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Demi's POV

     "On the air with the talented, beautiful, Demi Lovato! Demi, How you doin' today?" Ryan Seacrest said into the microphone. I smiled, although the listeners couldn't see me. "I'm doing absolutely fantastic!" I said happily. "And would there be any particular reason for that?" Ryan asked, I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know.... Maybe... It could be from the fact that my ALBUM comes out tonight at midnight!!" Ryan played dumb, "And here I thought you only came back because you missed me. I'm so hurt Demi. I thought what we had was real." I laughed into the Mic and quickly covered, "You know what, you caught me. I totally came here ONLY because I missed you, my album coming out just is a coincidence." Ryan smiled and shook his head, "Yeah yeah, I'm sure.. But i'm kidding I know your album comes out today, the whole world knows! As a matter of fact, I have it pre-ordered." My smile widened, "You do! Oh my gosh that makes me SO happy!" Ryan nodded, "Yeah, so tell me about it, what's the feel of it. Are you trying to stick with your first two albums, or coming out with a new sound..?" I took a deep breath, "Well I don't think its alot like my past two albums with the pop-rock thing. It definitely has more of an R&B type sound.. Which I'm really into right now, there is a ton of songs that really showcase my vocals, which I think is good, because a lot of people don't know how big they really are. But i'm so excited and proud of this record. I can't wait to hear my fans reactions." He nodded, "Okay so were going to do something where I name a track, and you tell me a little bit about it. Okay?" I laughed, "Okay, but I can't tell you too much. I need to keep a few secrets for tonight." Ryan nodded, "Don't worry, we won't go through all of the songs. Let's see... All Night Long?" I grimaced, I had written that song when I had first met Wilmer. "Uhm, it's a faster one. But there's some cool runs." "Unbroken?" Ryan said. "Fastish, but there's a cool beat." I said, trying to get the adjectives right. "Okay, last one, lightweight." I grinned at the mention of my favorite song. "Oooh she likes that one!" Ryan teased, I stuck out my tongue, "No it's just a really cool song, it's one of those that showcases my vocals more, and it's just a beautiful song." Ryan nodded, "Well I am certainly excited to hear th entire album. I will be staying up until midnight tonight, don't worry." I nodded, "Oh you better be!" We both laughed, "Ladies and Gentleman Demi Lovato, thanks for coming in and talkin to us Demi." Ryan said, I smiled, "Anytime! I Love being here!" With that, the music for 'Skyscraper' started to play, and the 'ON AIR' button turned off. The interview was short, but it was funny. I'm glad Ryan didn't push me to talk about my love life like he usually did. Management probably talked to him and made it an album-only interview. I said my goodbyes, took a crew picture, and left the studio, climbing into the big black escalade with Mac and Marissa. It was time to drive to Jimmy Fallon's studio where we had to shoot our interview for tonight. I pulled out my phone and tweeted, 

@ddlovato; i LOVE my lovatics!!!!!

      Instantly, I got hundred of retweets and favorites. I scrolled through the replies, laughing at the funny ones, and rolling my eyes at the haters. they didn't really bother me anymore. Especially when I had an army waiting to take them down with one word from me. I turned to Mac and saw her fast asleep in her seat. I sneakily took a picture and then opened twitter again. 

@ddlovato; Uhmmm how CUTE is my daughter?!?!

     I put away my phone as we pulled up in front of the studio. I reached over and woke Mac up, she was grumpy, and took her in my arms. The crowd outside of paparazzi and fans was yelling, giving me anxiety, but having Mac close kept me calm. 


