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     Demi's POV  

    Me and Mac woke up to my phone ringing loudly. Mac groaned and shoved a pillow over her head. Not bothering to check the caller iD, I answered in an annoyed voice. "Hello?" The voice on the other line chuckled. "Nice to talk to you too hermosa." I nearly dropped the phone as I sat up. "Wilmer?" Again, he laughed. "Yeah! Hey Dems, you kinda ran away yesterday and I was just wondering if you're okay." He said kindly. "Oh yeah, i'm fine. I was just uhm, my daughter needed me." I said. "Yeah it's no problem I get it. But uhm, I have a surprise for you." Wilmer said mysteriously. "Oh really? What kind of surprise?" I laughed, "Walk outside your door and you'll find out, Adios mi princessa." He said, and hung up. Now i'm confused. 

       Mac rolled over and looked at me, then she giggled. "Whaaat now?" I said pretending to be annoyed. "Momma, you look funny." Mac said through her giggles. I looked in the mirror across form my bed. There were lines from my pillows across my face, my ombrè hair was sticking up weirdly, and I was in a huge t-shirt. I turned back to Mac, "I look weird? You sure about that?" Mac nodded and giggled again. "You better run." I smiled evilly at Mac. "Nooooo!" She shrieked and slid off of the bed. Then ran as fast as her wobbly legs could carry her. I jogged after her. "I'm gonna get youuu!" I taunted. "Nooo!" She started laughing and walked down the stairs clumsily. I ran after Mac, picked her up, lifted her over my head and ran down the stairs. "III GOTCHHAAAA." I yelled, throwing her lightly down on the couch. "MOMMMAAA. NOOO!" Mac shrieked as I began to tickled her. "It's tooo late babygirl! Once I have you, you're never get awaay!" I continued to laugh hysterically together for another couple of minutes, before we both ran out of breath and just laid there, her on top of me, panting. 

         Suddenly, Mac's stomach growled. "You hungry babe?" Mac nodded. "Starbucks, cereal or Diner?" I asked her. Mac's face lit up. "McDonalds!" She said happily. I looked at her, "I don't remember that being one of the choices." I wiggled three fingers. "Pwweeeaaseee Mommmaaa?" Mac whined, giving me a puppy dog look that was so cute, She could have convinced me to do anything in the world. "Finneeee." I groaned. Mac clapped her hands, "Yayy!" Why don't you go get dressed, I said. Mac pouted, "No dressed! I wanna go in my pajamas!" I sighed. "Fine, but i'm getting dressed." I said, getting up. "Nooo Noo NO!" She squealed, "I wanna go together in pajamas." Again, I gave in. "Finee." Mac started jumping on the couch, "Okay phsyco, let's go to McDonalds." I picked her up and opened the front door only to be greeted by a drycleaner's bag, a tiffany's bag, and a Louboutin shoe box with a note attached to it. 

      Hola Hermosa, 

I hope you like the dress, be ready at 6:30 for 7:00 reservations. 

  I love you, 


     Holy shit, all this stuff must cost an insane amount of money. I opened the Tiffany's bag. There was a diamond necklace, a diamond bracelet, and a pair of diamond earrings. "Holy shit." I said outloud, Mac giggled, "Momma who gave this to you?" I shook my head in awe, "A very special friend. Who I love very much." Mac pouted, "More than you love me Momma?" I smiled, and shook my head. "I don't love anyone more than you." Mac smiled and took the necklace. The facets made a rainbow of color where the light hit it, "Pretty." She murmured. I smiled, and set her down so I could look at the dress. It was black, medium length, and beautiful. The shoes were about 6", exactly how I like them. I pulled out my phone to text Wilmer.

TO: Wilmer<3

You're amazing. 

       He really is. Wilmer knows everything about me, how to make me feel beautiful, and loved. But also how to make me laugh. He knows more about me than I do. I picked up all of the stuff and put inside the house. "Let's go get McDonalds baby." I picked Mac up and strapped her into the booster seat, which took awhile, I made a mental note to call the manufacturer and order a new model. This one is most definitely Demi-Proof.

      "Drive-through or eat there?" I asked Mac once we had gotten to the parking lot of McDonalds. "Eat here! I wanna play on the playground!" Mac yelled. I winced, I've forgotten how loud kids are. "No problem baby." I pulled into a parking spot up front, narrowly missing a Jeep Wrangler. "Shit." I muttered, as I turned the wheel sharply. Mac jerked to the side, "Mommmaaa." She complained. "Sorry! Sorry!" I said and finally got into the parking spot without killing anyone. 


       "Hey babe?"  I said to Mac over the table, she look up from her hashbrowns. "I was wondering if you'd like to meet someone who's very special to me."  She nodded. "Okay Momma." I frowned, "That's it? Usually I gotta drag your butt to meet someone." Mac shrugged, "It's special to you, so i'll do it." I smiled, "Thanks babygirl." Mac smiled, "So who is it?" She said, I hesitated. "It's.. a guy, who's special to me, very special." Mac nodded, "So what's his name?" "Wilmer." Mac just nodded and continued to eat. Suddenly, I had an idea. "Mac? Do you think i'd look good as a red head?" 

Okay! I know this is a reaaaally shitty chapter and II made you guys wait awhile, but i'm going to do Wilmer and Demi's date and other stuff in the next chapter! Love you guys! and 45k?! Ahhh! 


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