The Visit.

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CHAPTER 100 (Holy shit.) 

Demi's POV 

           "Welcome Miss Lovato." A police officer greeted me as I entered the jail. "Hello." I said politely, gripping Mac tighter as he led me through bars and security. Finally, I was brought into the Chief of Police's office and instructed to wait there. "Mommy is this where my daddy is?" I looked around, "I don't think so sweetie, your daddy is really sick." She nodded and kept silent as she looked around. "Good afternoon Miss Lovato, sorry to keep you waiting." I turned to see a large man with kind eyes standing in a cop uniform. "Oh it's fine." He sat behind the desk across from me. "I asked to personally assist you in your visit to Mr.Rivera because you and your daughter's safety is a high priority. I will accompany you to the hospital, and into his room, then a squad car will follow you to the station, then one will be waiting for you at home." I nodded, "That's perfect." I know he meant to reassure me, but the threat of something happening to us after we visited him? That scared the shit out of me. As if sensing my fear, he smiled. "Don't worry Miss Lovato. We have everything under control."


          Mac was shaking in my arms as we walked into the hospital. "This way." The Chief led us into a separate wing that was full of cops He stopped outside a room, "This is it." Mac stopped shaking, "Baby?" I pulled back and saw her face turning red. "Baby you need to breathe." Mac's eyes widened and she grabbed her neck, I leaned my forehead against hers, "Just breathe, focus on my babygirl. Just breathe I promise it's okay." she let out her breath and inhaled quickly, "There you go." the Chief stuck his head out, "Ready?" Mac nodded, and sighed. "Ready." 

              I walked into the hospital room and stopped short, Mac's dad's face was bruised and he was sickly thin. Even weak, when his gaze turned to me his eyes burned with the same hate as always. Mac took a sharp intake of breath as I moved towards the bed and sat down on the chair next to him. "D-Daddy?" He smiled, but it was a grimace. "Hey Mackenzie." I saw her wince at the use of her full name and made a mental note to try to never call her that again. "Are you gonna die?" He sighed, "Yeah I am." Mac's head bowed, "Why? When?" I saw anger flash in his eyes as she questioned him, and pulled her closer to me. At my movement, he glared at me, "Don't you pull her away from me. Mav, come give daddy a hug." She hesitated, "Now!" In an instant, she scrambled off of my lap and hugged him tightly, fear all over her face. After a minute, he leaned down and whispered something in her ear, causing Mac's face to drain of color. I ripped her away from his arms and held her protectively. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!" He roared, straining against the bonds that held him to the bed. "NO RIGHT?! I HAVE EVERY RIGHT. I AM HER MOTHER, AND YOU ARE NOT HER FATHER. A FATHER DOESN'T SCARE HI DAUGHTER SO MUCH THAT SHE'S ALMOST COMPLETELY MUTE. YOU ARE A SORRY EXCUSE FOR A MAN AND WORTH LESS THAN THE SCUM ON THE BOTTOM OF MY SHOE." I snarled, and the bastard started laughing, "Lovato, you don't know what you are getting into," His threats rolled off of my shoulders, "No. You don't know what you are getting into. I love this kid more than anything in the world. I would give my life to protect her. I will do anything in my power to keep her safe, because that is what parents do." He gaped at me, so I turned on my heel and walked out. 

Nick's POV    

            I walked into the hospital to see Demi and Mac in the waiting room. Mac was staring into the distance and Demi had her head in her hands. "Babe?" She looked up and ran over to me, "Oh thank God you're here. Nick it was terrible he's absolutely terrible." Anger grew in me as I picked up Mac. She snapped out of her daze and hugged me tightly, beginning to cry. "Baby what did he say to you?" Mac looked at Demi and she nodded, her expression going hard. "Go one baby, tell dada what he said to you," Mac sighed, "He said that soon we'll be together again.. and that-" She broke off, "What else Mac." I prodded gently, and lifted her chin so her eyes met mine, "He said that he'll see me in hell by the end of the day." Instantly, I was filled with rage and handed Mac to Demi with shaking hands. "I'll be right back." 

           They let me into the bastard's room without hesitation, I think even the cops hate him. "You." I snarled, stalking into the room and getting in his face. "you son of a bitch. You threaten my family? You threaten me. You hurt my daughter I swear to God your death will not be pleasant. I will rip you apart with my bare hands so help me God you will scream and beg for mercy. Just as Mac did when you were beating her." His smug smile dropped and was replaced by feat. "You touch Mac, you die. You touch Demi, you die. It's that simple." With that, I turned around and stalked out of the room. 

              As I walked back into the waiting room Demi stood up, holding Mac who was crying into her shoulder. I gently took her little girl who I now fully thought of as my daughter. She fisted my shirt and wet it with her tears. I pulled Demi into a hug and held them both tightly, trying to hold together my family. 


          we spent another hour or so at the hospital, while the police tried to figure out what Mac's father had told her. Since it wasn't safe yet, we aren't allowed to leave. After multiple complaints from all three of us they finally told us that it wasn't as dangerous as they thought, although to still be cautious. Since Demi and I had taken separate cars to the hospital we had to split. Demi insisted that I take Mac, even though she was crying for Demi. She tucked Mac in the car seat and kissed her forehead, "I love you babygirl, always." Then shut the door and turned to me. I didn't give her time to say anything but leaned in and kissed her passionately. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something seemed very wrong. Like separating is the worst possible thing right now. "Demi come with us." She sighed and shook her head, "No way am I leaving my 100,000 car in the parking garage of an LA hospital." I sighed, "alright, but come right home." Demi nodded and kissed me again with a small smile. "I love you." I smiled down at her with adoration in my eyes, "I love you too baby." 


           As Mac and I were driving home my phone rang. I put on the bluetooth so Mac could hear Demi's voice. "Hey babe, you're on speaker." Demi giggled, "Hiiii Mac." Sh sang, ad Mac's face lit up. "Hi mommy!" I could hear the smile in Demi's voice, "What do you want for dinner baby? You've barely eaten all day." Mac pretended to think, but we both already knew her answer. "McDonald's!" Mac yelled, and Demi laughed, "Okay babygirl, McDonald's it is." She went to say something else, but the line went dead. "Demi?" Mac frowned, "Where'd mommy go?" I shrugged, "Maybe she just lost service." 

Demi's POV 

              I decided to call Nick since I realized Mac hadn't eaten yet and I'm starving. "Hey babe, you're on speaker." I set my phone on bluetooth mode, "Hiii Mac!" she squealed and I couldn't help but smile. "Hi mommy!" I checked the time, "What do you want for dinner? You've barely eaten all day." There was a pause, then as she answered I mouthed the word at the same time as her with a roll of my eyes, "McDonald's!" I laughed, "Alright babygirl, McDonald's it is! Wha-" Suddenly, bright lights blinded me, then it all went dark. 


The End. 


I'm so sorry to do this to you I really am but it had to be done. DON'T KILL ME. 

But good news.... the sequel is up..... RIGHT NOW!  So that kid of makes up for it right? No? Oh well. 

It's called Forgotten-Adopted by Demi Lovato. 

I can't wait for you guys to read it! BUT DONT KILL ME PLEASE BC PLOT TWIST.

Honestly, I've literally had SO much fun writing this fanfic, and I cannot even thank ya'll enough for the AMAZING support each and every one of you have givent o me throughout the whole book. I read every comment and try to reply to as many inboxes as I can. 


Stay Strong. 


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