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Demi's POV 

           I woke to the shrill sound of my phone ringing. I groaned and rolled over in my bed, suddenly ti disappeared under me and I fell to the floor with a loud thump. "Oh fuck." I muttered, rubbing my back. I looked around, why the hell am I in the living room? Last night's events came flooding back to me and I realized that I had fallen off of the couch, not the bed. I grabbed my phone and answered it grumpily, "Hello." "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" A voice shouted through the phone, I wrenched it away from my ear as it blared in my ear. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked, pinching the bridge of my nose, trying to remember where I'm supposed to be. "You need to be at JJ's studio! You have an interview in half an hour!" My mom, (who I figured out was at the end of the line) scolded, "Shit." I muttered, "I'll be right there." "Oh and Demi?" Her voice was kinder, almost... happy. "Yeah?" I said, narrowing my eyes. "Unbroken peaked at #1 Last night." I screamed in excitement then groaned as something hit my stomach. My scream had scared Mac and she too, fell off the bed, only onto me, not the floor. "Mamaaa." She complained, holding her head. I kissed her hair, "Sorry babygirl, mommy's just really excited right now!" She nodded, and climbed back onto the couch, pulling a blanket over her head. "Hello? Demi!" My mom said, I snapped out of it. "Yeah, I'll be there in twenty." She hung up and I ran to the bathroom. My curls from yesterday were still in place so I just ran my fingers through them and did my makeup. I slid on a ton of jewelry, and dressed. Then I grabbed my keys and my purse and ran out the door. I had gone five steps before turning right around and sprinting inside. "Shit." I gasped aloud as I pressed the passcode and ran into the living room. I picked up Mac and once again, ran outside. Locking and arming the house as I went. 


         "Look who is in the studio Miss Demi Lovato!" JJ said into the Microphone. I smiled, "Hello!" "Welcome!" I giggled, "Hi!" "As we tape this right now at Z100 we are one day after the release of your new album." He said seriously, "Yes we are." I mimicked his tone. "You gotta be feeling amazing right now knowing that thing just peaked on iTunes, like instantly" I nodded, "It did! It's great. I have the best fans in the world." "Yeah you do! Seriously, I see them all on twitter." JJ shook his head in amazement, "Never has anybody had a fan support system like yours." I smiled, "Exactly!" "Okay so unbroken is out, it blew up on iTunes, I mean did you think that was gonna happen?" I shook my head, "I was just stoked that it was in the top ten, then all of a sudden it peaked up to number one and I was like 'Oh my Gosh! Like I have the best fans ever!" My smile was huge now, as I thought of my fans. "And yesterday who's giving you the updates?" I looked up sheepishly, "My mom." JJ started laughing, "I love that! I mean I appreciate your label peeps, they're here right now, but it's always great when it comes from the family, that's when it's special." I nodded, "Defiantly, I love my family." I took a sip of my coffee that JJ had made for me, it was so good. "Now the lead singer skyscraper. When that song came out it instantly clicked, everybody just latched onto that song, and had nothing but great things to say about it, because it means the world to so many people, and to you, and celebrities! I couldn't believe all of these people that came out of the woodwork on twitter. Now some of these people, get PAID to advertise like different brands or products, but just the things that some of these people said, I've got some quotes here. Uhh, Christina Perri, wrote, 'Aww how amazing is @ddlovato's new album unbroken her voice is perfection, do you have it yet??' and then, Kim kardashian wrote, 'My little sis Demi Lovato's album comes out today, I just got unbroken, go out and get it, it's so good.So proud of you Dem, xoxo'" I smiled, Kim had always been a good friend of mine, "Yeah!" "So were you like 'Aww thank you!' When you saw that?" I nodded, "Yeah they've been SO sweet to me. Kim is like, my big sister, so I love her to death, she's so sweet, she just posted it and I was like, 'Awww she's so cute." JJ nodded, "And then you got a tweet from the one and only Kelly clarkson! I know you're a big big fan of hers, She said, 'Demi Lovato's new album is so rad. That voice?? Mmm, besides, her new daughter is the cutest thing on EARTH.' What did you think about that?" I shook my head, "Honestly, I screamed when I saw that. I'm SUCH a fangirl when it comes to her, I mean that just like- Oh my gosh I can't even explain it." JJ smiled then looked at a paper, "So you do have a new daughter! What's her nameee?" I smiled, "Mac, she's five. Actually she's back there!" I pointed to the glass behind the booth. "No. Way. Oh my God can we bring her out?" I smiled, "Uhmm, I'll see." I got up, took the headphones off and ran back to where Mac was sitting, still in her pajamas. "Babygirl? Do you want to come say hi to JJ?" Mac smiled, and nodded. I picked her up and brought her to the booth. "Hi Mac!" JJ said, once we got headphones on her and she sat on ym lap. "Hi." She said shyly, JJ put his hand over his heart, "Oh my God she is SO cute." I smiled, "Yeah she's amazing, I love her so much." I kissed Mac's cheek. "Mamaaa." She complained, and wiped it off. "Sticky." She wrinkled her nose and I laughed, "Sorry! Lipgloss." 

            The rest of the interview went on smoothly, JJ asked Mac silly questions and Made her laugh, he was really good with kids..... And making Milky Way coffee.. Anyways, We said our goodbyes, then lef the studio into an escalade. I turned to Natalie, my assistant, "What's next?" She smiled and rolled her eyes, "You have a performance on Amercia's got talent. Have you eaten?" I shook me head, "No I rushed out of bed because I slept in, we can get something from starbucks?" Nat looked at me weirdly, "Didn't you just have like five cups at JJ's?" I grinned. "Exactly." 

Okay kind of sucks? But i promised you guys another update soo here you go! Love y'all! 

Can we get to 300k?!? :OOO 

-Rachel (: 


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