Ellen, Part 2.

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   Mac's POV  

    I watched Demi's interview from backstage in a chair. I couldn't understand much, but it looked serious. Demi make the crowd clap a lot! Soon, the interview ended and Demi walked backstage. I slid off the chair and ran to her, "Mommy!" Demi picked me up and spun me around, "Hey babygirl!" I giggled and Demi sat down in a chair with me on her lap. "You did great!" I told her. "Thanks! Haha I've done a lot of these interviews. Don't worry though, You'll do fine!" I nodded. Demi always helps me feel better when I'm nervous. Then a guy dressed in all black came up to us and said to Demi, "I need you and Mackenzie to line up together at the sliding wall." Demi nodded and stood up. "Do you wanna walk in or have me carry you?" I thought about it. "Carry me!" She laughed and nodded. "Carrying it is then." We heard the music start and Ellen began to speak into her mic. "Hey everyone! We're back, I just sat here with the lovely and inspirational Demi Lovato, and now welcome her back along with a very special guest, Mackenzie, otherwise known as Mac." Demi's song skyscraper began to play and the wall opened in front of us. There are so many people! I thought as Demi walked out and the audience began to clap. She set me down on the stage and I ran over to Ellen and hugged her. "Hey squirt! How ya doin'?" She said in her funny way of talking. I laughed and said, "Gooood." Demi picked me up again and sat me on her lap sideways so I was facing the camera. 

    Demi's POV

        "Soooo Demi, would you care to explain this little munchkin?" Ellen said. I laughed, "Haha well, she's four years old, but turns five in about a week. She likes to be called Mac, not Mackenzie. Aaaand She's my daughter. I adopted her about three months ago." The girls who had my face on their shirts gasped, then quietly fangirled. I smiled, my fans are so cute. "Realllly? That's interesting, how'd you make such a huge decision to adopt Mac?" Ellen asked. "Well, it came to me during a night when I couldn't sleep. I had just been on the phone with my bestfriend Marissa, and I told her I wanted something to keep me grounded for my recovery. And she jokingly told me to adopt a dog... I couldn't get that conversation out of my head, then at about 3ish in the morning it clicked, I called my manager right then and there and told him I wanted to adopt a little girl." Ellen nodded, "because that's what everyone does when they're bored at three in the morning." The whole audience laughed, "And how did your manager react to you telling him you wanted to adopt." I laughed, "Well I was totally expecting him to go off on a rant about how crazy I was, asking if I was dehydrated, and still sober. But he seemed relatively fine about it. As if he knew this was coming. He said said that him and the rest of my team had known all along that this was coming and that they had come up with an answer a while ago. Which, as you can see by the adorable little girl in lap, was yes." Ellen and the audience laughed, "Well Mac, how is it living with Demi?" 

   Mac's POV  

    "Well Mac, How is it living with Demi?" Ellen said to me. "It's great! She's the best mommy ever." The entire audience went "Awwww." I giggled, which extracted more cooes form the audience. "Alright Alright we get it, she's freaking adorable." Ellen said, faking annoyance. Which made me laugh harder. "But come on Mac, just between you and me, what is one downside to living with Demi.?" I realized this was just like the lunch conversation. "Well she's not very good at waking up. Like, at all." Demi rolled her eyes. "A girl's gotta have her beauty sleep!" She said. The people in the crowd laughed, "So how do you usually wake her up?" Ellen said. "Well, tickling her usually works, or squishing her face together." Another roar of laughter. "And how does Demi here usually react to you tickling her?" "Well it usually ends up with her tickling me back, so not fair." Ellen smiled, then turned to Demi. "And what about  your family and fans? Tell me about some of their reactions Demi." "Well my family absolutely adores Mac. I mean seriously. I think my sisters are planning on kidnapping her." The audience started to laugh again. "And what about your fans? There must be some mixed emotions." "Well, from what I've seen, the reactions have been mostly positive. Uhm, yeah I haven't really seen any negativity. I can see a couple of lovatics up there who i'm dying to meet." Demi laughed as they started to freak out. One girl was wiping her eyes. "No don't cry sweetie!" Which made the girl cry even harder. "Well I think that's all the time we have, it was lovely to meet you Mac, and Demi it's a pleasure as always to see you. Come back anytime!" The crowd stood up and started clapping. Demi took my hand and waved it along with her own, then picked me and walked backstage. 

    That was.. surprisingly easier than I thought. 

 Ahhhhh! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in sosososososo SO long! Everytime I try and update I get a paragraph done and then I leave it and forget and my computer closes safari so I lose everything. Plus school is really stressful. Buuuuutttt I just found out i'm meeting Demi one March 11th! HOLY SHIT! I'm sosososososo excited! AHHH Literally a dream come true. I thought this would never happen in a million years, but it is! For all those who haven't met her, don't give up hope! Love you all! <3


P.S; 21,497 READS!?!?!?! HOLY CRAP I LOVE YOU GUYS! Can we get to 25k?! haha <3

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