The talk. x2

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Demi's POV 

"Let's go talk to her." 

         Nick and I walked, hand in hand, into the living room where Mac sat with a slight smirk on her face. I could tell she was trying not to laugh. Which was a good sign.... I think. 

          We sat on the couch amd Nick turned the T.V off. Slowly, Mac's eyes moved from the blank screen to us. Nick nudged me, but I looked up at him with pleading eyes. He was better than me at explaining things. Nick cleared his throat with a roll of his eyes. "Mac, Your mom and I have something to tell you." Mac nodded with an amused look on her face. Nick sighed, "Mac, your mom and I are... dating. Do you know what that means?" Mac's smiled grew and she nodded. Nick went to speak again but I cut him off, "Wait, how do you know what that means?" She shrugged, "Maddie." I gritted my teeth. Of course she heard it from Madison. I could murder that kid, not really, but you know what I mean. Nick's voice interrupted my thoughts. "So are you okay with that?" Mac nodded again and smiled. I looked at Nick, "Alright then!" He smiled, then it turned into a smirk as he looked my me. "I guess we better clean up those sprinkles..." I giggled, and blushed. "That was SO your fault!" Nick smiled, and got up, offering his hand. "Shall we?" 


        Once we got the kitchen clean, which took a while because Nick seemed intent on kissing me every chance he got, (Not that i'm complaining, he's an amazing kisser) We went back into the living room where Mac was once again watching cartoons, sprawled out on the couch like a dog. "How are you comfortable?" I asked her incredulously. Mac just shrugged and continued to be entranced on the T.V. Spongebob was playing, the episode about the pizza or something. Mac had become obsessed with four shows. Dora, Go Diego Go, Spongebob, and Handy Manny. I haven't got the heart to tell her that the star of her favorite T.V show is voiced by the person she hates the most, Wilmer. Before Nick had come along, I was afraid that Wilmer would try and come back. But now, I know that Wilmer knew Nick would kick his ass all over again if he ever came near me, which was comforting. No matter how much I don't want to admit it, I'm scared to get into another relationship. Long distance is going to suck, and be really hard. But with Nick, everything comes so easy I know it's going to work. I don't know how, but I just have a feeling that this relationship is different from all of my others. Nick is worth all of the trials. Now that it's happened, I can't picture us not together. I can't see our friendship going back to the way it was, which scares me, but at the same time excites me. He makes me feel whole. Like everything in the world is in perfect alignment. Seeing Nick with Mac this morning make me realize that this is what I want... Forever. 

           "Demi?" I turned at the mention of my name. Nick was standing next to me with an amused expression, "You were zoning out." I smiled, "Just thinking. I guess I have a lot on my mind." And it was true. So many questions were racing through my head about yesterday I couldn't even think straight. Nick took my hand and lead me to the dining room, pulling out a chair for me and then grabbing one for himself. 

              "What's up?" He asked, once I had sat down. I sighed, "It's nothing. I just..." Nick motioned for me to go on when I hesitated. "How did you know I'd be at the movies yesterday?" Nick sighed, and did the last thing I expected him to do, he blushed. I stared in shock as he turned beat red and scratched the back of his neck, clearly embarrassed at his answer. "I guess I'd have to answer that sooner or later..." He smiled sheepishly. "You hadn't called me in a while, so I went to your house. I ahd this whole speech planned out telling you y feelings for you and pouring my heart out to you so I sat in my car rehearsing it for like an hour, just to make it perfect. Then, once I reached the front door, I saw all of the security and I went back to my car to hide. When I saw you leaving I decided to follow you, hoping that when you got to where ever you were going I could make some grand romantic speech, but you went to the movies. When you got out of the car I could tell you were scared, not because of your face, but because you got the child locks off of Mac's carseat and you can NEVER do that on one try. Something was up, so I decided to wait in my car. I saw some guy run out and you following him, screaming and crying, so I did what my instincts said. I stopped him. I'm sorry if I messed anything up."Nick looked at me, ashamed. 

              I nearly groaned in relief. Guilt washed over me for even thinking for a second that Nick was involved in any of this. I started to laugh, "Oh thank God." I pulled him into a hug, and Nick was confused, "You're not angry?" I shook my head, "Angry because you were worried about me? Absolutely not!" Nick's face showed confusion, realization, then horror. "Holy shit Demi you didn't actually think that I was involved in this, did you?" It was my turn to be ashamed, "I won't deny that it crossed my mind... but I couldn't believe it." Nick nodded, "I'd never do anything to hurt you or Mac. You know that, right?" I touched his cheek, "I know, It was just on my mind, I feel stupid for even thinking that about you." Nick smiled, and leaned in so our faces were only centimeters apart. "And... What do you think of me now?" I bit my lip and giggled, 

"I think you can figure that one out." 

Okay fucking cuteness. This is for those messaging me asking if Nick was involved with Mac's dad. 


Hope you liked it! 

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Love ya'll! 


P.S; Follow me on twitter @Lovatic_Chica 

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