Yankee Stadium

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Demi's POV 

           I woke up to the sound of giggling coming from the kitchen. I rolled over and Nick tightened his arms around me. "Hey baby." He murmured, and kissed my forehead. I snuggled closer to his chest, "I don't like fighting with you." Nick sighed, "I don't like fighting with you either. I didn't expect it to be that big of a deal." I frowned, "But why'd you do it?" He smiled, and poked my nose. "You're cute when you're jealous." I shoved away from him and sat up, "You did that because i'm cute when I'm jealous? Are you fucking kidding me?" He chuckled and pulled me back down. "And you're cute when you're mad. But you know what?" I glared at him and he rolled on top of me, pressing our bodies together and sparking heat in me, "What?" I managed to choke out. He grinned, "The jealousy thing is pretty damn sexy." I bit my lip, knowing what it does to him and he groaned. Suddenly, another crash came from the kitchen. I froze, "What, if you're in here, who's out there with Mac?" Nick looked up at me with realization  and we both jumped off the bed, and ran for the door. 

             We burst through the door into the 'kitchen' part of the suite and sighed with relief. Mac was sitting on the counter with Maddie and Dallas cooking what looked to be waffles. they looked over at us and laughed. I was confused until I realized Nick's face was bright red and his hands were covering a huge tent in his pajama pants. I clapped a hand over my mouth and stifled a giggle, causing Nick to glare at me. "Dang Demi, I thought you weren't a morning person." Dallas said through her laughter. Now it was my turn to flush bright red. "Will all of you shut up and give me a waffle?" They laughed and handed me a plate. Before I could grab it Maddie pulled down my pants, exposing the lace red thong I'd worn to bed and yelled "NICK!" I screamed and pulled them back up. When I turned around, Nick was gone and Maddie, Mac and Dallas were rolling on the floor with laughter. "You guuuysss." I whined, and they all laughed harder. Mac had no idea what was going on so she just giggled while my sisters cackled. "It's not my fault he can't control him self!" Maddie howled. I sighed, and picked up Mac, then grabbed two plates. "Please guys, that's SO embarrassing for him." Dallas cocked an eyebrow, "EmBARE-ASSing huh?" I rolled my eyes as they both erupted into another fit of giggles. "Children." 

Nick's POV  

         After this morning's incident, it was really really really REALLY awkward to approach Dallas and Maddie for help planning Demi and I's four month anniversary date. I stood in the bedroom mentally preparing myself for about five minutes, then walked out to where the two girls sat on the couch. Demi was out shopping with Mac and spending mommy-daughter time so we were in the clear right now. "Hey Nick!" Maddie chirped. I nodded, and sat at the table. Dallas smiled "Got everything...Settled?" I groaned and she giggled, "Kidding Nick!" I smiled, "I actually need you help with something." 

Demi's POV 

          I giggled as I chased Mac around the huge boutique shopping for clothes. She's a bit different from the normal six year old, she adores clothes. Like literally, she won't wear it unless it perfectly matches, and for someone so young, she's got a great style sense. She walked around a store tucked neatly into time square catching all of the clothes that Mac threw handed me. After three hours of this, I decided to get some lunch. "C'mon babygirl, let's go get something to eat." She looked up from a selection of boots and pouted. "I don't wanna." I smiled, "You gotta eat sweetie. It's gonna make you grow big and strong." Mac looked back down at the boots. "You can." Something about this didn't feel right, "Why don't you wanna eat?" I knelt down beside her and took her hands. She didn't meet my gaze, "I'm not hungry." I lifted her chin gently with my fingers, "What's wrong princess?" She looked into my eyes and shrugged, "I don't wanna eat." I nodded, "Why?" "Because." I let out a frustrated sigh, "Because why?" Mac pulled away from me, "Nevermind, let's just go eat." Now, I was really concerned, why wouldn't she tell me? "Okay, let's go." 

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