Mac's Story

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   Mac's POV  

   Me and Demi got our food and we ate in silence. I didn't exactly know how to bring up the conversation. I didn't even know if I really wanted to have it. But Demi needed to know everything. "Hey babygirl?" I looked up at her. "Why don't you tell me about yourself now, it feels like you just want to get it over with." I nodded. and took a deep breath to begin. 

     "I can't even remember the first time my daddy hit me. It was always just a normal thing. I don't remember the first time he hit my mommy either. Every night, he would come home drunk and angry. He would play 'games' with me. Games that hurt a lot. Sometimes I would try and hide from him under my bed, but he would drag me out by my ankles. He called the bruises 'decorations'  and made sure they were always covered when we went out together. After a while, we stopped going out. My only sanity was when my daddy left for work and when my mommy came home at night. He never hit me when my mommy was home. But she knew. Every night after he was done with his game she would come home and give me a bath. Every night she promised that she would get me out of this. Then my daddy would take her into their room and play 'big girl games' with her. One night, I tried to get out. I snuck downstairs when I thought he was sleeping. But the door was locked and the bolts were too high for me to reach. I knocked over a lamp and he came running. He looked at me really weird and said. If you're ready to be a big girl then I guess your ready to play big girl games. That night was the first night he.." I trailed off at the end and looked at Demi. She looked at little bit green, but she motioned for me to go on. "I tried another time a month later, I had grown taller and I thought I could reach it. When he saw what I had done he went... ballistic. He threw chairs at me and screamed at the top of his lungs. He grabbed a knife and waved it around until he stopped yelling and he looked at me. His eyes were black and I had never seen such hatred. He walked towards me and backed me into a corner. He grabbed my throat and slammed me against the wall. He slowly pushed the knife into my shoulder. It felt like my entire body was on fire." I pulled at the side of my t-shirt to reveal a thick scar about an inch and a half long. Demi gasped. "Then, my mom walked in, She started screaming at him to stop and to let go of me.  The turned around to face her and wrestled her to the ground. Then he told me to close my eyes. I did. My mom stopped crying and there was no sound expect for a heavy dragging. A couple minutes later he told me to open them. My mommy was gone. The knife was gone. And the room smelled like bleach.  He told me my mommy left. That she didn't love me.That no one loved me. And if I ever told anyone. He would make sure I left for good too." I bowed me head and pushed the milk around the bowl in my cereal. "Then the door got kicked open, the neighbors had heard all of the screaming and put two and two together. The nice men in blue uniforms took me away and put silver bracelets on my daddy. I was crying and screaming but my daddy just smiled at me and told me to shutup. So I did. I never spoke a word again, until last night." I looked up at Demi. She was crying. "Come here." She moved over in her seat, I went around the table and hugged her. "You. Are SO strong." Demi whispered to me. "I know so many adults that couldn't even go through half of what you've gone through. I nodded and cried into Demi's shoulder. 

Okay! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! I know this is short but I might be able to squeeze another chapter in by the end of the day! Tell me what you think of this and please vote! I have 3K+ reads which is crazy!! haha love you guys<3


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