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   Mac's POV

       When I woke up, I was in Demi's bed, and i felt, as Demi often put it, like shit. My head was pounding, my eyes  hurt, and my stomach was about to explode. I whimpered and Demi shifted next to me. "Babygirl you okay?" I didn't answer but I rolled off the bed and hobbled to the bathroom, I heard Demi get up and run after me. "Mac, what's wrong?" I didn't answer i just ran into the bathroom and threw up into the toilet. "Oh my God Mac, are you okay?" I laid down on the bathroom floor, the cold felt good against my head. Demi put the back of her hand against my forehead. "Mac you're burning up. What else hurts?" I moaned "Everything." "Okay i'll be right back," Demi sprinted into her bedroom and came back  with her phone. She dialed a number and put the phone to her ear. "Hello? Dr.Green? Yes this is Demi. Yes Demi Lovato." Demi rolled her eyes. Then a huge sharp pain hit my stomach and curled into a ball holding in my scream. "Nevermind." Demi hung up and then said. "Mac, I'm going to pick you up now, I think you need to go to the hospital," I nodded my head, I absolutely hate hospitals. But anything is better than this pain. Demi picked me up in her arms, I curled into a ball and began to cry. "Mac it's gonna be okay baby, I'm here." My soothed me. We walked into the car and she strapped me in. Then she put something on the back on the car and got in. As soon as we got onto open road Demi hit the gas and we sped past other cars, a cop came at us with his sirens blaring but for some reason he shut them off and zoomed in front of us, then put them back on. Demi went even faster. We got to the hospital within five minutes.

         Demi got out and ran around the car to my side, she opened the door, ran inside and yelled for a doctor, three nurses ca me running up to her, i clung to Demi. "Mac you have to let go so they can help you." I nodded and let go. The nurses walked me over to a room, "What hurts sweetie?" One of them said. I pointed to my stomach, my eyes, and my head. Then another pain hit my stomach. I curled up into a ball and screamed.

  Demi's POV

   I heard her scream from the waiting room, immediately I ran towards the room they had her in but two guards wouldn't let me past the door. "Let me through." I said through my teeth. The just stood there and shook their heads. "Do you know who I am?" I said louder. They shook their heads. Suddenly a man with the nametag Dr. Sanjori came up to me, "Mac Lovato?" "Yes, that's me." "Please, come with me, so we can talk." He led the way over to what looked like his office. I sat in the chair in front of his desk. He sat behind his desk. "Mac has an extremely rare condition called pseudohypoparathyroidism." I blinked. "Excuse me?" He chuckled. "It's nothing life threatening, it's just that Mac's body doesn't generate enough parathyroid hormone in her system, which causes low calcium levels, and high phosphorus. Which can cause muscle cramps, headaches, and Sharp pains in the abdomen. It also causes less growth in children, nothing major, but Mac will be a bit petite. We have her on an emergency Calcium IV, but mainly all the treatment is just a vitamin D, and vitamin C tablet, and to get more calcium in the diet. Once Mac feels well enough, you can take her home with a prescription." I nodded. "Thank you so much." I got up to leave, "Miss Lovato?" The doctor said. "Yes?" "There is one more thing, This disease travels through both parents into the child, I was wondering if you and Mac's father would like to be tested?" "I adopted Mac about a month ago, Mac's father is currently under trial for the murder of her mother." The doctor looked stunned. "I'm so sorry to hear that..." He said. "Thank you, now can I please see my daughter?" I was getting impatient. " Yes of course, Please excuse the security guards, they just do their jobs." "It's no problem." He handed me a slip of paper with messy handwriting on it. I got up and walked into the waiting room, Mac sat there with two nurses. She was coloring but as soon as she saw me she yelled, "Mommy!!" And ran towards me, I picked her up and swung her around in my arms. "Hey baby! How are you feeling?" I said laughing. "I'm fine now, the nurse told me some really long word. It started with an 'S' I think!" I laughed. She's so cute. "Yeah I heard the word too, but let's get out of here, you must be starving!" Mac giggled, "Yay!" "Excuse me Miss Lovato, but you need to sign these to authorize Mac's release." One of the nurses said. I looked down, it was a blank sheet of paper. I raised my eyebrows, "Okay okay, my sister is a huge fan and I wanted to get your autograph." She admitted. I smiled. "Sure, what's her name?" 

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