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   Demi's POV 

     When I woke up in the morning Mac was wrapped around me, her head against my chest. She looked so fucking cute when she was sleeping. I shuffled, trying not to wake her up but her eyes shot open and she wiggled away to give me room but i pulled her back to me. "Hey kiddo, you hungry?" Mac nodded and I laughed. "Is Captain Crunch okay?" I hope so, it's the only cereal I had. Mac nodded. "Well let's go!" I picked her up and brought her to the kitchen. 

       Sitting her on the table, I got out the bowls, spoons, milk and cereal. "Don't fall." I warned. A trip to the emergency room was NOT on the schedule. Mac nodded. We ate in silence. I didn't want to push the not talking thing. I understood, but I hoped that one day she would open up to me. "Mac?" She looked up at me. I still couldn't get over how perfect she was. The thought of anyone harming her literally made me want to kill her father. I wonder if i could arrange that... kidding! "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall today. You definitely need some more clothes." She nodded. "Great! So we'll leave here as soon as were but I have to be back by five because I have a phone interview." I put our bowls in the sink, I'd wash them later... probably. "Like I said last night there will be men with cameras yelling things and flashing lights. But I won't let them near you.. okay?" She just looked at me. I could tell she was scared. Then she nodded slowly. I picked her up, and we went upstairs to get ready for the day. 


       Mac and I were waiting for Max and the other three security guards that I had hired for Mac's protection when the doorbell rang. I walked over and looked through the keyhole. there was Max, an extremely large black guy and another white guy. Also extremely large. If I were the paparazzi. I'd be running for the hills. 

           "Hey Max." I said opening the door, "Demi, this is Jason," He gestured to the big black one. "He will be Mac's primary guard when you're not around... And this is Brad. He is just for added measure considering Mac hasn't been seen by the public before." I nodded, "Mac's in her room, and I don't know how she is with strangers. But i'll bring her out. "That's fine." Jason said in a very official tone. Brad just stood there. He gave me the creeps. I motioned for Max to follow me. Once we had gotten to the hallway and out of earshot I turned around. "Get rid of Brad. He gives me a bad vibe." Max rolled his eyes. "Didn't I give you a bad vibe too?" "That's different I was sixteen. But i'm serious I don't want him around my her." Max nodded. "What ever you say." We walked into Mac's room. She looked up brightly when she saw me, then her eyes shifted to Max behind me and she shrunk back into the wall. "Hey baby, I have someone here for you to meet. His name is Max and he protects me form everyone. You're safe with him." Mac nodded and stepped foward. He knelt down. "Hey princess, My name is Max. It's kind of like yours, isn't that neat?" I smiled. He's so good with kids. Always knowing how to make them laugh. Mac just stood there waiting. "I've got someone else for you to meet. His name is Jason and he wants to protect you. If Jason is around no one can ever hurt you. He's like a second Demi. Is that okay with you?" Max said to Mac. She nodded again. "They're out in the living room, Shall we go?" Max said lifting Mac into his arms.

     As we walked out into the living room Mac immediately reached for me when she saw the two men. Jason stepped foward but Brad took one look at Mac and mumbled something about the car and walked out. Weird. "Hi Mackenzie. I'm Jason." He offered out his huge hand for mac to shake with her tiny one. I giggled a little bit and Jason smiled. "I want you to know I will do everything in my power to protect your daughter."  I was a bit taken back with that word. I hadn't realized it until now that Mac is actually my daughter. I just nodded. "Where's Brad?" I said suddenly aware of his prolonged absence. "I don't really know.. I thought we just went to confirm something with the driver." Max's expression was suspicious. "I'll call him, I'm sure with was a misunderstanding." Jason said. Pulling out his phone. Listening for a couple seconds, then he put his phone down, "That's funny. It said the number is no longer in service." Max looked at me then at Mac. "Demi can I talk to you for one second? Jason, why don't you bring Mac to the car and strap her in." Max suggested. Jason nodded and walked out the door with Mac.

     "Demi, I think something about Mac triggered Brad. He was fine halfway here and then when I said Mackenzie likes to be called Mac he jerked his head up and looked really weird. I don't know why or how. But he knows Mac. And they aren't good memories." Mac said. I nodded. "If you see him again, follow him, I want to know everything about him." Max nodded then opened the door. "Shall we?" 


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