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      I haven't left my room in four days, not since Demi called me. I wish she'd just let me explain. I called her non-stop for the first two days, but she never answered, even though the countless voicemails i left explained the entire situation. Suddenly, the was a knock on my door that drew e from my miserable thoughts, "What?" I called out dully. "Kevin and I are going out for the night. You wanna come? It'll get your mind off De-.. Her." I sighed, "No, you guys can go." I heard Joe's footsteps thump down the stairs, him and Kevin have been trying to lure me out of my cave for the past couple of days with words like 'vodka, weed, and ladies' but they don't understand that none of that interests me anymore. They always asked, but never pushed it after I said no. 


           I looked at my phone and saw an unknown number was calling me. I debated on letting it go to voicemail, but picked it up anyway, "Hello?" A woman's voice was on the other line, "Nick? It's Natalie." I sat up straight in the bed, my heart pounding. "Natalie?! Is Demi there-" "No she'd kill me if she knew i called you." I frowned, "Then why'd you call?" "To give you a chance to explain yourself.. And to tell me why Demi thinks you cheated on her, because the Nick that I know wouldn't do that." I ran a hand through my hair in frustration, "Natalie it was all a hug misunderstanding! That girl was a fan who won a contest to go on a date with one of the Jonas Brothers, she picked me and I couldn't say no because that meant giving a reason as to why I couldn't do it which meant telling the world about Demi and I. I didn't know what to do so I just went on the date. I just hung out with her, nothing happened we didn't even kiss. You have to believe me Nat-" "I believe you Nick." She cut off my pleas in an exasperated tone. I put my head in my hands, "What are we going to do Natz? I can't live without her." She sighed, "Get your ass to Texas. I'll take care of the rest." 


  Demi's POV

              I walked out of my dressing room and saw Natalie standing in a corner talking quietly into her phone. When she saw me coming she abruptly hung up and smiled nervously. "Who was on the phone?" Natalie shrugged, "My mom. She just wanted to know how the tour was going." I smiled, Natalie's mom is literally the sweetest woman in the entire world. "Tell her i said hi next time you talk to her!" Natalie nodded, "Well showtime is in like three hours, wanna go check out the arena?" I smiled and nodded eagerly. This was one of the things Natalie like to do, so that I can get a feel of how to include everyone in the audience in the show. To make everyone feel special.


             We walked around the arena for about two hours, Natalie kept checking her phone, like non-stop, which was weird, but let it left my mind when we got back to the dressing room where Mac was. I flopped on the couch next to her and pulled her onto my lap. She giggled and squirmed when I buried my head in her hair, tickling her neck. "Mamaaa." She whined. I smiled, and kissed her collarbone, "You know that I love you, right babygirl?" She looked down at me with a weird expression, "Yeah...." I smiled cheesily at her, "Good." 

             This is fucking awesome. I should take four of those pills more often. I literally can't stop giggling. Natalie's phone rang, and she walked out of the room to take it. That was weird, since she usually just takes calls in front of me. My suspicions slipped my mind though, as I became increasingly preoccupied with Mac's toes. "Maccckkkkenzieeeeee." I whined, she looked down at me, "What's wrong with you mama?" I smiled goofily, showing all of my teeth, "Nothin' baby, momma just feels really cool right now." Natalie walked back into the room with a HUGE smile on her face. "What is it?" I asked, she just shrugged, "Nothin' just smiling. But you have to get to the makeup girls!" I groaned, but got up and shuffled to the door. As I passed Natalie she slapped my ass, I pretended to be shocked, 
"NATALIE!" She giggled, "Sorry! It was an ASSident! Get it? Like Accident? But with ass?" I rolled y eyes but couldn't help joining in with her laughter, "How long you been workin' on THAT one?" 

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