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Demi's POV 

           I paced backstage nervously, Nick was off in the venue so it was just Mac and I in the room. I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands. I'd told Nick that I was fine, and that I knew I wasn't fat. But right now? I feel like a whale. My nails dug into my wrists from habit. Suddenly, Mac climbed onto my lap and nuzzled her face into my neck, "What's wrong mama?" I sighed, "Momma's just really really nervous baby." She pulled her head away and looked at me with a puzzled expression, "But you're never nervous." I smiled, "Today I am." Mac played with the ends of my long hair, "Want me to go on with you tonight?" I searched her face and smiled, "I'd like that." 


          I stood there, about to start meet and greet, feeling like I'm about to throw up. Hundred of thoughts raced through my head, yelling that I'm going to look fat and gross in every single picture, then my fans will leave me. The first girl into the tent was perfect. Blonde hair and blue eyes, her body was perfect. When she smiled, my self-esteem plummeted to the basement. "H-Hi D-Demi." She said nervously, and walked over. I put on a big smile, "Hi! What's your name?" She flashed her perfect teeth again with a model smile, "Gabby." I nodded and hugged her, "It's nice to meet you Gabby!"  We took a picture and then she walked out. I took a deep breath and turned around, this is going to be one of the longest meet and greets ever.


             We were almost done, one more girl, and my smile was cracking. I turned around and when the next girl walked in, my stomach dropped. she was heartbreakingly thin, and small. I smiled as she walked in, "Hi! What's your name sweetie?" She smiled, "K-Katie." I nodded, "Well I'm Demi." The girl looked up with big eyes, "I just wanted to say thank you. I played 'Skyscraper' all last night after dinner because I didn't think I could get through it, but knowing that I was meeting you today, and that I could tell you that I did it kept me going. And I did it. I kept it down." Tears started to form in my eyes and I pulled her close to me, "I'm so so so SO proud of you." She squeezed my waist tightly and whispered, "I love you." I smiled, "I love you too Katie." Once we'd taken a picture Katie left. I sighed, trying to hold back tears. That girl was so full of hope, and so proud of herself, that she had kept down her Thanksgiving dinner. Yet here I was, stressing about going onstage in front of people who had paid to see me, they loved me no matter what I looked like or what I sounded like. I smiled involuntarily, I can do this.


           I stood onstage in front of the screaming crowd, my heart pumping with adrenaline. "Today.... I felt like shit. I didn't even know if I would be able to get onstage tonight. But during my meet and greet, I met so many of you who told me that I help you get through yesterday. But you know what? You guys actually helped me. Whenever I felt like going back to my old habits yesterday, I thought of you guys. It wasn't easy, but I kept my dinner down. And that's something I'm proud of. But you know what? Even if you didn't keep your dinner down last night, I'm fucking proud of you. Because you're here, and you're alive, and you fought up to this second. So don't give up, because it's an amazing feeling to say that you're strong enough." I paused to let the cheers settle down. "One of the girls I met was named Katie." I looked around and saw her in the fourth row, her mouth hanging wide open. "I'd like to invite her onstage with me to sing the next song." I motioned for security and they lifted her up on the stage. I took her hand and nodded at Mike, my guitarist, who began to play the opening chords for 'Together.' 

Remember love, remember you and me.

Remember everything we shared, on this planet when when we cared. 

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