       "Her third album 'Unbroken' is premiering at midnight tonight on iTunes, please welcome, Demi Lovato!" Jimmy introduced me, and I walked out to the music of 'Skyscraper',  waving at all f the people clapping and yelling. "HI." He practically yelled with a huge grin on his face and over excitement. "HEY!" I mimicked him, laughing. "Oh Ehm Gee. It's my bestie Demi." He said, like the stereo-typical teenage girl. I threw my head back and cackled, "Yes! Oh my God bestie! Hoe have you been?!" I said, smiling. He pretended to flip his hair back and pursed his lips. "Well you know, Johnny didn't call last night and I found out he was with some girl Sammy, but didn't you hear? this super cool album is coming out. It's by this amazingly talented singer, Demi Lovato." I pretended to fangirl. "Ohmigod, i've been waiting for this album for literally soooo long! It's supposed to be the BOMB." We continued like this for a couple of minutes before Jimmy got serious. "So I have a tweet here that you posted about half an hour ago..." I looked at the screen and saw a sleeping Mac. The audience all went "Awwwwww" In unison, and I grinned. "Yeah haha, she's a cutie." "So this is your... daughter?" I nodded. "Tell me about her." Jimmy said, leaning in. "Well she just turned five a month ago, her name is Mackenzie but she likes to be called Mac, and she's just about the cutest thing ever." the audience aww'd again, and Jimmy laughed, "Look at that! She's already America's sweetheart!" I nodded, "Yeah she can win over anyone." "Well I'd love to meet her one day." Jimmy looked hopeful. "Wel she's backstage, she might let me bring her out..." His face lit up, "Great! After the break, I get to meet Demi Lovato's daughter Mac!" 

     I walked backstage, Mac and Marissa stood there. Mac, with her arms crossed and a pout on her face. she had been given a dress to wear and tiny flats instead of UGG's and footie pajamas. Marissa was trying not to laugh. I picked her up, but she continued to not look at me. "I'm sorry babygirl, it just slipped out." Mac shook her head, but I saw her crack a quick smile. I hugged her close and buried my face into her neck, "I'm sorry babygirl." Nothing. But I could tell her resolve was cracking. She couldn't stay mad at me. I leaned in and whispered, "Mommy's sorry, I'll tell them no, I love you." I pulled away and went to put her down, but Mac grabbed me around the neck and pulled herself closer to me. "I'm kidding mama. I just don't want to wear a dress." I smiled, "Then go put your footie pajamas back on!" Mac's face lit up and she ran with Marissa back to the dressing room to change. A stage manager walked up to me, "She can't wear the dress?" I looked at him, "Nope." He just walked away muttering. I felt the urge to go after him and tell him off, but Mac came running up to me in rainbow polka dotted footie pajamas and brown UGG's. I bent down and hugged her, "Thanks babygirl." Mac hugged me back, "I love you mama." I looked over her shoulder and saw Marissa standing there, shaking her head and smiling. "What?" I mouthed innocently. I picked Mac up in the hug and walked over to our position where the stage door would open up. She hid her face in my neck as the music started, and I walked out. She gripped me tighter when the yelling and clapping started, I walked up to the raised stage, and sat down on the couch. I tried to sit Mac next to me, but one tug and I knew i wouldn't be getting her off of me anytime soon. "Hi Mackenzie." Jimmy said, once the clapping had died down. Mac stiffened at the use of her full name, but she turned to face him and the cameras, "Hi Jimmy." she said shyly, and the audience coo'ed. I smiled like a proud momma. "So.. Can I call you Mac?" She nodded eagerly. "So Mac, what's it like haing Demi as a mom?" Mac smiled, "It's really fun. She likes to sleep a lot, and cuddle, and watch movies, and eat ice cream, and sing, and dance, and color and-" "Woah there tiger!" Jimmy said, laughing as Mac rambled on about me, the audience chuckled, "It seems like you and Demi have a lot of fun!" She nodded, "Man you are SO lucky! I'd give anything to live with Demi." I threw my head back and cackled at his choice of words and he stumbled, trying to fix his mistake. Jimmy smiled, "Well I think thats a sign that were out of time, nice to meet you Mac, and Demi, always a pleasure. I smiled at the camera and waved, Mac copied my movements and smiled and the crowd clapped. 




      I tweeted the link as soon as the clock hit 12. there were three trending topics, 

#WeWantUnbroken #UNBROKEN #GoBuyUnbrokenNow 

      I was getting thousands of tweets from my fans telling me that it was "SO FUCKING GOOD I'M PEEING." I sat there in the living room laughing, Mac had gone to bed a while ago, while I had stayed up so that I could tweet the album release. I scrolled through the hashtags, retweeting and favoriting them. My fans are hysterical. Especially the fangirling ones, My phone was getting blown up with notifications about celebrities tweeting about the album, and since they're verified, I get their tweets sent to my phone. I texted all of my friends back, thanking them for their congratulations.. It wasn't long before my eyes started to get sleepy. 

    It was 1:37 when I heard her scream. 



p.s; tweet me what you thought of the new chapter! 


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