Take me to my daughter.

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Marissa's POV

   I can't believe her. Demi said she'd be home at 11:30. It's now 1:15. Mac went to bed hours ago. She waited as long as she could, but around 12 she knocked out. I don't blame her, the kid just misses her mom. I want to confront her about Wilmer and how she's neglecting Mac, but I have to actually see her first. It's been weeks, all I get is a phone call every now and then begging me to watch Mac for the night. I agree everytime of course, but i'm getting worried. When I walked into the house, I found Mac sitting in her room, with her bags packed, crying her eyes out and mumbling that she doesn't want to go back. It was truly heartbreaking. I had carried Mac back to her room and she had begged me to stay with her. I couldn't say no. As I sat here, with my arms wrapped around Mac, my anger towards Demi was growing more and more with each passing hour. As much as I love Mac, this isn't my job, it's Demi's. We were trying so hard to keep this out of the public eye but people we starting to notice that Demi didn't take Mac out anymore. I could feel myself drifting off and kissed Mac's forehead before I finally nodded off. 


     I woke up to my phone ringing loudly. I moaned and rolled over to answer it. "Hello?" I said grumpily. "Marissa? C-Can you come pick me up?" I sat up in bed, Mac rolled away from me. It was Demi. I walked out of the room, and once I got out of earshot I yelled into the phone, "Demetria Lovato you are fucking dead when I get to you. Where are you?" Demi's voice sounded hoarse and tiny when she spoke again, "W-Wilmer's apartment." I hung up on her and went to the security room, Max and Jason sat in there watching the monitors like usual. "Hey Jason? I'm going out for a bit, do you think you could watch Mac for a little bit?" He nodded so I walked out of the house and into my car. 


        When I pulled up to Wilmer's apartment complex Demi was sitting out on the steps with her head in her hands, that's weird. I beeped the horn once, refusing to show sympathy. Demi walked over and got in, "Where to?" I said shortly. Demi sniffled, "To Mac." I sped out of the parking lot and to downtown LA.  I drove up the mountain and into a parking lot. I put the car in park and turned to Demi. "Start talking." I demanded. Demi sniffed and took a deep breath. 


    Demi's POV 

"Me. Or Mac." I froze, "What?" 

     "You heard me." Wilmer's face was cold and hard. Nothing like the man I love. "How.. Why would you even ask me that?" I choked out. Wilmer just looked at me. "Because I thought you would've known the answer. Wouldn't you have realized that it's always been Mac? Over anyone or anything? She's my fucking daughter Wilmer. She's my number one priority. I would give my life for her. Being with you is hurting my relationship with her. We're done." Wilmer looked stunned. I walked over towards the door. Then paused, i turned and walked back to Wilmer across the room. His eyes met mine, I raised my hadn and slapped him across the face as hard as I could. The sound echoed across the room. "That was for Mac." I spat, turning on my heel and walking out of the room. I made it about five steps before I burst into tears. 

        I sat in the enclosed stairway and called the only person I could, Marissa. When she answered the phone I could tell I woke her up, "Marissa? Can you come pick me up?" I stuttered out, there was a snuffling at the end of the line then she answered, "DEMETRIA LOVATO YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD WHEN I GET TO YOU. Now where are you?" There was no sympathy in her voice, and I didn't expect any. "Wilmer's apartment." I said in a small voice. The line went dead, but I knew she was coming. I walked out and sat on the steps, not even caring about paps at this point. I began to sob into my hands, all I want is to hug and kiss Mac and to tell her how sorry I am for basically abandoning her. 

       Soon, a car pulled up and beeped once. I'm dead. I got up and warily got in the car. Marissa's face showed no emotion, "Where to?" She asked. I didn't hesitate, "To Mac." She hit the gas and sped onto the highway, the opposite direction of my house, I didn't question it. 

      Marissa pulled into an empty parking lot where you come and look at the views of LA. She put the car in park and turned towards me, "Start talking." I didn' want to talk yet, "How's Mac?" Wrong answer. 

      "How's Mac? You realize how fucking bad that sounds? You're asking me. You're bestfriend. How your own daughter is. You wanna know how she is? I'll tell you. She hasn't spoken in weeks. She cries herself to sleep every single night, but you would't know that because you're always coming home at midnight and later. I walked into her room today, and you wanna know what I saw? SUITCASES Demi. Fucking suitcases. She thinks you're sending her back. Did you know Mac talks in her sleep? Yeah. She mutters, "No please, not Demi." There's not a day that goes by where she doesn't wake up screaming for you, but you know what? You're not there. It's either Me, or Maddie or Dallas or Jason. You thought you were ready for this? You're not. But now, it doesn't matter if you're ready or not. Because I don't care how hard it gets. Even if you have to stop recording I will not let you abandon Mac so help me God. That kid loves you to the moon and back, it's time to make the feelings mutual." Marissa finished her rant and my lower lip started quivering, her expression softened, then hardened again. "What happened at Wilmer's." She said flatly. "W-We, Bro-" I cut off and squinted my eyes, trying to keep my anxiety in check and my breathing regular. I began to hyperventilate I grabbed my head in my hands and focused, but my head began to spin. Marissa put her arms around me, "Demi focus. Match your breathing with mine. In and Out." With her help, I had calmed down, but was still sobbing. Marissa pulled away. "Demi I need you to calm down and tell me what happened." I nodded and took a couple more deep breaths. "He gave me a choice other Mac or him, I picked Mac... and then I slapped him." Marissa nodded, "Anything else you wanna tell me?" I shook my head. "Not even why you reek like vodka?" I sighed, "Well he sort of.. got me drunk to have sex with me." Marissa's head snapped up. "I'm going to FUCKING KILL him." She yelled, I stopped her, "Can I please see Mac now?" Marissa sighed and nodded her head. She put the car in gear and we made our way to my house. 

     Suprise Update! I hope you guys liked it! Comment what you think(: don't forget to vote!


p.s 70,000 reads?!?!? Holy crap. Seriously love you ALL. 

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