She doesn't belong to anyone.

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Demi's POV

         Mac, Nick and I were laying on the couch for most of the day, watching movies and playing board games. My schedule had been cleared because I started using more off-days, but tour was coming up, so I need to rest. 

            We were in the middle of monopoly when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." I got up and started to walk to the door before turning around. "And don't. Look at my cards." I said to Nick, narrowing my eyes. He put his hands up defense and I laughed, making my way to the front door. I opened it, not bothering to check who it was. 

            Lips. Cold and forceful, pressed to mine, backing me against the wall. I shoved the person off of me and saw that it was Wilmer. He was soaking wet because of the rain that had started. "What the hell are you doing here." I asked, my tone flat and uninterested. Wilmer's expression flickered, "I came to say that i'm sorry. I can't help it if I want you all to myself. I need you in my life Hermosa." He took my hand but I wrenched it away. "Don't call me that." I snarled, "Get the fuck out of this house. I don't care how much you say that you need me. I don't need you, nor do I WANT you." His face twisted with anger. "You little bitch." He spat, and raised his hand.

               I flinched as he brought it down, but I never felt the sting. I looked up to see Nick standing there, huge and hulking, his hand had caught Wilmer's wrist before it could hit me, and now he seemed intent of breaking it. In a fluid motion Nick turned his wrist, drawing a yell from Wilmer, and shoved him in the chest,  making him stumble. Wilmer looked up at Nick and recognition flickered in his eyes. "What ht e fuck are you doing here?" Nick's muscles were tensed and his hands were balled into fists. "I was invited." His voice was deadly calm, making it even scarier than if he was shouted. Wilmer got in Nick's face, "She's mine." Nick didn't even flinch. "No. She doesn't belong to anyone. Especially you." Wilmer shoved Nick in the chest, but nothing happened, Nick held his ground. "You think she'll ever love you? I can see it in your eyes. You're in love with the little slut." Wilmer laughed, a short bark. "I bet you two have already fucked. she's already lured you in. but guess what? When you're bangin' her? She'll be thinking of me. And this." In a rush, Wilmer grabbed my arms so tight there would be bruises, and shoved his lips on mine, forcing my mouth open and slithering his tongue into it. Time seemed to stand still.... Then, Nick snapped. 

               With a roar he tackled Wilmer off of me and the two men hit the floor. Nick on top of Wilmer. Nick raised his fist and Wilmer with all of his power. Wilmer's body went limp, as he was knocked unconscious. I was shocked, Nick was never one for violence. But as he continued to slam his fist into Wilmer, for the first time in my entire life, I was afraid of him. 

             Finally, the adrenaline faded and Nick stopped, getting up and shoving Wilmer, bleeding out of the door. He turned to me, with a somber expression on his face his looked at his hands, the prominent knuckles bleeding, "Demi..I-" His sentence was cut off as I launched myself into him and began to cry, blubbering sobs escaped form my body as I tried to get as close to Nick as possible. The fear of him melted away as his strong arms wrapped around my waist and he sank to his knees, leaning against the wall and pulling me onto his lap. He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back as I let myself fall apart, with Nick ready to put all of the pieces back together. 


Ahhhh this was a cute one to write, not the Wilmer stuff but the Demi and Nick moments(: 

Hope you liked it! 

Comment and Voteee!(: 


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