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    Mac's POV  

     Demi is getting ready for her date with Wilmer. That's what his name is, I hope he likes me, he seems really important to her. "Mac? You okay babe?" Demi called from upstairs, I was on the couch watching cartoons with Jason. "Yeah Momma!" I yelled back. "I'll be down in a minute." Soon, I heard the clicking of heels and Demi came down the stairs. She was wearing the black dress, and straight hair. She looked so pretty. "Wow Momma!" I said excitedly, "You look so pretty!" She smiled, and picked me up, "Thank you babygirl!" She tapped my nose, "Jason is going to get dinner for you guys, is there anything you reaaally want?" Demi asked me, I opened my mouth to speak but Demi held up a finger. "And NOT McDonalds." I pouted. "Pizza." She rolled her eyes but nodded her head. Then, the doorbell rang.

       Demi jumped up and ran to the door with me in her arms. She put me down and turned to the mirror, fixing her hair and makeup. Then she pulled out the door with a huge smile on her face. A guy who was not that much taller than Demi, with short black hair, and a mustache stood there smiling. "Hola hermosa." He said, What the heck does that mean?" I stood there awkwardly as Demi and him hugged for a long time and kissed. Then, Demi looked down at me, "Wilmer, this is my daughter, Mackenzie." I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Hi, I'm Mac." I said shyly. He squatted down in front of me, "Hi chica, it's nice to meet you!" I held out my hand, it's something I had seen Demi do a lot. Wilmer shook his head. "I don't do handshakes, I do hugs." He opened his arms, but I stepped back. "Mac." Demi hissed at me, "be nice." I stuck out my hand. Wilmer chuckled, and shook it, then stood. "Well we should get going.." He said to Demi who nodded, "I'll meet you in the car." Wilmer walked out. "Mackenzie, Please try to be a little more welcoming, He's important." She said to me, bending down. I just looked down. "Okay then, I'm going, bye Mac." She started to walk away, "Mommy wait!" I ran after her, "Don't go!" She stopped and turned around, "Baby what do you mean?" I hugged her leg, "Don't leave me!" Demi lifted me into her arms,"Please." I whimpered. "I'll be back before you go to bed babygirl I promise, Okay?" I nodded and sniffled. "I love you momma." I said, as Demi put me down, "Love you too." Then the door closed, and she was gone. I sat in the hallway, "Always?" 


     Demi's POV  

    "Sorry babe." I said, as I got in the car. "It's no problem, you're an amazing mother Demi. It's not your fault she's a little difficult" Wilmer intertwined our hands and drove down the street. "So where are we going?" I said, when I realized her still hadn't told me. Wilmer smiled at me, "Cheesecake Factory." I squealed, "Reaally?" He laughed, "Yeah it's your favorite right?" I nodded eagerly. "You're literally the best. Oh my God." Wilmer laughed, "Hey, I want to do things right for now on. I'm going to be the best boyfriend for you." I smiled, "That's good to hear." Then, he turned on the radio and the song 'Tonight Tonight' Came on, I turned it way up and we both belted out the words to it the entire way to the restaurant.


Time lapse of Demi and Wilmer's date. _______________________________________________________________________________

    I giggled as Wilmer walked me to the door, we were trying to be quiet as it was 1:00 AM. Wilmer kept grabbing my hips and pulling me back to his lips. When we finally made it to the front door, which took about 10 minutes, her pulled me around and kissed me passionately. I kissed back and he pushed me against the door. He slipped his tongue in and I bit his lip before pulling away. "Goodnight." I said sexily. "Adios mi princessa." Wilmer said, and walked back to his car. 

    I quietly tip-toed into the house. but failed by knocking over a chair.. or two. When I finally made it to the bathroom I washed my makeup off and changed into pajamas. Then I turned to see my bed already occupied by Mac. Guilt washed through me when I saw the tear tracks down her face. She was cuddling with her stuffed bunny and a pillow turned sideways. I climbed in next to her and moved the pillow. Mac whimpered and grabbed onto my shirt, pulling me in tighter. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead. I had forgotten to be back to tuck her in,  how could I be so stupid? 

Happy new year guys!!! I love you all and hope you had a great 2013<333


p.s; 50,000 reads?!?!?!?!? AHHH!

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