulled away, running my hands through his now curly hair on top of his head. "Shut up." I whispered, his lips found mine again and my hands wound together on the nape of his neck, puling him closer. Our lips moved in synch. As if we didn't need anything else in the world except for each other. Unfortunately, we did need air. So we broke away, gasping. Nick's eyes sparkled in the dim light, and he stroked my cheek. "Wow," he breathed. 

Yeah.... Wow. 

OKAY. THAT WAS FUCKING CUTE. ASDFGHJKL; Sorry, just some Nemi fangirling... 

I hope you liked it! 

Nemi = Yes? No? 

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Next update; 595,000 


Okay... I'm done. Love ya'll! 


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